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The Survivor "What If" commercials seemed to suggest that it would be pretty late in the game. Im pretty sure most if not all of the "What if" moments were post merge. They could do something where its the final 2 on the island and then the 1 from Redemption in the final 3.


That would be odd.

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QUOTE (The Gooch @ Feb 17, 2011 -> 11:42 AM)
I wonder when the winner of the Redemption Island gets to come back to the game. I would guess at the merge. I could Rob or Russell being the person to come back in the game, as they are both good at challenges. It would be a big mistake letting Russell get to the merge, but they might not have a choice if he goes to Redemption Island and wins his way back in. Rob is playing it all right so far, and he has enough crazy/dumb people in his tribe to make it pretty far.


I would guess at the merge.


Will someone only come back once or multiple times?

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QUOTE (Brian @ Feb 17, 2011 -> 12:00 PM)
I would guess at the merge.


Will someone only come back once or multiple times?

Sounds like if you get voted out, you go to redemption island. Next person comes and takes on previous in a challenge, whomever wins stays. After many weeks of this, whomever is left standing will be sent back to the game.


I like the twist... I think it's their best one yet.

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Some thoughts on NBC sitcoms:


1.) The Office is OFFICIALLY dead to me. Garbage.


2.) Adam Scott, despite being tough to look at, is a very funny man (as witnessed on Party Down) and showcased his talents on tonight's Parks and Rec. Well done, Mr. Scott.


3.) How the f*** does Community keep getting better? Donald Glover just sitting comatose in the presence of LeVar Burton is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. "more fish for Kunta", classic.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Feb 17, 2011 -> 07:26 PM)
Popped my Community cherry tonight. Always late to the good parties.


Can you imagine bouncing a check to Kunta Kente?

You picked the right episode to jump on board, it's right up there with the paintball episode and Goodfellas parody as the best of them all. I regret even pegging those 2 as my other favorites, the series run has been packed with incredible comedy.

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ Feb 18, 2011 -> 01:17 AM)
You picked the right episode to jump on board, it's right up there with the paintball episode and Goodfellas parody as the best of them all. I regret even pegging those 2 as my other favorites, the series run has been packed with incredible comedy.

It's VERY difficult to pick a favorite Community. I love paintball, obviously, because I'm a sucker for action flicks, and to add to the ones you listed above, I really enjoyed hte zombie one and naked pool.


I love that show.

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ Feb 17, 2011 -> 11:15 PM)
Some thoughts on NBC sitcoms:


1.) The Office is OFFICIALLY dead to me. Garbage.


2.) Adam Scott, despite being tough to look at, is a very funny man (as witnessed on Party Down) and showcased his talents on tonight's Parks and Rec. Well done, Mr. Scott.


3.) How the f*** does Community keep getting better? Donald Glover just sitting comatose in the presence of LeVar Burton is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. "more fish for Kunta", classic.

Community is just on a roll

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ Feb 18, 2011 -> 01:17 AM)
You picked the right episode to jump on board, it's right up there with the paintball episode and Goodfellas parody as the best of them all. I regret even pegging those 2 as my other favorites, the series run has been packed with incredible comedy.


I have to find a site that streams Season 1. iTunes is selling it for like $40 so pass on that option.

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Anyone else think Modern Family officially jumped the shark after that last episode?


And I just got into Parks and Rec. I had been purposefully avoiding it in thinking it would just be more of The Office. It kind of is The Office, except all the characters have been stripped of their obnoxiousness and replaced with charm. Quickly I became fully caught up on the show because I enjoyed it so much.

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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Feb 21, 2011 -> 09:37 AM)
Anybody else watch Portlandia? Ive been around hipsters the past 8 years or so and this show cracks me up in the way they portray them.

I caught the first 2 episodes and have the rest on DVR. I like it so far. It may help that I have friends who live out there and I visited them this past summer. I thought that bike guy skit was really funny.

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