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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jul 5, 2012 -> 03:32 PM)
Can't they open a private practice? In most circumstances the free market principles of supply and demand effects labor costs.


You can but it's extremely difficult. (1) you don't know what you're doing, (2) even if you think you can figure it out (or if you're ballsy enough to try) findings clients is difficult unless you're well connected and/or get lucky, and (3) if you get into civil litigation it's cost prohibitive because you have to front tens of thousands of dollars.


Law and medicine are two areas where market forces just don't really compute. You don't want to risk your life or a big case by handing it off to just anyone.

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It all depends. Do I think someone right out of law school who had a 711 license could do a municipal division lawsuit, sure why not. Do I think that they could do a medical mal jury, probably not.


Some people dont even get an attorney for many things, so they would probably be better off with a 1L than doing it on their own.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 5, 2012 -> 03:37 PM)
You can but it's extremely difficult. (1) you don't know what you're doing, (2) even if you think you can figure it out (or if you're ballsy enough to try) findings clients is difficult unless you're well connected and/or get lucky, and (3) if you get into civil litigation it's cost prohibitive because you have to front tens of thousands of dollars.


Law and medicine are two areas where market forces just don't really compute. You don't want to risk your life or a big case by handing it off to just anyone.


Part of what you're talking about is known as "information assymetry." It's one reason why 'free-market' solutions for health care are not workable; you can't have a functional market without informed consumers, and medical care requires decades of study to be informed. And, like you said, it applies equally well to law.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 5, 2012 -> 03:37 PM)
Law and medicine are two areas where market forces just don't really compute. You don't want to risk your life or a big case by handing it off to just anyone.


meh, i don't agree that. what you are stating can be said for a lot of professions, like engineering for example.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jul 5, 2012 -> 03:45 PM)
meh, i don't agree that. what you are stating can be said for a lot of professions, like engineering for example.


Engineers are also licensed by the state. Any large-scale project requires drawings to be sealed.

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I am sick of everything having a Democrat-Republican; liberal-conservative spin.

It seems to me the second the courts failed to block the Obamacare law, the opposite side just went crazy. I know it's always been this way, but it seems to be getting worse.


Our country is in a s***load of trouble IMO because we are not willing to let our leader, any leader, f***ing get us out of the mess we are in.

I am a Republican, but I am f***ing SICK of the economic mess, the health care mess, the UNEMPLOYMENT mess.

I don't care if a Libertarian or a Zombie gets us out of this mess. I just want Americans to work together and f***ing REBOUND!


My question to the intelligent people in this thread. Do you agree with me that the bickering is worse than it's ever been and our country is doomed because of a lack of a leader being able to get any consensus on anything? Do you feel we have lost the ability as a country to band together and become the greatest nation in the world again? Or do we only band together when some f***heads attack us on our own soil (9-11).

I'm sick of the partisanship. THIS COUNTRY HAS PROBLEMS and nobody seems to care. They just want their own party served.


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You know what Greg? Kap? One of the great things about this country is that we do disagree. Legitimate, honest people can look at the same situation, same information, same policy proposals, and come to completely different conclusions.


This is not a weakness. This is not selfish. This is why this system works. This is a strength.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 12:10 AM)
It has very little to do with "party" but all about selfish "what's in it for me".

And that is so damn sad.


QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 12:59 AM)
You know what Greg? Kap? One of the great things about this country is that we do disagree. Legitimate, honest people can look at the same situation, same information, same policy proposals, and come to completely different conclusions.


This is not a weakness. This is not selfish. This is why this system works. This is a strength.


I disagree. I do not think the system is working right now. I wish I could find the column that ran on the fourth of July by Pitts or somebody about how our country is not the greatest in the world any more or at least it could be argued we are not the best.

I know liberals and conservatives and politicos have disagreed big-time in the past, but I think it's getting to the point now that the president could have the best idea in the world to save the economy or health care and it'd be fought tooth and nail. I'm sick of it because this country has big-time problems and the only time we come together united is when there's a damn terrorist attack.


I know what article I'm thinking about. It was written by the president of Starbucks, saying this country is in serious serious trouble.

Here it is: Read it at some point




And you know what I expect all of you to say after reading it?

"What does the Starbucks leader know?"

"Their coffee sucks."

"The Starbucks president shouldn't be telling anybody how to run the country."



I'm sick of the partisanship ruining our country.

My god ... let's find some f***ing solutions people!!!

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I really don't care what the President of Starbucks has to say about our political system. Nothing is worse to me than the "somewhere in the middle" pundit class politics worked into an artform by Friedman and epitomized by the failure of "third way" corporatist campaigns like Americans Elect.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 03:39 AM)
I really don't care what the President of Starbucks has to say about our political system. Nothing is worse to me than the "somewhere in the middle" pundit class politics worked into an artform by Friedman and epitomized by the failure of "third way" corporatist campaigns like Americans Elect.


