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*Official* Work Out Thread


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QUOTE (iamshack @ Dec 20, 2011 -> 08:11 PM)
Indeed. There are some fat people who can run the s*** out of thin people...that is all you need to see in order to know the distinction.


I find that getting fit has inspired me to improve my overall health. Working this hard encourages you to eat better. I also find that my body naturally craves more healthy foods when I work out this often. When I don't, I start craving crap again. I'm also someone that has smoked on and off since I was 17 or so. It's very difficult to do some of the more intense cardio workouts as a smoker, so it's forced me to choose: smoke or workout. I've chosen workout.

weight bu itself is also a poor indicator of health. Better indicators are the blood pressure, heart rate, choleterol etc. Exercise and eating can change them to an extent. Unfortunately many of them are genetic that meds will require to change.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Dec 21, 2011 -> 10:23 AM)
I have to go back in tomorrow but at this point they think its some sort of cartilage shearing and it may require microfracture surgery.

Is it the knee or hip? How are they going to do the microfracture through the soundwaves or athroscopy?

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Did X2 Total Body today.


It seems to be a combination of Back & Chest and Shoulders & Arms, except the moves are dialed up a notch. Not so much in repetitions, but in difficulty. Many of them are combined with some sort of balance posture from the yoga routine.


Pretty interesting, and a great workout. The early theme seems to be to bust the hell out of your core during Phase 1, so you're more prepared to strengthen everything in Phase 2.

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X2 Balance & Power is in the books...hard hard hard....I had to modify a few of the moves because I could not balance enough to even do them at all...we're talking doing all kinds of crap while balancing on the stability ball...I don't know if I don't have it pumped up enough, or whether my concrete floors are too slippery, or if I just suck...but I am working on it.


Definitely seeing results already though...muscles in my core are starting to come out from hibernation after slacking for several months...

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Dec 25, 2011 -> 01:54 PM)
X2 Balance & Power is in the books...hard hard hard....I had to modify a few of the moves because I could not balance enough to even do them at all...we're talking doing all kinds of crap while balancing on the stability ball...I don't know if I don't have it pumped up enough, or whether my concrete floors are too slippery, or if I just suck...but I am working on it.


Definitely seeing results already though...muscles in my core are starting to come out from hibernation after slacking for several months...

Very nice. I started my spring break workout routine and diet last Monday but let me just say that I hate the holidays. After today, absolute perfection for the next 2.5 months. It's going to suck but be awesome at the same time.

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Started week 2 with Core again. Much improvement over the first week...a lot of progress in individual moves and much better stamina overall. Still a few rough spots though...I find I am not particularly good at doing burpees with stamina or med balls. I can do them fairly well without, but trying to drop to the floor on one leg, and catch yourself by holding on to some ball for support, and then having the strength to do a pushup back off that ball...well, it's not something I am naturally good at. So I continue to work at those and then do them without the ball afterwards so I don't completely get a pass on the exercise.


I must say, the core work in this version of P90X is far beyond anything done in the first version. I was never a huge fan of Ab Ripper X, just because I found it dreadfully boring, and so I often skipped it. But the way this version is structured builds a lot more core work into the regular workouts, and in a way that doesn't make you want to slit your throat.


One week in, I must say, two thumbs up.

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Iamshack: I'm planning on getting P90X2 but I'm just wondering what extra training products do you need that's not in the regular P90X. I have a 12 pound medicine ball already, but would you recommend getting the basic version or deluxe version?

Edited by WilliamTell
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QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Dec 29, 2011 -> 06:30 PM)
Iamshack: I'm planning on getting P90X2 but I'm just wondering what extra training products do you need that's not in the regular P90X. I have a 12 pound medicine ball already, but would you recommend getting the basic version or deluxe version?

I'd get the stability ball...and maybe one more med ball..


From what I can tell, the power stands are pretty superfluous...


The foam roller/rumble roller are helpful, but not necessary if you are on a budget.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Dec 29, 2011 -> 05:38 PM)
I'd get the stability ball...and maybe one more med ball..


From what I can tell, the power stands are pretty superfluous...


