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8/4....SOX vs. KC - The battle for the Central


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I'm about the last person to get uptight but, when I come here and read some peoples opinions I don't need to see your doom and gloom s*** every time. I understand you are depressive about the team and losing. Yet, it gets very old very fast. If you can make insightful and intelligent posts that state your opinion well then I wont have a problem with it. But, when you post "This team sucks!! Were 3 Games Back! BAHAHAHAH!" do you think anyone will respect that? Seriously?


Most of the people on this board are older than you and do not overreact to every bad thing that happens. You need to view the season with an even head. Otherwise you are gonna have an ulcer and freak out every day.


If anyone is uptight and not relaxed it is you. Relax and don't get so depressed about the small s***. It is only a game and there are plenty of teams that are better than ours statistically right now and win more. If you don't like this then you can go cheer them on.

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Let's do a poll asking who wants Roman banned????

Banning is for p-u-s-s-i-e-s. Gang-ridicule is much better & more fun :D


MuthaF'gdipsheitdumbarse LVP awards for tonights game:

Schow : Man I just want to cane him until he cries like the pussy he is.

Gordo : I like the guy, but after his last 2 perform's, cane his arse red.

Ginter : Back-to-back sheit. Canning's not enough. Pink belly time.

Crede : The best way to correct a dipsheit is to make him cover 3B & have teammates run through him.

Koney : Destroys an easy walk & costs us a crucial run at that time. Consider the other four, maybe just a few cane strokes.


Did I forget anybody? Please let me know!

:angry: :fyou -> all of the above. :whip -> start the canning.


AW HELL, I'm SO F'g MAD .. time to GO :ph34r:

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I havent seen that.  All ive seen is different views and one paranoid person whining about it for days..................

I only see one person being a paranoid whinner for the last several days on that topic and should you walk past a mirror you too shall see him.

wow that sad and pathetic no you are reaction just really got to me LMFAO :rolleyes:

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he transgresses any of the few hard core things we value, he, like anyone, will be gone -

What would those things be? Homophobia? Which this darn board is so strict about...

name 1 person banned for that.


name 1.


name 1.


name 1 person banned from soxtalk.


Read what soxheads wrote and ignore everyone else who has no clue what they are talking about.


and your pity party has gone on long enough.

I'm not going to ban anyone unless someone goes way overboard, and at that point I'd probably just put them on moderation, and email them. But threads like that would probably be closed if people are getting sick of it.

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I'm going to WSI to rant!  I need F'g group theory right now!  I need a group to rant with! WTF, do you want to keep talking about that sheit!




:ph34r:  -> STILL GOING NINJA on the BULLPEN!

Woooooah, have a beer dude. :cheers

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Hey guys, just got back from the game, had some nice UD seats behind the plate. Well......let me tell you, the crowd was electric tonight, the sox got a huge ovation and the crowd was hanging with every pitch tonight. I guess the sox choked under pressure, they finally get some national media attention and they got a picture perfect welcome-home from all the fans there and they blew it. They sent all 43K of us there home unhappy. I don't know what the hell happened in that 6th inning, that's just inexcusable.

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I'm going to WSI to rant!  I need F'g group theory right now!  I need a group to rant with! WTF, do you want to keep talking about that sheit!




:ph34r:  -> STILL GOING NINJA on the BULLPEN!

f***ing cocksuckers mother f***ers can't do s*** right. can't run can't hit can't pitch can't field can't cover the goddamn base can't get in front of a wild pitch can't get in front of a grounder can't hit the cutoff man can't be the cutoff man can't position the cutoff man can't manage the bullpen can't run in from the bullpen at the correct speed can't check a swing that's gonna hit them can't bunt can't steal bases can't listen to the third base coach can't listen to the first base coach can't listen to the pitching coach can't block home plate can't get to bloop singles can't turn double plays can't do s***.


did i forget anything?

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I'm going to WSI to rant!  I need F'g group theory right now!  I need a group to rant with! WTF, do you want to keep talking about that sheit!




:ph34r:  -> STILL GOING NINJA on the BULLPEN!

f***ing cocksuckers mother f***ers can't do s*** right. can't run can't hit can't pitch can't field can't cover the goddamn base can't get in front of a wild pitch can't get in front of a grounder can't hit the cutoff man can't be the cutoff man can't position the cutoff man can't manage the bullpen can't run in from the bullpen at the correct speed can't check a swing that's gonna hit them can't bunt can't steal bases can't listen to the third base coach can't listen to the first base coach can't listen to the pitching coach can't block home plate can't get to bloop singles can't turn double plays can't do s***.


did i forget anything?




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I'm going to WSI to rant!  I need F'g group theory right now!  I need a group to rant with!   WTF, do you want to keep talking about that sheit!




