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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 15, 2011 -> 09:41 AM)
I seem to remember forgetting my admin password on an XP machine years ago and finding a Linux boot ROM online that lets you just change your XP password. This may have been a Windows 2kPro machine, though.






I'll have to try that, thanks!

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One of my favorite movie quotes comes from Tommy Boy. Tommy asks, “Does this tie make me look fat?” To which, Richard replies, “No your face makes you look fat.” In the car this morning, in Ireland the radio DJ was discussing how a man was suing a fast food chain because the seats were too small for his bulk. My first thought was, “Huh, they have this issue here in Ireland to!” then the DJ finished by saying the suit was filed in Manhattan against White Castle. This changed my thought to, “Are you f***ing kidding me? Again with this!”


So a self-described "not humongous, but big guy" has to wedge himself in to the seats so he can eat s***ty food and get fatter! He’s been writing letters for 2 years while continuing to eat at White Castle. His issue is comfort at a fast food place, COMFORT. Oh, and that the coupons he got still made him pay for the cheese! The irony and comedy of this is Shakespearean at best. Why don’t we just encourage this insanity by getting pool deck chairs with extra girth support so he can lie about like "Roman Elite" being feed their grapes of crap? If you want to read more here's the link.


My mind is honestly perplexed and full of questions. It’s rare I’m speechless. I’m like a 3 yr. old with so much happening in my brain I can’t talk. At what point do we say NO! No you can’t put coffee in your lap while driving, burn yourself and then win at court because YOU put the HOT coffee there. No you can’t sue a restaurant because you’re too big to fit in the chair. Because then I’ll sue and say the chair is too far away and my shorter arms can’t comfortably be rested on the table to inhale the Lilliputian sized burger!


I’m considered super obese because I’m 200lbs and only 5’8”. When I joke about this people say, "No you're not." I don’t feel that I’m fat but I worry about my health. I have regard for myself. When do we as a country, society, humanity walk away from reckless behavior? When do we say no you can’t eat yourself in to diabetes and then get free/subsidized treatment? When do our actions have consequences? You’ve eaten so much you can’t fit in the chair…lose weight! Walk to White Castle or around the block!


I have a serious issue in America where we accept being larger, fat, obese is a disease. No it’s not in my opinion. Cancer, diabetes, MS, ALS those are diseases. Maybe we need to treat fat people like gamblers or alcoholics. If it is a disease as some may argue then they need to be treated for the choices they make. Fat Bastard said, “I can't stop eating. I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle. Now, if you'll excuse me, there's someone I'd like to get in touch with and forgive... myself.” If this is the case and the argument you want to make, allowing for the freedom to eat yourself to death then you can sit on a large couch and talk it out.


America is a great country, so great we have made excess the norm. But at some point we have to say no. The allowance that we’re all entitled to the world needs to stop. I wonder does this man’s family feel any sense of shame. If my father filed this lawsuit, I would be horrified not only for the embarrassment but because of the disagreement against the lawsuit.


It’s time to stop passing responsibility and taking some of our own. White Castle if it loses should only be forced to pay for his gym membership, while still holding the cheese!


Joe Campagna is the Chicago Food Snob. A former restaurant General Manager, Server and Chef you can find him on twitter @chifoodsnob. You can reach him through email at chicagofoodsnob@hotmail.com. Joe is retained as a compensated blogger by Pei Wei Asian Diner and also contributes to Eater Chicago.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 15, 2011 -> 09:41 AM)
I seem to remember forgetting my admin password on an XP machine years ago and finding a Linux boot ROM online that lets you just change your XP password. This may have been a Windows 2kPro machine, though.






The program seemed promising, as I first installed it on my computer to check it out. The problem is that I can't install a program on my parents' computer because I need be "logged on as an administrator to install the program".


So, I'm back to where I started.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 15, 2011 -> 10:43 AM)

I’m considered super obese because I’m 200lbs and only 5’8”. When I joke about this people say, "No you're not." I don’t feel that I’m fat but I worry about my health. I have regard for myself.


If you don't feel fat at 200 lbs at only 5'8", then you clearly have no regard for yourself. You are fat, and you should get in shape and stop making fun of other fat people, guy.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Sep 15, 2011 -> 10:49 AM)
The program seemed promising, as I first installed it on my computer to check it out. The problem is that I can't install a program on my parents' computer because I need be "logged on as an administrator to install the program".