The foam roller/rumble roller are helpful, but not necessary if you are on a budget.


Ok cool. I actually have a stability ball too. Thanks!

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X2 Total Body....I hate you...


Honestly though, lots of improvement in the second week here. Pretty happy with my progress and how the program is going.


Smarter way to go about things this time around, forcing people to strengthen their core in Phase 1 before they get into the harder shoulders and arms exercises in Phases 2 and 3.

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Don't know if I mentioned this at the precursor or not, but the girlfriend and I just ran a minimum of a mile a day from Thanksgiving to New Years. We stretched it to yesterday, to make it an even 40 days.


Signed up for the Shamrock Shuffle; this has been my kick-off race the past couple of years. Starting to brainstorm and figure what I want to accomplish with running for 2012.

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Alright I'm gotta get back in the game with this. Started lifting a few weeks ago, but injured my wrist and stopped for a couple weeks. (still sore, but gonna battle through it) Gonna start Insanity once again since I gained 40+ pounds since! (back to 195 lbs, was 150 in 2010 in October just when I started new job... yea)

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QUOTE (SoxAce @ Jan 3, 2012 -> 08:40 AM)
Alright I'm gotta get back in the game with this. Started lifting a few weeks ago, but injured my wrist and stopped for a couple weeks. (still sore, but gonna battle through it) Gonna start Insanity once again since I gained 40+ pounds since! (back to 195 lbs, was 150 in 2010 in October just when I started new job... yea)

Have you considered doing something that is easier to maintain over the long run than Insanity?


The reason I have not thought much about doing Insanity myself is because it seems so difficult that you would never want to/be able to maintain it over any decent length of time. Maybe if you did something you were more probable to stick with you'd stay closer to your goal weight?



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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 3, 2012 -> 08:04 AM)
Have you considered doing something that is easier to maintain over the long run than Insanity?


The reason I have not thought much about doing Insanity myself is because it seems so difficult that you would never want to/be able to maintain it over any decent length of time. Maybe if you did something you were more probable to stick with you'd stay closer to your goal weight?


I've thought about it, but honestly do not have the time to really do anything of sort cause of this job (which I was jobless most of 2010, so I had time to run, do Insanity, eat right etc.. to get in shape) especially working night shift, 10-12 hours a day. Gonna try getting up around 2 pm today and get started before I go in to work. (as you can see... still up.. Insomnia sucks) Gotta get back to the better eating habits too, especially at my job when our breaks are so late and everyone eats past 10 pm. Morning shift would be so much easier for me, but hey I can't complain.

Edited by SoxAce
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QUOTE (SoxAce @ Jan 3, 2012 -> 08:16 AM)
I've thought about it, but honestly do not have the time to really do anything of sort cause of this job (which I was jobless most of 2010, so I had time to run, do Insanity, eat right etc.. to get in shape) especially working night shift, 10-12 hours a day. Gonna try getting up around 2 pm today and get started before I go in to work. (as you can see... still up.. Insomnia sucks) Gotta get back to the better eating habits too, especially at my job when our breaks are so late and everyone eats past 10 pm. Morning shift would be so much easier for me, but hey I can't complain.

Don't give me that, Ger...I've worked 12 hour shifts and done P90X for months...it's not the easiest thing in the world, but it can be done...and once you get back into shape, you can do it 3 times a week and you'll still stay good...

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OK, since a lot of you guys seem to have a lot of knowledge here, I'm going to throw my situation at you and see what advice you can give me...


I need a winter workout routine. During the summer I'm on the bike a lot, play sports, etc. But it is winter in Chicago, and I refuse to go out and run in this (but will do so in the spring). What I have available to me is a workout area I carved out in my basement, with the following:


--Weight bench (ranges flat to incline, but no decline)

--Leg attachment (only does quad and ham curls really)

--2 barbells and one straight bar, both with plenty of plates for anything I am likely to do

--Got my mountain bike up on a resistance flywheel thing, so it is now an indoor trainer

--Push-up bars

--Yoga mats and blocks, and an open space on the floor for non-machine exercises


My main goals are fat burn and toning up muscles - don't really need muscle bulk, that's one thing that is not an issue for me.


