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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 11:03 AM)
Anyone else getting bored with Chicago Code?

I have the last two sitting on my DVR (including last night's) and have a feeling they will be deleted rather than watched. Too cheesy.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 11:07 AM)
I have the last two sitting on my DVR (including last night's) and have a feeling they will be deleted rather than watched. Too cheesy.


I think last night's was the last one I'll be watching.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 12:03 PM)
Anyone else getting bored with Chicago Code?


I haven't watched a single episode because it looked way too cheesy and badly acted. It seems that nobody is continuing to watch it, so it probably won't make it past or through this season.

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The acting is pretty good actually, especially from the leads. The problem with the show is that it's not what I expected it to be. It's in the Law and Order mold with one major plot line (going after the Alderman) - every episode has X crime that's amazingly solved/worked on by the same 5-6 cops. Lame. I wanted it to be a character driven show about those 5-6 cops bringing down or trying to bring down a corrupt politician. I don't care for the weekly crime solving. I'll continue to watch with hopes that it's going to get better. It still has it's moments, like the voice overs, and the ending to last night's episode made it a little more "dirty."


We'll see. Jury is still out for me.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 12:36 PM)
The acting is pretty good actually, especially from the leads. The problem with the show is that it's not what I expected it to be. It's in the Law and Order mold with one major plot line (going after the Alderman) - every episode has X crime that's amazingly solved/worked on by the same 5-6 cops. Lame. I wanted it to be a character driven show about those 5-6 cops bringing down or trying to bring down a corrupt politician. I don't care for the weekly crime solving. I'll continue to watch with hopes that it's going to get better. It still has it's moments, like the voice overs, and the ending to last night's episode made it a little more "dirty."


We'll see. Jury is still out for me.


That sounds like how Justified started. The first few episodes didn't seem to have any major plotline to follow, just the character solving a crime on each show. I stopped watching because of that, and apparently it got better and better after I stopped lol. Perhaps that's what will happen with this show.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 11:43 AM)
That sounds like how Justified started. The first few episodes didn't seem to have any major plotline to follow, just the character solving a crime on each show. I stopped watching because of that, and apparently it got better and better after I stopped lol. Perhaps that's what will happen with this show.


Thats kind of how the Shield started too. They all start the story line with the first episode, start on tangent of unrelated episodes, and close up the story the last few episodes of the season.

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QUOTE (The Gooch @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 12:22 PM)
Thats kind of how the Shield started too. They all start the story line with the first episode, start on tangent of unrelated episodes, and close up the story the last few episodes of the season.

The first few episodes of the Shield blow this show away.

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I did not know where else to put this as it is not a current show, but arrested development is a must see for anyone with netflix. I watched all three seasons within the last month and found myself keeled over laughing on several occasions. i really do not understand why it was ended as i think it is funnier than the office.

Cannot wait for the movie!!!!!

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QUOTE (cws0591 @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 12:47 PM)
I did not know where else to put this as it is not a current show, but arrested development is a must see for anyone with netflix. I watched all three seasons within the last month and found myself keeled over laughing on several occasions. i really do not understand why it was ended as i think it is funnier than the office.

Cannot wait for the movie!!!!!


Best sitcom of all time IMO.

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QUOTE (cws0591 @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 12:47 PM)
I did not know where else to put this as it is not a current show, but arrested development is a must see for anyone with netflix. I watched all three seasons within the last month and found myself keeled over laughing on several occasions. i really do not understand why it was ended as i think it is funnier than the office.

Cannot wait for the movie!!!!!


I'm in the middle of Season 2 now.

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QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 09:22 AM)
I actually liked what they were doing with Barney. But just the whole Robin's new guy as a dog bit was way too much and over the top for me

I was actually hoping Barney was falling for her. No idea why.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 03:20 PM)
I finally caved and signed up for Netflix. There is a lot of s***ty television on there, but I am definitely going to be watching the entire series of 24 again. I love that show so much.


Jack Bauer is a god among men

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QUOTE (cws0591 @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 12:47 PM)
I did not know where else to put this as it is not a current show, but arrested development is a must see for anyone with netflix. I watched all three seasons within the last month and found myself keeled over laughing on several occasions. i really do not understand why it was ended as i think it is funnier than the office.

Cannot wait for the movie!!!!!



QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 12:49 PM)
Best sitcom of all time IMO.



QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 12:51 PM)
Ive watched AD about 5 times through, and each time Ill catch another little joke or detail that just makes it even funnier.



QUOTE (Brian @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 01:19 PM)
I'm in the middle of Season 2 now.


Absolutely one of the best shows ever on television.

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