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QUOTE (Tex @ Jan 9, 2011 -> 02:39 PM)
No bait, I am really looking forward to opening day, much more than I have for any season in recent memory.


I'm excited going into every year because I love my team and baseball in general. But this does have the feel of a bait thread. Even if you truly didn't intend it to be that way. Nothing wrong with being excited and at the same time a little skeptical.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 9, 2011 -> 02:57 PM)
GMAB, Tex. I've been getting gang-raped because I didn't give this offseason a sparkling, shiny A plus. I'm sure you've seen this. Then you create this thread?

Riiight, because this is all some big conspiracy against you...

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QUOTE (TomPickle @ Jan 9, 2011 -> 03:10 PM)
Riiight, because this is all some big conspiracy against you...



QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 9, 2011 -> 03:13 PM)


Jeesh, J4L, don't you think you're flattering yourself a bit? :unsure:


Yes, it really boosts my self-esteem. I can't say s*** anymore that doesn't involve me kissing the White Sox collective asses without multiple people saying I'm bad and mean. I gave the Sox offseason grade a B minus and at least 4 people acted like I was insane. At least read some of these threads before you act like I'm pulling this s*** out my ass.

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You know what, I'm going to take the high road here. Tex, my apologies if you didn't mean this as a bait thread. I'm just getting sick of not being able to express my opinion, good or bad, without being viewed as some evil demon. I'll admit I'm not the same always optimistic poster I was 3-4 years ago. But I'm almost 28 now and I view things differently than I did when I was 21-22. But anyway, again, my bad. Let this thread evolve into a positive one.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 9, 2011 -> 03:27 PM)
You know what, I'm going to take the high road here. Tex, my apologies if you didn't mean this as a bait thread. I'm just getting sick of not being able to express my opinion, good or bad, without being viewed as some evil demon. I'll admit I'm not the same always optimistic poster I was 3-4 years ago. But I'm almost 28 now and I view things differently than I did when I was 21-22. But anyway, again, my bad. Let this thread evolve into a positive one.



1)We're all entitled to our opinions.


2)we haven't played any games yet, be they wins or losses. we can project but there's no point in getting overheated in our projections.


I think with this we may all go in peace.

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J4L, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, and there's nothing wrong with being cautiously optimistic vs overly excited about the 2011 season. I'm not sure Tex's thread was a jab at you. There are others that are not as excited, just like you. And maybe the point of this thread was to get some conversation started between members. I for one am excited about 2011, but I'd be lying if I thought this team is a shoe-in for the Central title. There still are some question marks. However, KW accomplished much more than I expected him to this off-season. There was much doom and gloom regarding money, especially after the much-maligned Jackson trade. But KW (most likely with JR's blessing) went out and got Dunn, Konerko, AJ, Crain, and Ohman. In my opinion, this team looks much better than last season's. And I'm quite excited about it.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 9, 2011 -> 03:43 PM)
I'm excited going into every year because I love my team and baseball in general. But this does have the feel of a bait thread. Even if you truly didn't intend it to be that way. Nothing wrong with being excited and at the same time a little skeptical.

you're the only one who would think of this thread that way. everyone else is excited.


me included!



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I'm actually the most excited about that bullpen, especially if Sale is at the ass end of it. The only mental midget in the pen might be Sergio, and hopefully his up and down appearances can be attributed simply to being a rookie. Cause he got the stuff, boy howdy!

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 9, 2011 -> 03:18 PM)
Yes, it really boosts my self-esteem. I can't say s*** anymore that doesn't involve me kissing the White Sox collective asses without multiple people saying I'm bad and mean. I gave the Sox offseason grade a B minus and at least 4 people acted like I was insane. At least read some of these threads before you act like I'm pulling this s*** out my ass.


Come on dude, don't become that guy. If you are going to have big opinions, you have to expect some blow back. That's just the way it is. I know you are tougher than that.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 9, 2011 -> 09:27 PM)
You know what, I'm going to take the high road here. Tex, my apologies if you didn't mean this as a bait thread. I'm just getting sick of not being able to express my opinion, good or bad, without being viewed as some evil demon. I'll admit I'm not the same always optimistic poster I was 3-4 years ago. But I'm almost 28 now and I view things differently than I did when I was 21-22. But anyway, again, my bad. Let this thread evolve into a positive one.

Please consider changing your nickname to Mr. Pessimism.

That is how I will know you until your attitude changes.


My fingers are crossed - for your own sake. =)



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I thought Fathom was Mr. Pessimism?


At this point. I'd make us slight favorites over the Twins, depending on what ends up being the Twins' final starting rotation and any bullpen additions in the next 3 months to their roster.


I'm not as excited as in 2001 or 2006, largely because Peavy's a huge question mark and I'm still not convinced about the bullpen. I think we need a major contribution from Jake to take the division. We also have either a hole in the bullpen (if Sale's starting) or a very iffy stopgap for an indeterminate period of time which could end up reminding many of our 5th starter issues from 2001-2004.


