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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 29, 2012 -> 10:02 AM)
<!--quoteo(post=2635613:date=Jun 28, 2012 -> 05:05 PM:name=Rex Kicka**)-->
QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 28, 2012 -> 05:05 PM)
<!--quotec-->At least 17 people on Twitter decided to escape Obamacare "socialism," they will be moving to Canada. Which has socialized medicine.



This was my favorite tweet of the day:


Because those types of people are really concerned with finding affordable health insurance.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 29, 2012 -> 10:20 AM)
Because those types of people are really concerned with finding affordable health insurance.


the joke is that the threats of "I'm leaving the US!!!" are pretty funny because literally every other wealthy western nation in the world has more of a socialized health care system than we do.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 29, 2012 -> 10:19 AM)
As opposed to his very clear Federalist position?


Maybe it's because I'm not a lawyer, but I still don't understand how he gets around his "not a tax" distinction for AIA but "is a tax" for tax powers. But I'm inclined to believe that the AIA part was just motivated reasoning so that they could rule on this thing and not kick it down the road for a few years.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 29, 2012 -> 10:22 AM)
the joke is that the threats of "I'm leaving the US!!!" are pretty funny because literally every other wealthy western nation in the world has more of a socialized health care system than we do.

Have you really been seeing threats of "I'm leaving" other than some rubes in a chatroom? because it is usually the Democrats that run, like Indiana and Wisconson legislators, when they don't get their way. Or the CBC during the Holder vote.


And 17 idiotic tweets doesnt' count. You can find 17 people to say Ohman didn't suck.

Edited by Alpha Dog
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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jun 29, 2012 -> 01:21 PM)
Have you really been seeing threats of "I'm leaving" other than some rubes in a chatroom? because it is usually the Democrats that run, like Indiana and Wisconson legislators, when they don't get their way. Or the CBC during the Holder vote.


And 17 idiotic tweets doesnt' count. You can find 17 people to say Ohman didn't suck.


Rush Limbaugh in 2010 threatened to move to Costa Rica actually. On the air. Costa Rica also has socialized medicine.


I hate magic so much, I'm moving to Hogwarts!


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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jun 29, 2012 -> 02:30 PM)
Y2hh previously said something the effect of anyone who calls it that is a moron.


I just was adding another to the moron list.


He said he was going to put them on ignore, but I think everyone's had Jindal on ignore since his "volcano monitoring" SOTU response a few years ago.

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Here's a sampling of Congresspeople who complained about having to vote on PPACA with limited time to read the bill, yet managed to fully interpret the Supreme Court's 193 pages of opinion within an hour.




Michelle Bachmann - July 20, 2009

“This is a Congress that is in a hurry … They are on a blitzkrieg path. They have to get everything done yesterday. We can't have time to read bills. … It isn't that Members of Congress are lazy. And it isn't that Members of Congress are too stupid to be able to read these bills. It is the fact that the Democrat leadership in this House is unwilling to allow us to read the bills. … If we have to read over 1,000 pages or 1,100 pages in a bill in 13 hours, we're going to need to have maybe those recordings where they're sped up a little bit so it sounds like Alvin and the Chipmunks reading a bill to us.”

Michelle Bachman - June 28, 2012

She posted her characterization of the court’s opinion 40 minutes after its release. She was giving interviews within the hour and went on CNN within 90 minutes, claiming that the court “rewrote Obamacare in line with its own designs.” A few minutes later she hosted a Tea Party press conference at which she called the court’s ruling “inexplicable … with no foundation in our Constitution for upholding the individual mandate” and asserted that the government now “has power to force every one of you to buy—to force you to purchase whatever product or service government tells you to buy.”

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 29, 2012 -> 03:06 PM)
Here's a sampling of Congresspeople who complained about having to vote on PPACA with limited time to read the bill, yet managed to fully interpret the Supreme Court's 193 pages of opinion within an hour.




Congratulations, you just compared 193 pages to more than 2000.


I get the point you are trying to make, and I agree it's valid...but you picked a pretty terrible example to do it with. ;)

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jun 29, 2012 -> 03:22 PM)
Congratulations, you just compared 193 pages to more than 2000.


I get the point you are trying to make, and I agree it's valid...but you picked a pretty terrible example to do it with. ;)


Not to mention the interpretation of law versus the writing of it.

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How is that a terrible example? Less pages, sure, but still not enough time to read even half of them and form a thoughtful opinion before giving interviews on how terrible it was.


2000 pages/13 hours = 153 pages/hour

193 pages/ .66 hours = 292 pages/hour


plus bill pages have a lot of white space on them e.g.:




so one PPACA page has a let less words than one SCOTUS page.


/pedantic quibble to a pedantic quibble



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I know a young couple whose child was born at 2 pounds and needed some surgery early on. The bill? $997,000.

Conversely I know of a guy who was in Europe traveling and needed some emergency procedure in the hospital. The bill? $0.


Please, tell me about our healthcare system and tell me why what we have is better than Europe? Educate me, please.

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You missed the joke. It is in response to some people saying they were going to leave the country because of this.


Also, Germany has socialized medicine.

The joke. Right. Nobody is really saying they are going to leave the country, just like when Bush won in 2004 and the idle threats never manifested themselves. And I portrayed being owned by the Germans as a bad thing unless you want to enjoy the esteemed company of Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain and soon Italy; which is a fun group of joy brought about by countries giving away handouts when they clearly cannot afford it.


If anything people who want universal healthcare should look into immigrating. The rest of the world already has it! Move there! lol see how easy that was jk i was just pretending to be retarded jokes on u.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 30, 2012 -> 01:23 AM)
I know a young couple whose child was born at 2 pounds and needed some surgery early on. The bill? $997,000.

Conversely I know of a guy who was in Europe traveling and needed some emergency procedure in the hospital. The bill? $0.


Please, tell me about our healthcare system and tell me why what we have is better than Europe? Educate me, please.


Other than being able to read anecdotes, there is no way to have a discussion like this unless you have personal experience in using both for an extended period of time, or even better, working in both and seeing what happens behind the scenes.


Is the US health care system messed up? Yes. Did they take some steps to try to fix it? Somewhat. Now, that said, are these often touted as perfect foreign health care systems actually perfect? No. But to go into specifics would require much more insider knowledge of how these systems work, which I do not have. While I've heard many horror stories about long waits, I've also heard the exact opposite.


Also, one key part many of these foreign system fail to take into account is 95% of the medical technology, drugs, and methods they use were invented here, in the s***ty old USA. Companies aren't keen on spending billions to invent something with no return...well, companies that do not end in .gov, that is. That's not to say some great things haven't come out of their systems, but not nearly in the quantity that's come out of ours.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jun 30, 2012 -> 01:34 AM)
The joke. Right. Nobody is really saying they are going to leave the country, just like when Bush won in 2004 and the idle threats never manifested themselves. And I portrayed being owned by the Germans as a bad thing unless you want to enjoy the esteemed company of Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain and soon Italy; which is a fun group of joy brought about by countries giving away handouts when they clearly cannot afford it.


If anything people who want universal healthcare should look into immigrating. The rest of the world already has it! Move there! lol see how easy that was jk i was just pretending to be retarded jokes on u.

Make some more bad posts about it

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So now that the Supremes declared it a tax to make it pass muster, the Obama camp is telling everyone that will listen that it is NOT a tax. Sorry Obama, if it was a tax to be legal, you can't magically make it NOT a tax because that would look better for you.

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