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Bears versus Packers game thread

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QUOTE (buhbuhburrrrlz @ Jan 23, 2011 -> 10:23 PM)
I think the way he acted on the sideline brought on alot of the speculation. I don't remember seeing someone hurt their knee and then stand on it for the rest of the game.


Just find it funny guys like Deion Sanders lol are questioning Cutler's toughness. rofl.


But you have a guy like Derrick Brooks who never missed a game in his 14 year career. lol not everyone is as Superman as you Derrick. I would hope Cutler wanted to play and I'm guessing he wanted to. It could've been his only chance at making the Super Bowl. A winner isn't going to go out willingly.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 23, 2011 -> 10:32 PM)
No offense but the guy doesn't exactly have the attitude I want to see out of my quarterback.


attitude? again, meatball stuff here. next thing you'll be saying is "he doesn't look at the playbook when the bears are on defense! we never shoulda traded Grossman or Orton!"

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QUOTE (joesaiditstrue @ Jan 23, 2011 -> 10:41 PM)
attitude? again, meatball stuff here. next thing you'll be saying is "he doesn't look at the playbook when the bears are on defense! we never shoulda traded Grossman or Orton!"

Ok, I guess I am just making up the attitude issues.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 24, 2011 -> 04:32 AM)
No offense but the guy doesn't exactly have the attitude I want to see out of my quarterback.


I don't know about that. He was hurt. Yes it's frustrating, but he was hurt.

As far as his sideline demeanor, isn't he a clone of AJP? Both have the smirk. Big deal.


Urlacher stood up for him and seemed pissed at the media and arm chair quarterbacks. Urlacher's stance is good enough for me.


Some fan just got pub on ESPN for burning Cutler's jersey. What a dumbass fan. Winning is everything. What a s*** attitude some people have about sports. CUTLER WAS HURT.



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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 23, 2011 -> 10:14 PM)
He was not limping in his final series. Yes, he may have been hurt. Was he incapable of playing? I gotta question it.


I know Jay is tough, and so I really don't like questioning him, but at the same time, he has been known to mope quite a bit. I just wonder if the injury would have been treated differently had we been tied or winning the game, or had the score been closer.


Exactly. Though Cutler is one of the toughest s.o.b's I've seen out there, him with one leg (or a torn MCL) would of been much better than freaking Todd Collins. (and I was screaming for them to put in Hanie before Todd) I guess there is just different types of toughness. Phillip Rivers played with a freaking torn ACL in the playoffs. Didn't even say s*** about it till reports said he needed surgery on it. I personally think Cutler hinted it was the training staff's call though. What I don't understand is why they didn't try and put a brace or something on his leg at the half.

Edited by SoxAce
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QUOTE (Friend of Nordhagen @ Jan 23, 2011 -> 11:04 PM)
Ouch. From Michael Wilbon, not exactly a "meatball" . . .




I guess Cutler will need to murder a few dogs, or get some rape charges dropped before he gets the respect of his NFL peers. What a dumb article. Attack his play sure. Attack his toughness, come on now. Hanie after the game was talking about how Jay was helping him keep under control. How he was keeping his head level.


Edited by southsideirish71
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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jan 23, 2011 -> 11:20 PM)
I guess Cutler will need to murder a few dogs, or get some rape charges dropped before he gets the respect of his NFL peers. What a dumb article.




Twitter makes it a new world, that's for sure. I think what IS interesting, though, is how quickly people jumped on him. If nothing else, it proves that people in the league, rightly or wrongly, kind of hate his guts. More than that, they don't respect him. I don't know; he's been pretty tough this year, I think.


By the way, I guess Clay Matthews is now saying that the Packers made Jay quit. Who knows what to think? But sometimes guys on the field know . . .

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QUOTE (Friend of Nordhagen @ Jan 24, 2011 -> 05:24 AM)


Twitter makes it a new world, that's for sure. I think what IS interesting, though, is how quickly people jumped on him. If nothing else, it proves that people in the league, rightly or wrongly, kind of hate his guts. More than that, they don't respect him. I don't know; he's been pretty tough this year, I think.


