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Anyone else think this is a bit tasteless..


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While he is NOT GUILTY of anything but adultry at this point, Kobe and Vanessa attended the TEEN Choice Awards..? A die hard Laker fan in the office was spouting off about how sickening that someone who has admitted adultry and who is looked up to by so many youngsters as a role model should not be getting awards until his personal matters are cleared up. Quote "they are glorifying cheating".

I don't know if I'll go that far, but I do think it's a bit strange that he would be at such an event. If I were in his shoes I would not be at anything involved with kids at this point. JMO..




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It's called PR.


Kobe's hearing is on Wednesday afternoon, and that night is when the Teen Choice Awards will be airing. So, on the nightly news, instead of seeing only footage of Kobe in a court with a judge being formally charged with sexual assault, you'll also see clips of him and his wife smiling and holding hands in public.


At this point, it's a battle in the court of public opinion, and this was a brilliant move by Kobe and his legal team, IMO.


And why would it be "tasteless" to attend an awards show and accept an award given to him by his fans that help pay his multi-million dollar contract with the Lakers and multi-million dollar contracts with multiple other corporations? Are you saying that someone accused of a crime should cease to live their life until the matter is resolved? :huh:

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Also, parents need to teach their children not to look to athletes as role models in all aspects of life. Parents need to explain that there is a huge difference between admiring a professional athlete for their on the field/court attributes (such as determination, will, effort, sportsmanship, etc) and for their lives that they have off the court (many of which include vices such as drug/alcohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, etc).


IMO, Kobe Bryant on the court is as good as a role model as there is in sports. He never dogs it, he's extremely talented, and he's probably the hardest working athlete in sports today. His goal is to become the best NBA player of all-time, and barring an unforeseen injury or a conviction in this case, I believe he has as good a chance as anyone has to achieve that goal.


If any human being is hailed as a saint in all aspects of their life, he/she is bound to disappoint. Kobe Bryant, apparently, is no different.

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His lawyer almost quit on him after he went to the ESPY's.

IMO, that was different. That was just after all of these allegations were made public and everyone was in a frenzy about it. It's been nearly a month now, and a lot of the talk has died down. It's "safe" to do this at this time IMO.


And also, how often did you see Kobe and Vanessa out in public prior to the last month? By all accounts, they NEVER went to functions such as the ESPY's or other such award shows, so it seems kind of odd to me that they would all of a sudden have a desire to do these things.

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