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QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Feb 11, 2011 -> 06:43 PM)
Agreed. Some of the football scenes were well down but others were just absolutely horrible. And way too many games came down to a final play, that just doesn't happen often in football.


Yep, any smart betting man would have just bet on the game being within 6 points, and they would have won a lot of money. I watched the pilot, and I remember almost not watching the second episode because of how awful the football scenes were. Thankfully, I sucked it up and watched the 2nd episode. And yes, Riggins leaving shoes on the field was a fantastic moment.

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QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Feb 11, 2011 -> 12:11 PM)
They also seem to love gay actors that play straight characters...NPH, Cynthia Nixon, TR Knight...at least those are the gay actors we know are gay.

Will from Will and Grace wasn't flamboyant, but the Jack character was. The doc on Grey's Anatomy is gay..she isn't flamboyant...I think there was another doc that was gay and not flamboyant, but she's off the show. I don't know the more you dig, I don't see that as the case. Flamboyant is funny though...I don't think it's insulting, but maybe Rex speak better to it. The chick from Flashforward was a non flamboyant bad ass FBI agent. :)


As was already mentioned, Cam is incredibly flamboyant and so was Jack. I'm pretty sure they both won awards. Every single character in Milk was extremely effeminate. I've seen videos of Harvey Milk, and he didn't seem quite as (I guess) expressive in his motions as Sean Penn played him. PSH in Capote was also very effeminate, but these last two were based on real people, so who knows.

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I just watched the finale of Friday Night Lights, which has been my favorite show on TV since I caught up on seasons 1 and 2 on DVD after hearing some of the buzz. I thought the finale was excellent. The writers continued their trend of keeping the story lines believable and potent.


The game scene in this episode was probably my favorite of the series. No cheesy announcer or coach-QB dialogue running us through the play by play all game except for one sentence at the end of and a nice montage leading up to the final play, which of course was going to decide the game.. I'd have it no other way, really.


My girlfriend just started season 1 after hearing me blab about it and she's hooked.. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna jump in and go through the whole thing again.


QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Feb 11, 2011 -> 11:43 AM)
Agreed. Some of the football scenes were well down but others were just absolutely horrible. And way too many games came down to a final play, that just doesn't happen often in football.


I just read through the thread and have to say that I agree with this completely, but I got over it pretty quickly once I realized that the show isn't really about football at all.

Edited by ChrisLikesBaseball
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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Feb 11, 2011 -> 02:18 PM)
As was already mentioned, Cam is incredibly flamboyant and so was Jack. I'm pretty sure they both won awards. Every single character in Milk was extremely effeminate. I've seen videos of Harvey Milk, and he didn't seem quite as (I guess) expressive in his motions as Sean Penn played him. PSH in Capote was also very effeminate, but these last two were based on real people, so who knows.


Murder by death...is capote's only real role and it just so happens to be a pretty damn good film. This is a gag a minute type of film, and amusement should be found by most that watch it... regardless of age. The more knowledge one has on film and literary detectives... all the more enjoyable the experience should be. Murder by death really seems like it would be up the alley of flasoxx now that i think of it...


Brw, it truly has a terrific cast, along with performances to back it up.

Edited by qwerty
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QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ Feb 15, 2011 -> 06:05 AM)
Strong second episode of The Chicago Code last night.

I'm still not sold on it. It's just OK in my opinion. I feel like the only reason I'm watching it is because it's set in Chicago. If it was some random city I'd probably give up after these 2 episodes but I'll give it a few more weeks.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 15, 2011 -> 07:15 AM)
I'm still not sold on it. It's just OK in my opinion. I feel like the only reason I'm watching it is because it's set in Chicago. If it was some random city I'd probably give up after these 2 episodes but I'll give it a few more weeks.

I liked the 2nd episode of Chicago Code a lot. It looks like they are going to smartly build in alternate “cases” along with the big one of busting the Alderman. The acting is still a bit much, and the chick’s Chicago accent is way overdone, but it’s decent.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Feb 15, 2011 -> 08:44 AM)
I liked the 2nd episode of Chicago Code a lot. It looks like they are going to smartly build in alternate “cases” along with the big one of busting the Alderman. The acting is still a bit much, and the chick’s Chicago accent is way overdone, but it’s decent.

The show really could write itself. There are so many real life situations that can be applied, it can almost be a documentary. It's just there's only so much CPD can do about political corruption. Let's move her after a couple seasons to run for Mayor and all that goes along with an election. Then a couple seasons of that. Then to governor. There's an inordinate amount of material and the term "Chicago Code" can be applied to any elected office. The one thing that gets me about the show is the "Irish mob" WTF?? Were there more Irish looking actors out of work or something??

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QUOTE (daa84 @ Feb 15, 2011 -> 06:26 AM)
anyone watching watson on jeopardy?? pretty fascinating IMO


One thing they didnt really explain is how the timing works though. Does Watson always win the timer if it "knows" a question? Seems like it

I caught it. Not sure, but I think Watson will attempt to answer every question, regardless. Maybe he won't if that % indicator is not high enough. He did seem to get in first an awful lot, but not every time.

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QUOTE (The Gooch @ Feb 15, 2011 -> 10:45 PM)
Yes! Who do you think will make if further, Boston Rob or Russell?

I say they are going to unexpectedly team up, and Russell will turn on Rob when the time is right.


The real question is, how long does one of them survive on "Redemption Island"?


I can't f***ing wait.


Russell has his work cut out this time, though. People actually know what his game is, whereas the last two times he played that wasn't the case.

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