We're all projecting Konerko to come back down to earth, which essentially leaves it up to Rios, Beckham and Quentin to determine how good this team will eventually become. And I'm really interested in seeing who ends up with the most AB's at 3B this season, Morel, Vizquel, Viciedo or Teahen.


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The Sox have had a terrific offseason. There shouldn't be any b****ing. This is the exact opposite of last year where they blew it and I don't see where the Sox deserve anything less than an A here. They brought in 2 big bats (PK and Dunn), a legitimate C, added one nice piece and one decent piece to the bullpen, dumped Linebrink and picked up a potentially useful reliever while clearing $2M, and they did it all without trading away their 3 key prospects and without weakening the core they already had. Jenks, Putz, Jones, and Freddy are the losses, but Crain-Jenks may well be a wash, and the losses of Jones and Freddy should be mitigated by Dunn's presence at DH and a full season of Edwin Jackson. Putz seriously hurts if Sale is in the rotation, but Sale in the pen is even nastier than Putz is, so if Peavy is finally healthy this loss may not hurt at all.


All in all this was a terrific offseason, and one of Kenny's top-5 offseasons in his career ('02-'03, '04-05, '05-06, '07-'08, and this one). Ideally I'd love to have a much better OF defense, a stronger bullpen, and both Pierre and Teahen floating out in space somewhere, but you can't have everything you want. The main needs were offense (DH & 1B, lefty bat), bullpen, legitimate C, and team defense. I feel they addressed 3 of those 4 areas and actually get better in the team defense area by default with Morel taking over 3B. Going into 2011 we are a much better team than we were going into 2010, and we should rightfully be the favorites for the division. All you can ask out of an owner and a GM in any season is to assemble a championship contender going into ST and let the chips fall where they may, and the Sox did that. So kudos.


That said, I hope we're not done. Jones would be a welcome addition should his price be in our range, and it would be nice to add another reliever, possibly at the expense of Pena (Pena + whatever for a setup man for instance) if there are other teams out there who think Pena may be a worthwhile experiment as a starter. I missed a couple of Pena's starts (listened to them on the radio) but remember hearing Farmer talk about how he was maintaining velocity deep into the game and was actually using more of his repertoire and to greater effect after gearing down a bit. Maybe he'd be of interest to a team like Seattle or Pittsburgh, both of whom have high-quality back end arms that should be somewhat available. But I'd love it if we could strengthen that back end with a setup man or closer type, since Thornton and Crain are the only ones back there with real experience, and neither have really been closers.


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Obviously, someone's going to say we should have signed Beltre and R. Soriano, since we're living in an alternative universe here.


2006 should serve as evidence that too much tinkering and roster turnover, no matter how good it all looks on paper, isn't always the magic answer either.


KHP provided a pretty good summary of the current state of the team...obviously, there's concern about a Konerko falloff, 3B, Pierre and Teahen, Santos pitching like the first 3-4 months of 2010, the bullpen in general (how it will all come together in terms of consistent roles if we can't find ONE permanent closer for the back end) and the fifth starter's role.


Every team in baseball has a similar laundry list of question marks, many much longer than ours. There's no glaring hole like CF in 2009 or DH coming into 2010, at least there's that.



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QUOTE (Paint it Black @ Jan 9, 2011 -> 10:03 PM)
Within reason, what the hell did you want them to do that they didn't do?


My opinion is the Sox have had a great offseason. I really expected to have a SP traded to have flexibility and am shocked that hasn't happened or at least not yet. My only gripes, be it small ones are Quentin/RF and the 3B situation. I really think Quentin is about as bad as I have ever seen from a RF. His struggles as a hitter are mind boggling considering his 2008 year, because he has fallen so far, but at least that year gives me hope that he can rebound to something similar. The 3B situation isn't very solid IMO at the moment but that could all change with the way it turns out, it is just much more of an unknown at the moment. I hope Morel can pan out or if it is a platoon situation with Teahen/Morel/Vizquel that Ozzie picks the right matchups for each. All in all, a great offseason though, I never thought they would have the money to do this, so it is all very shocking to me still personally. I am used to the, trade player A to bring in players B and C. That was the norm for KW, so to have this type of offseason of spending is still very shocking to me.

Edited by dmbjeff
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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 9, 2011 -> 03:18 PM)
Yes, it really boosts my self-esteem. I can't say s*** anymore that doesn't involve me kissing the White Sox collective asses without multiple people saying I'm bad and mean. I gave the Sox offseason grade a B minus and at least 4 people acted like I was insane. At least read some of these threads before you act like I'm pulling this s*** out my ass.


Well, I think 4 v. 1 does constitute a gang-rape, so I personally think your point is valid.


In other news, I give this thread a solid B+.

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