I'm not smart enough to understand what you just wrote.

I would like to take a poll asking people

a.) are you happy with our economy?

b.) are you happy with the employment situation in our country?

c.) Are you happy with health care system in our country?

d.) do you think our country's MIDDLE CLASS will ever have prosperity again? If so when? (to get to the point again where a mom or dad doesn't even have to think twice about buying 4 tickets for 15-20 Sox games a year and wolfing down as much food and drink at the game as possible).

e.) do you think our President has a chance to ever get meaningful policy passed?

f.) do you think partisan politics is a problem right now or the same as it's always been?

g.) are you 100 percent confident your kids will be on solid footing employment wise and have enough money to buy a large house and vacation house and enjoy wonderful lives?

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 6, 2012 -> 10:42 PM)
I'm not smart enough to understand what you just wrote.

I would like to take a poll asking people

a.) are you happy with our economy?

b.) are you happy with the employment situation in our country?

c.) Are you happy with health care system in our country?

d.) do you think our country's MIDDLE CLASS will ever have prosperity again? If so when?

e.) do you think our President has a chance to ever get meaningful policy passed?

f.) do you think partisan politics is a problem right now or the same as it's always been?

If there was one answer everyone agreed upon to fix those problems do you think you'd have to ask all those questions?


Honest people can and will disagree.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 6, 2012 -> 09:42 PM)
I'm not smart enough to understand what you just wrote.

I would like to take a poll asking people

a.) are you happy with our economy?

b.) are you happy with the employment situation in our country?

c.) Are you happy with health care system in our country?

d.) do you think our country's MIDDLE CLASS will ever have prosperity again? If so when? (to get to the point again where a mom or dad doesn't even have to think twice about buying 4 tickets for 15-20 Sox games a year and wolfing down as much food and drink at the game as possible).

e.) do you think our President has a chance to ever get meaningful policy passed?

f.) do you think partisan politics is a problem right now or the same as it's always been?

g.) are you 100 percent confident your kids will be on solid footing employment wise and have enough money to buy a large house and vacation house and enjoy wonderful lives?


No, but I'm quite certain Mr. Schultz does not have the answer. His solution, as is often the case with "wisdom" coming from wealthy corporate executives on our political solutions, means better times for him and his at the expense of the rest of us.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 03:00 AM)
No, but I'm quite certain Mr. Schultz does not have the answer. His solution, as is often the case with "wisdom" coming from wealthy corporate executives on our political solutions, means better times for him and his at the expense of the rest of us.


Q-Did you even read what he wrote? Or just state your opinion? I don't know you but my guess is you don't care what he has to say and didn't even read it.

This land of ours is a mess right now. Are you confident your kids will be able to even live in a house with a picket fence and get to vacation in Wisconsin a few weeks a summer? That they'll be able to go to White Sox games? That you'll be able to afford their tuition to Benet Academy? I'm sick of partisanship. I want SOLUTIONS no matter who comes up with them: Democrats, Repubs, Business People, Donald Trump, Flavor Flav! Give me solutions.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 6, 2012 -> 09:39 PM)
Nothing is worse to me than the "somewhere in the middle" pundit class politics worked into an artform by Friedman and epitomized by the failure of "third way" corporatist campaigns like Americans Elect.



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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 6, 2012 -> 10:39 PM)
Q-Did you even read what he wrote? Or just state your opinion? I don't know you but my guess is you don't care what he has to say and didn't even read it.

This land of ours is a mess right now. Are you confident your kids will be able to even live in a house with a picket fence and get to vacation in Wisconsin a few weeks a summer? That they'll be able to go to White Sox games? That you'll be able to afford their tuition to Benet Academy? I'm sick of partisanship. I want SOLUTIONS no matter who comes up with them: Democrats, Repubs, Business People, Donald Trump, Flavor Flav! Give me solutions.

I've read some of his crap before. It's crap and nothing new.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 6, 2012 -> 11:39 PM)
Q-Did you even read what he wrote? Or just state your opinion? I don't know you but my guess is you don't care what he has to say and didn't even read it.

This land of ours is a mess right now. Are you confident your kids will be able to even live in a house with a picket fence and get to vacation in Wisconsin a few weeks a summer? That they'll be able to go to White Sox games? That you'll be able to afford their tuition to Benet Academy? I'm sick of partisanship. I want SOLUTIONS no matter who comes up with them: Democrats, Repubs, Business People, Donald Trump, Flavor Flav! Give me solutions.

Great concept.


Have you noticed that there is not even an attempt to offer a solution to anything other than "Get free coffee at Starbucks" in that letter you cited?


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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 04:51 PM)
Great concept.