So, I'm back to where I started.


I think there's something on that page about making a Linux boot disc. You'd boot to Linux from your CD-ROM instead of loading Windows. Then you run this simple program, choose a new password and you're in. I don't know the first thing about Linux but I remember this being really quick and simple.


If that page doesn't have it just google around some more, "linux boot disk windows password" is one of google's predicted searches as you're typing so it should be pretty easy to find.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 15, 2011 -> 11:21 AM)
I think there's something on that page about making a Linux boot disc. You'd boot to Linux from your CD-ROM instead of loading Windows. Then you run this simple program, choose a new password and you're in. I don't know the first thing about Linux but I remember this being really quick and simple.


If that page doesn't have it just google around some more, "linux boot disk windows password" is one of google's predicted searches as you're typing so it should be pretty easy to find.


Then I'd have to get a floppy disc, and I haven't seen one of those since high school. I think I'm just going to tell them to wipe the computer anyway. There's nothing but garbage on there anyhow.

Edited by Milkman delivers
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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 15, 2011 -> 01:33 PM)
No you can do it via CD or DVD.


alternatively just tell them to get an external HDD so that they can backup any important files (pictures?) then wipe.


If I use a CD, won't I still have to install the program to run it? It won't let me install anything because I'm not the administrator.

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QUOTE (knightni @ Sep 15, 2011 -> 02:57 PM)
Buy a refurbished computer on eBay. I got a real good one for under $200.00.


It's not for me. I won't put a red cent towards it, as those people do not even attempt to care for their computers. It'll get destroyed pretty quickly. I've tried dozens of times to teach them very simple things to keep the computer running well, and what not to download, which emails not to open, etc. They don't listen. And they won't put any money towards a new computer until this one is completely dead, and there will be a gap of a few months to a couple of years before they get another.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Sep 15, 2011 -> 03:22 PM)
It's not for me. I won't put a red cent towards it, as those people do not even attempt to care for their computers. It'll get destroyed pretty quickly. I've tried dozens of times to teach them very simple things to keep the computer running well, and what not to download, which emails not to open, etc. They don't listen. And they won't put any money towards a new computer until this one is completely dead, and there will be a gap of a few months to a couple of years before they get another.

Whenever I visit my parents or my wife's mother I take a few moments to open s***ty Internet Explorer, see how many awful toolbars have been downloaded/activated, and then head over to control panel or add-ons and get rid of them.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Sep 15, 2011 -> 03:23 PM)
Whenever I visit my parents or my wife's mother I take a few moments to open s***ty Internet Explorer, see how many awful toolbars have been downloaded/activated, and then head over to control panel or add-ons and get rid of them.


I try to do the same, but I can't even remove programs because I can't access the administrator log-in.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Sep 15, 2011 -> 03:57 PM)
Someone needs to slap your brother.


Completely agreed. My parents became progressively less and less strict with their kids (I'm sure that's normal). I was the first, he's the fifth. They expect and ask virtually nothing of him. He just slides through life with no obligations whatsoever. It makes me angry. When I used to live there, I wanted to physically keep him in line, but apparently they didn't want me to do that either :lolhitting

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Sep 15, 2011 -> 11:07 AM)
I’m considered super obese because I’m 200lbs and only 5’8”. When I joke about this people say, "No you're not." I don’t feel that I’m fat but I worry about my health. I have regard for myself.


If you don't feel fat at 200 lbs at only 5'8", then you clearly have no regard for yourself. You are fat, and you should get in shape and stop making fun of other fat people, guy.

Seriously, at 5'11" 185 I feel fat. I don't know how that guy sees that picture of himself and can say he's not fat.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 15, 2011 -> 10:43 AM)


My biggest issue with this is the McDonald's case reference. The plaintiff was a 79 year old grandmother who spilled coffee on her groin and had third degree burns. She initially filed suit for only $20,000 to cover medical costs, loss of income, etc. (ie no punitive damages). McDonald's offered $800!


Yeah, you can debate all you want that she shouldn't be able to sue for spilling coffee on herself. But the fact of the matter is, she was a 79 year old grandmother who got 3rd degree burns on over 6% of her body. Is that really the case you want to pursue, McDonald's? Really? They should have settled for what she initially asked for, and it would have went away and no one would have heard about it.



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