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QUOTE (G&T @ Dec 31, 2010 -> 08:21 AM)
Color me unimpressed but unsurprised by this grouping. Most people's access to different beer will be in a Sam Adams variety pack, and Blue Moon is what it is. So to offer a bit of variety myself, here are some that I recommend as alternates to the beers from the last 5 that should be easy to come by. Some may appear in the top 5, but I doubt it.


Sam Adams Octoberfest - Probably the best to style Sam Adams and may well deserve its place here. For an alternate, try a Spaten instead - a traditional marzen and one of the few permitted to be sold during Octoberfest. Most will find that the Sam Adams version is better (and I might not be able to disagree), but I think the Spaten is the richer brew.


Spaten does make a great Oktoberfest. That is one I have been drinking since college. Have you tried Spaten Optimator? Definitely another favorite of mine, and I am sad it did not make this list.


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I can take or leave 312. Believe me, however, I'm not going to turn one down.


Sunset Wheat is another beer I really like. I tried it for the first time when I was at Texas Roadhouse, and they had stopped carrying Blue Moon and had Sunset Wheat in it's place. Like Blue Moon, it's probably not a "great" beer, but I find it refreshing and very easy to drink. It's a bit sweeter than Blue Moon and maybe lacks a little spice.


Guinness. This is a beer that I have to be in the mood for (by itself anyway), but when I am, nothing tastes much better.

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Looking back at the list, I realized that I have had all of them except for the Allagash. For that, I should be ashamed of myself. I'm a fan of Belgian Whites, and I see this beer often. I'll have to rectify that this weekend.


I'm looking forward to the honorable mentions. I'm hoping to see some lesser known beers pop up.

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The only beers on my list were Allagash White and Hoegaarden. Nothing else made it, I think. I assume it will get more play in the honorable mentions list.


I've had Fat Tire and found it repulsive so I assume I got a bad batch. 312 is decent. My feelings on Guiness are documented.


What I can say about the list is that it is a solid list for any beginning beer drinker. Plus, we avoided Miller and Bud. So I can't complain too much.



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QUOTE (The Gooch @ Dec 31, 2010 -> 01:45 PM)
Spaten does make a great Oktoberfest. That is one I have been drinking since college. Have you tried Spaten Optimator? Definitely another favorite of mine, and I am sad it did not make this list.



Oh yes, and it is awesome. I could go for a glass right now! I think it was on my list...

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QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ Dec 31, 2010 -> 01:32 PM)
Looking back at the list, I realized that I have had all of them except for the Allagash. For that, I should be ashamed of myself. I'm a fan of Belgian Whites, and I see this beer often. I'll have to rectify that this weekend.


I'm looking forward to the honorable mentions. I'm hoping to see some lesser known beers pop up.

Same here, a number of my Top 10 are obscure, but awesome.


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This turned out really, really well.


First and foremost, GREAT JOB to knight and everyone else who helped this out. The wait was most certainly worth it. I am quite happy to not see Miller and Bud on the list, especially Bud Light Lime. :lol: Corono and Red Stripe are the only 2 I was sad to see.


On to the top 5. I like Sunset Wheat a lot, but I just can't have more than a couple. It's just TOO fruity for me. Crack open a bottle and I DARE you to tell me that it isn't Fruity Pebbles.


312 is a fantastic beer. This list, however, has opened me up to other alternative. I'll say now that I like Gumballhead over 312.


I was also happy to see Newcastle up there. That beer has REALLY grown on me the last few months. Love it.


Guinness, I like it, don't love it.


Fat Tire at #1 doesn't surprise me one bit. I know it is EXTREMELY popular around Chicago but I don't think I've ever seen it in any bars or liquor stores in Grand Rapids when I'm at school. I'll definitely have to go pick up a 6-pack of it.


This list has definitely made me want to seek out some beer I haven't tried. I already went out and got some Three Floyd's and will be going to the Brewery soon.


My "to drink" list:


1. Fat Tire

2. Hoegaarden

3. Allagash White

4. Pilsner Urquell

5. Smithwicks


And really, any other beer on this list I haven't tried yet. :lol: Also, whoever said Spaten Oktoberfest: hell to the yes.