I can dedicate one workout a day, 6 days a week, probably about 30-45 minutes each.


I'm 39 years old, used to work out a lot, years ago. But I fear my knowledge from then was maybe not the best anyway, and I don't have a gym to go to currently either. I'm tall, but also now about 40 pounds over where I'd like my weight to be. Also have some persistent knee and ankle issues, so I need to use caution on high impact leg stuff.


Diet-wise, I have control over breakfast and lunch, but dinner is family time so I have to go with whatever we are making that night. I take a multi-vitamin daily, but no other supplements currently.


So... if you actually read my entire post... what would you recommend, SoxTalkers?


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 3, 2012 -> 03:42 PM)
OK, since a lot of you guys seem to have a lot of knowledge here, I'm going to throw my situation at you and see what advice you can give me...


I need a winter workout routine. During the summer I'm on the bike a lot, play sports, etc. But it is winter in Chicago, and I refuse to go out and run in this (but will do so in the spring). What I have available to me is a workout area I carved out in my basement, with the following:


--Weight bench (ranges flat to incline, but no decline)

--Leg attachment (only does quad and ham curls really)

--2 barbells and one straight bar, both with plenty of plates for anything I am likely to do

--Got my mountain bike up on a resistance flywheel thing, so it is now an indoor trainer

--Push-up bars

--Yoga mats and blocks, and an open space on the floor for non-machine exercises


My main goals are fat burn and toning up muscles - don't really need muscle bulk, that's one thing that is not an issue for me.


I can dedicate one workout a day, 6 days a week, probably about 30-45 minutes each.


I'm 39 years old, used to work out a lot, years ago. But I fear my knowledge from then was maybe not the best anyway, and I don't have a gym to go to currently either. I'm tall, but also now about 40 pounds over where I'd like my weight to be. Also have some persistent knee and ankle issues, so I need to use caution on high impact leg stuff.


Diet-wise, I have control over breakfast and lunch, but dinner is family time so I have to go with whatever we are making that night. I take a multi-vitamin daily, but no other supplements currently.


So... if you actually read my entire post... what would you recommend, SoxTalkers?

Tony Horton's Power 90 routine....


Power 90

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 3, 2012 -> 02:48 PM)
Tony Horton's Power 90 routine....


Power 90

Interesting... I am trying to find on their site what equipment I need for this. One thing seems obvious - I need a TV and DVD player. :lolhitting Fortunately, I can put up a cheap one in this space pretty easily.


But I appreciate the advice - doing a 90 day program like this as a jumpstart seems ideal, as that takes me to April or so, and I can start mixing in outdoor activities at that point.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 3, 2012 -> 03:57 PM)
Interesting... I am trying to find on their site what equipment I need for this. One thing seems obvious - I need a TV and DVD player. :lolhitting Fortunately, I can put up a cheap one in this space pretty easily.


But I appreciate the advice - doing a 90 day program like this as a jumpstart seems ideal, as that takes me to April or so, and I can start mixing in outdoor activities at that point.

Yeah, this is a bit easier than P90X so it should spare your injuries a bit...but should get you into pretty decent shape for your spring and summer activities.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 3, 2012 -> 04:09 PM)
Hooray for resolutioners. I can't wait for this f***ing month to be over so the gym goes back to normal when 98% of them stop coming.

I work in sales in the fitness industry so it's the best time of the year but I also work out at my gym everyday and it's the most frustrating thing ever.

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Third week is in the books...starting to feel like I am kicking some butt...and seeing some nice results.


On the nutrition end of things, I've been on a soup diet. Basically, I am making a huge pot of homemade soup, and eating it for most meals for a week. When I finish it, I move on to another soup. I usually have one or two slices of ciabatta along with it, but otherwise, this has been my meal for dinner and most lunches (some days at work I have had salads). To make sure I am getting enough protein, I'm drinking Muscle Milk Light protein shakes after every workout.


Feeling pretty good right now. Sometimes when you're working out hard the super nutritious meals don't feel all that filling, since they are so low in fat, but these hearty soups are definitely doing the job.


Anyone else on any new diets or anything?

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