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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jul 26, 2017 -> 04:15 PM)
I really enjoy your posts, but I don't get the McCain admiration. If it comes down to one vote, his vote in the end, he isn't going to vote for what you want. He isn't going o be a hero to Americans, he will be a hero to the Republican Party and their fake republican leader who has bashed him for being a POW.

In the end he's a soldier and he will fall in line with his party.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 27, 2017 -> 09:06 AM)
Senate GOP plans to throw something together over lunch today and Cornyn is saying it'll be passed tonight. That's how 1/6 of our economy is going to be rewritten and how millions are going to lose access to affordable healthcare.


Unless it's what's already scored from december I don't think they'll be able to do it until tomorrow afternoon.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 27, 2017 -> 09:21 AM)
Unless it's what's already scored from december I don't think they'll be able to do it until tomorrow afternoon.



Cassidy says tomorrow morning


Here's the rate hikes by state under "skinny repeal"




Skinny repeal at this moment:


- Individual mandate

- Partial employer mandate

- PP defunding

- Health center moneyhttps://www.

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So basically the best case scenario we can hope for is that a bunch of people lose their employer funded health insurance and then go buy it through individual market and stabilize the market. That's like a 1 in 10000 scenario.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 27, 2017 -> 11:10 AM)
So basically the best case scenario we can hope for is that a bunch of people lose their employer funded health insurance and then go buy it through individual market and stabilize the market. That's like a 1 in 10000 scenario.


But I don't even think that'll work because you still get the death spiral from healthy, younger people not buying insurance until they need it. If those people leaving employer plans don't currently have illnesses, many won't elect to get individual coverage in a market with surging premiums.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 27, 2017 -> 11:11 AM)
But I don't even think that'll work because you still get the death spiral from healthy, younger people not buying insurance until they need it. If those people leaving employer plans don't currently have illnesses, many won't elect to get individual coverage in a market with surging premiums.


Yes they need to stay on. But they will enjoy their freedom so much that they will definitely stay on.

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OTOH, because this does not touch medicaid, this happens to be better than what is actually going to happen. A horrible bill will come out of committee, and no senator aside from Collins is going to say no when it's that far down the line.


Today is the last chance. All of the talk about HFC...won't matter. They'll go on board. The moderates will roll. It will be a lot easier to fix this if the skinny repeal truly is all that can pass. But many will still get crushed and can hopefully stay healthy during that time.

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I don't understand how the whole conference process works, but the parliamentarian just Byrd'd out Essential Health Benefits repeal. There are a decent number of provisions in the BCRA bill that now require 60 votes unless McConnell decides to blow up the parliamentarian or the legislative filibuster.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 27, 2017 -> 10:43 AM)
I don't understand how the whole conference process works, but the parliamentarian just Byrd'd out Essential Health Benefits repeal. There are a decent number of provisions in the BCRA bill that now require 60 votes unless McConnell decides to blow up the parliamentarian or the legislative filibuster.


There was that (EHB), PP and this....




Defunding Planned Parenthood was only one of the provisions that violate the Senate rules; the parliamentarian also ruled that abortion restrictions on tax credits under the Republican bill could be subject to a point of order on the Senate floor, as could other provisions.


Another key provision cited by the parliamentarian would have imposed a six-month waiting period for those who let their coverage lapse. This measure was meant to replace the individual mandate. Both are designed to prod younger and healthier people to sign up for and maintain coverage since they offset the higher costs of the sick. This type of provision is critical to keeping insurers in the market.

The parliamentarian also said that a provision in the Senate bill that would limit New York's ability to require upstate counties and Long Island to contribute to the state's Medicaid program -- which critics refer to as the "Buffalo Bailout" -- also did not pass muster. This addition was key to garnering the support of several New York Republicans for the House bill.



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McConnell could always dump the parliamentarian or move to get rid of the filibuster.




Burgess Everett @burgessev

At GOP lunch, convo focused on whether they can be assured House won't pass skinny, will conference. Senate doesn't want it to become law.

1:52 PM - Jul 27, 2017

171 171 Retweets 174 174 likes


The GOP Senate is full steam ahead on passing a bill they don't actually want to become law.


MJ Lee @mj_lee

Republican senators are openly warning that the House better not pass the Senate's skinny repeal bill.

2:18 PM - Jul 27, 2017

56 56 Retweets 92 92 likes

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QUOTE (KagakuOtoko @ Jul 27, 2017 -> 11:16 AM)
We can all admit Republicans dropped the ball with this... They had plenty of time to make something greater than OCare and they have collectively shat the bed.

17 years to build a bill

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McCain, Graham, Cassidy and Johnson are having a conference demanding that the House assure them that they won't pass the bill these Senators are going to be passing later today/early tomorrow because it's a terrible bill that will damage the whole health care market.


Did no one point out to these morons that they could talk to the House ahead of time and they don't need to rush into this absurd situation?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 27, 2017 -> 03:35 PM)
McCain, Graham, Cassidy and Johnson are having a conference demanding that the House assure them that they won't pass the bill these Senators are going to be passing later today/early tomorrow because it's a terrible bill that will damage the whole health care market.


Did no one point out to these morons that they could talk to the House ahead of time and they don't need to rush into this absurd situation?


The Senators can also... not pass this bill that they don't want to become law. This is absurd.

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