By the way, I guess Clay Matthews is now saying that the Packers made Jay quit. Who knows what to think? But sometimes guys on the field know . . .


When you act like an asshole, you're not going to get the benefit of the doubt. It's pretty much that simple.

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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jan 23, 2011 -> 11:29 PM)
Yet murder a few dogs, and lay on a few screaming women, shoot up a nightclub and you are okay.



QUOTE (fathom @ Jan 23, 2011 -> 11:31 PM)
But enough about Oney


He makes a good point.


Jay's not warm and cuddly, but unlike Vick and Rothelisberger and Favre he's done nothing horrifying off the field, yet I guarantee they are more loved.


Plus, Clay Matthews is an arrogant jackass. Seriously.

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jan 24, 2011 -> 06:44 AM)
Jay's not warm and cuddly, but unlike Vick and Rothelisberger and Favre he's done nothing horrifying off the field, yet I guarantee they are more loved.


Very true, and as much as a lot of us are pissed at Cutler, the MRI this week is important because a torn ACL could really hurt next year also.

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God sometimes it's really f***ing embarrassing to be a Bears fan. Seriously.


I'm mad about Cutler's actual performance in the game. It was complete and utter s***. All these armchair athletes calling Cutler a p**** though from their couch while the dude could barely walk or plant his foot for a throw... ugh. Disgusting.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 23, 2011 -> 09:45 PM)
Bottom line is we're not going to hear anything different than this sort of thing. But the guy was not limping in the first series of the second half and he was standing up for most of the half on his "torn MCL."


I'm sorry, but this is the biggest game of your career. You go out and play unless you can no longer be effective because of the injury. With the arm Jay has, he could have been effective. He was moping on the sidelines all first half and actually seemed to be in much better spirits in the second half once he was out of the game.

He WANTED to play. Dont blame him for the COACHES saying he cant go back in.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 24, 2011 -> 02:14 PM)
God sometimes it's really f***ing embarrassing to be a Bears fan. Seriously.


I'm mad about Cutler's actual performance in the game. It was complete and utter s***. All these armchair athletes calling Cutler a p**** though from their couch while the dude could barely walk or plant his foot for a throw... ugh. Disgusting.


I get that...now, but you can't tell me when fox was saying it was questionable he'd return that you didn't think he took himself out. The bears were stupid for how they handled it.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 24, 2011 -> 08:29 AM)
I get that...now, but you can't tell me when fox was saying it was questionable he'd return that you didn't think he took himself out. The bears were stupid for how they handled it.

I saw him limping. I was pissed at him at the time because he was failing, granted against Green Bay, but it never occurred to me that he "quit." He's never done anything like that in his career.

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No one else put 2 and 2 together and thought "Maybe the reason why he kept overthrowing Hester was that his knee wasn't stable?" Jay took one really big hit on a sack fairly early in the first quarter, and that was probably the biggest hit on him. It was also an awkward shot, with 2 big guys coming in at him. After that, he was suddenly overthrowing people. I'll bet he popped it on that play and basically ran the first half on adrenaline.


Yeah, he'd have been more effective than Collins, but that's not saying anything of value. The Bears weren't going to win that game if Jay Cutler couldn't move the ball forwards effectively.

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Does everyone whose accusing Jay of willingly sitting out this game understand the actual implications of what they’re suggesting? Does anyone actually believe that Jay Cutler wanted to lose this game? To be put under scrutiny in like this? To throw a kid like Hanie into the fire on this kind of stage? I refuse to believe that Cutler is the kind of man that would come within a game of the Super Bowl, get a minor injury, and blow it out of proportion. I don’t think any competitor, any NFL Quarterback, would pull the kind of s*** that Cutler is being accused of. I think the entire discussion is disturbing on many levels.