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Not a bad beer list all in all. And some great commentary by everyone.


All the Hoegarden accolades are well-deserved, and it is my go to traditional witbier. I'm also quite partial to Blanche Bruxellss (Mannekin Pis outside if the US), but I give Hoegarden the edge because it was Pierre Celis' determination that saved this wonderful style from extinction. To be more correct, Celis resurrected the style when it already had died out.


Ponder this. The SoxTalk top beers list has FOUR witbiers on it, and this is a style that would not exist except for Pierre Celis. That witbier exists now and has become hugely popular is a near-miracle and a great thing for beer lovers.


Regarding favorite Oktoberfest beers, I agree that anyone who enjoys the Sam Adams interpretation should seek out authentic Munich examples as well. I regularly only get three of the Munich Big Six festbiers in Florida — Paulaner, Spaten, and Hacker-Pschorr. I think they are all malty, wonderful autumn beers but I'll give the slight edge to Paulaner. It has been several years since I have had festbiers from either Löwenbräu or Hofbräuhaus, and I have never had anything from Augustinerbräu.


I saw a shout out for Spaten's Optimator Doppelbock. A very good beer, but my hands-down favorite Bavarian doppel is Ayinger Celebrator. Pour that one roughly a couple of ounces at a time to give a dense meringue head and you'll be enjoying a seriously good beer. Tuchor's Bajuvator is also a fine authentic doppel that I haven't had in quite a while.


G+T's suggestion for everyone to give Fuller's ESB a spin is a great one, but I'm a bigger fan still of their London Pride. As a beer equivalent to Sam Adams Boston Lager I don't think either of them is quite there, but Sam is a tough one to find an equivalent for. Domestically, I'd steer people toward Great Lakes Elleiot Ness Vienna Lager for something comparable (or their Dortmund Gold — great beer), but I realize that Great Lakes doesn't have much distribution. Brooklyn Lager or one of the German Dortmund beers (DAB or Dortmunder) are also in the same wheelhouse. You can say want you want about Jim Koch and Boston Beer Co's. attempts to muscle out other craft brewers by virtue of their size, but Sam Adams Lager remains an outstanding beer.


I quite like Fat Tire, but I was surprised it took top spot.


Guinness is my Nirvana. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. . . On Tap, bottled "buldog" Extra, or the bottled stuff with the widget, I adore Guinness. Should have been #1 in a walk in our top beer list, but I'm not complaining.


Happy Hoppy New Year and Happy Beer Drinking to all my SoxTalk Friends.



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I see a lot of my list on the honorable mention list, including some of my top choices. Founders Breakfast Stout is a beer that blew me away. The 8.3% ABV made me a bit nervous, as sometimes the alcohol overpowers the taste of the beer. But this beer is so smooth and easy to drink that it could quickly become dangerous. Imagine walking into an upscale coffee shop and the barista is grinding coffee beans and whipping up a mocha. That's what this beer smells like. And the taste is top notch. Smooth as a glass of milk, and starts sweet like an iced mocha. Finishes appropriately bitter like a shot of espresso. There's just a slight alcohol warming, too. The weighted average on Rate Beer is 4.15/5 based on over 1500 reviews, which is about as high as you'll see. If you like stouts or even dark beers for that matter, find this beer and drink it.

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QUOTE (knightni @ Dec 31, 2010 -> 07:09 PM)
One is for his head, the other...just his drool.

One of those was from me :-)


Hey Knight...any chance you'd be willing to make the full spreadsheet available, such that when I'm at a conference in a month or two and I have my laptop, I can check easily what I need to have?

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 31, 2010 -> 07:42 PM)
One of those was from me :-)


Hey Knight...any chance you'd be willing to make the full spreadsheet available, such that when I'm at a conference in a month or two and I have my laptop, I can check easily what I need to have?

I can give you access to it. It's on Google Docs.



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I went to Kenwood liquors to get the Gumballhead and the Bell's IPA. They were out of the Bell's and didn't have the Gumballhead. Instead I picked up a Flossmoor Station Pullmans Brown which was fantastic, and a Founders Centennial IPA that one of the workers recommended to me (haven't tried it yet). Also found a Spaten Oktoberfest in the back of the fridge which was a treat as well.


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