Have you noticed that there is not even an attempt to offer a solution to anything other than "Get free coffee at Starbucks" in that letter you cited?


Yes but he's challenging people to get with it.

I see none of you answer my questions about whether you are confident about your futures or your kids' futures with America on a downward slide economically and no end of our misery apparently in sight.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 02:54 PM)
Yes but he's challenging people to get with it.

I see none of you answer my questions about whether you are confident about your futures or your kids' futures with America on a downward slide economically and no end of our misery apparently in sight.

Yes. The American economy will eventually pull out of this stagnant period. That is the normal end result of economic slowdowns...eventually they turn around as items need to be replaced and as people retire/as things are invented.


Of course, I'd add that we could be out of it already if we'd followed better policies, rather than laying off teachers. Of course, others would...disagree on which policies would be best.


And basing whether or not the economy is effective using your metric of "Whether or not people can afford to got o a baseball game in one city, in one of the most expensive ballparks in the league" is ludicrous.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 01:54 PM)
Yes but he's challenging people to get with it.

I see none of you answer my questions about whether you are confident about your futures or your kids' futures with America on a downward slide economically and no end of our misery apparently in sight.


Get with what? His preferred policies and programs. This and all of the other 'Centrist' pleas for political congeniality are really just pleas to follow that person's policy preferences.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 07:59 PM)
Yes. The American economy will eventually pull out of this stagnant period. That is the normal end result of economic slowdowns...eventually they turn around as items need to be replaced and as people retire/as things are invented.

I sure hope so. This downturn is lasting so long that my fear is companies are learning to make-do with fewer staff and will never re-hire people to the former levels or close to them. That companies will continue to have pay freezes and treat the employees like s*** with the mantra, "At least you have a job," the overriding rallying cry of management to employees. At one of our meetings where pay was frozen for a year, some peon moron had the nerve to say, "At least we all have jobs," out loud, to audible groans. I hope you are correct, but the downturn has lasted so long, it seems like our country's businesses are making do with less and will never re-hire a significant amount of people they laid off.


QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 08:09 PM)
Get with what? His preferred policies and programs. This and all of the other 'Centrist' pleas for political congeniality are really just pleas to follow that person's policy preferences.


I disagree. I think the guy was sincere about telling Americans we can do better.

Your statement also backs up my concern about America today.

You said that all pleas for political congeniality are bulls***. Well, sir, how in the hell is our country EVER going to rebound economically if this is the attitude?? I think we are past the point of ever having a leader who can get anything DONE.

Why? Because the minute a leader comes up with a proposal like health care reform it is BATTERED by the other side.

Americans IMO are now incapable of letting somebody come up with real solutions, cause the opposing side politically considers it a major defeat.

True it has always been this way to a certain extent, but cmon people, who cares if a Democrat or Republican comes up with solutions ... WE NEED SOLUTIONS!!!


But if there's a foreign attack on our soil or some evil leader in some other country doing something stupid ... oh we'll have a consensus there. That's one thing that will bring Americans together. Stopping the evil assholes in other countrys. Well ... fine. But we need to fix problems here.

Can all of you say with CERTAINTY we in 20 years will remain the best country in the world??? The economic leaders of the world?


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 07:45 PM)
But if there's a foreign attack on our soil or some evil leader in some other country doing something stupid ... oh we'll have a consensus there. That's one thing that will bring Americans together. Stopping the evil assholes in other countrys. Well ... fine. But we need to fix problems here.

Of course...what happened the last time that happened? The end result of this wonderful unity wound up being the U.S. marching into Iraq with only dirty hippies bothering to ask questions or say "hey maybe this isn't the best idea"...and it wound up as one of the dumbest, worst decisions this country ever made.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 06:45 PM)
I sure hope so. This downturn is lasting so long that my fear is companies are learning to make-do with fewer staff and will never re-hire people to the former levels or close to them. That companies will continue to have pay freezes and treat the employees like s*** with the mantra, "At least you have a job," the overriding rallying cry of management to employees. At one of our meetings where pay was frozen for a year, some peon moron had the nerve to say, "At least we all have jobs," out loud, to audible groans. I hope you are correct, but the downturn has lasted so long, it seems like our country's businesses are making do with less and will never re-hire a significant amount of people they laid off.


I figure this is a great time to mention how much Starbucks corporate fought against my friend who was working to unionize one of their stores in Chicago.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 06:58 PM)
Of course...what happened the last time that happened? The end result of this wonderful unity wound up being the U.S. marching into Iraq with only dirty hippies bothering to ask questions or say "hey maybe this isn't the best idea"...and it wound up as one of the dumbest, worst decisions this country ever made.

um... i'm pretty sure a lot of non-hippies were against the war in iraq from the very beginning. it NEVER made sense. not just in retrospect.

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