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QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jan 24, 2011 -> 02:48 PM)
Does everyone whose accusing Jay of willingly sitting out this game understand the actual implications of what they’re suggesting? Does anyone actually believe that Jay Cutler wanted to lose this game? To be put under scrutiny in like this? To throw a kid like Hanie into the fire on this kind of stage? I refuse to believe that Cutler is the kind of man that would come within a game of the Super Bowl, get a minor injury, and blow it out of proportion. I don’t think any competitor, any NFL Quarterback, would pull the kind of s*** that Cutler is being accused of. I think the entire discussion is disturbing on many levels.


I don't think Jay actually just didn't want to play. OTOH, this game made me realize that in football, the s*** arguments i hate about intangibles are probably true. Jay's body language sucks. And his attitude sucks too. I used to think that he caught s*** just because he wasn't the typical media personality, but when he mopes, it seems to spread across the whole offense and even team. I don't think there is any doubt that when hanie came in and was stepping up and delivering throws that the entire team suddenly had some swagger. And maybe it was the sheer improbability of this kid coming in and all the sudden leading us to points, but it made me think twice about all that bulls*** about attitude and leadership.


That said, that SI article was pretty heartbreaking. He doesn't deserve the s*** he's getting. But all the arguing i do that most of his ints were johnny knox and martz system will settle in, I'm kind of tired of it. I don't think he can be an elite QB. But then again, i've never seen a bears QB with the kind of time that peyton manning or brady get...so we'll see if we ever get him a true OLine and WRs what happen.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 24, 2011 -> 08:57 AM)
I don't think Jay actually just didn't want to play. OTOH, this game made me realize that in football, the s*** arguments i hate about intangibles are probably true. Jay's body language sucks. And his attitude sucks too. I used to think that he caught s*** just because he wasn't the typical media personality, but when he mopes, it seems to spread across the whole offense and even team. I don't think there is any doubt that when hanie came in and was stepping up and delivering throws that the entire team suddenly had some swagger. And maybe it was the sheer improbability of this kid coming in and all the sudden leading us to points, but it made me think twice about all that bulls*** about attitude and leadership.


That said, that SI article was pretty heartbreaking. He doesn't deserve the s*** he's getting. But all the arguing i do that most of his ints were johnny knox and martz system will settle in, I'm kind of tired of it. I don't think he can be an elite QB. But then again, i've never seen a bears QB with the kind of time that peyton manning or brady get...so we'll see if we ever get him a true OLine and WRs what happen.

You're crediting the fact that Hanie came in and had a good attitude for the fact that the Bears could suddenly move the ball, and not the fact that they were actually moving the ball?


I'd be moping too if Todd Collins was in at QB.

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I need to stop going to playoff games. Since 04, they are 3-0 when I watch on TV, 0-2 when I am in attendance.


Not a very good game for Lovie & Co. The timeout use at the end was bad again. That 3rd and 2 end around call ( which I believe was after a timeout) was one of the worst play calls I have ever seen. The fact that immobile Todd Collins has been the #2 QB all year with this O-line is a terrible decision. He played a game in a half, and they saw what he did in Carolina. I know Hanie's not ever gonna be a starter, but at least he can move a little bit and is younger.


I'm not sure when Cutler's injury happened, but either way he did have an awful game when he was playing. That's whats disappointing, although the injury may have affected him. I was in the South end zone, and I remember seeing him on one drive in the 2nd, slowly struggling to get back in the huddle, you could tell something was bothering him. How about MJD calling out Cutler, saying he played all year with a bad knee. Um, as I recall, you missed the last two games of the year when your team was fighting for a playoff spot.


Considering how bad the Bears looked in the preseson, overall it was good year. Never would have thought they would win the division and host the NFC Champ. game. I don't know how much longer the defense will be this good, they really need to get some help on that offense ASAP. They tend to draft on the defensive side more, and the talent disparity shows. Obviously they need some lineman, but a receiver or two is a must. They need a big #1 who can fight for a ball. Hester is just not a top receiver, Knox is small and not aggressive enough. I like Bennett, but he's more of a possession guy.

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