:ph34r:  -> STILL GOING NINJA on the BULLPEN!

f***ing cocksuckers mother f***ers can't do s*** right. can't run can't hit can't pitch can't field can't cover the goddamn base can't get in front of a wild pitch can't get in front of a grounder can't hit the cutoff man can't be the cutoff man can't position the cutoff man can't manage the bullpen can't run in from the bullpen at the correct speed can't check a swing that's gonna hit them can't bunt can't steal bases can't listen to the third base coach can't listen to the first base coach can't listen to the pitching coach can't block home plate can't get to bloop singles can't turn double plays can't do s***.


did i forget anything?




i only did it cause your gentlemen callers comment made me laugh out loud. :lol:

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The name you had was Soxheads. People called you Heads because it was easier to type.


That would be like me changing my name to "Show" or "Ian" since that is what I'm known as.

I agree 100% with Mr Showtime -


the best name is soxheads and you should definately keep it


his example says it all - just like I don't change mine to "cw" or "asshole" or whatever people call me for short -


"soxheads" is a great board name and should stay, "heads" is a greta nickname as long as "soxheads" stays


Mr Showtime is 100% right



both of you: I split the thread best I could, not perfect, but good as I could

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I agree 100% with Mr Showtime -



his example says it all - just like I don't change mine to "cw" or "asshole" or whatever people call me for short -


In your case a change should be in order. There's a few posters around here who have CW in their names. I tell them apart by the avatars, if anyone changes their avatar, I'm screwed.


Mr Showtime is 100% right


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In your case a change should be in order. There's a few posters around here who have CW in their names. I tell them apart by the avatars, if anyone changes their avatar, I'm screwed.

not changing my name - I was the first cwsox at MLB and first cwsox here and I got the cwsox license plate to prove I am the one, the only, and the original - on the American-Canadian NTN games I am the one and only cwsox, frequent 1st place or at least top 20 winner - the rest, just followers, just my wannabes, my posse, all hoping to be a fraction as cool as I am!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I'm going to WSI to rant!  I need F'g group theory right now!  I need a group to rant with! WTF, do you want to keep talking about that sheit!




:ph34r:  -> STILL GOING NINJA on the BULLPEN!

f***ing cocksuckers mother f***ers can't do s*** right. can't run can't hit can't pitch can't field can't cover the goddamn base can't get in front of a wild pitch can't get in front of a grounder can't hit the cutoff man can't be the cutoff man can't position the cutoff man can't manage the bullpen can't run in from the bullpen at the correct speed can't check a swing that's gonna hit them can't bunt can't steal bases can't listen to the third base coach can't listen to the first base coach can't listen to the pitching coach can't block home plate can't get to bloop singles can't turn double plays can't do s***.


did i forget anything?




i only did it cause your gentlemen callers comment made me laugh out loud. :lol:

What do they say the 6 stages are?

Anger (been there, done that), Denial, Depression, Acceptance, Joy


Well being 3 gb there isn't much to deny. So I guess I'll fall into depression now.


The SOX suck, and with MINNY now giving it to us in the rear (that's for the gentlemen-callers above to fantasize about), it doesn't look good.


The Minny Mousekeeters have the easiest schedule.

It's like F'g Donald vs Daffy.


The Royals have a schedule like HHH vs Mysterio.


The SOX have a schedule like Brock Lesner taking on both HHH & the Big Show.


This sucks. We need a couple of miracles now.

Like Hunter pulling a Kobe & spending the next 2 months in a cell.

And KC losing ...hmmm .. who's the MVP of that team?

Damn. There so balanced I can't even think of a guy. Maybe Beltran.

Yeah Beltran. He can fall over the wall & come close to drowning himself

in the fountains. Make him so afraid of water, he needs to be institutionalize.


You know something? That kind of wishful thinking sounds like Denial.

Perhaps I'm still in Denial after all.


Good night all, & as always thanks for listening.

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What do they say the 6 stages are?

Anger (been there, done that), Denial, Depression, Acceptance, Joy


Well being 3 gb there isn't much to deny.  So I guess I'll fall into depression now.


The SOX suck, and with MINNY now giving it to us in the rear (that's for the gentlemen-callers above to fantasize about),  it doesn't look good.


The Minny Mousekeeters have the easiest schedule.

It's like F'g Donald vs Daffy.


The Royals have a schedule like HHH vs Mysterio.


The SOX have a schedule like Brock Lesner taking on both HHH & the Big Show. 


This sucks.  We need a couple of miracles now.

Like Hunter pulling a Kobe & spending the next 2 months in a cell.

And KC losing ...hmmm .. who's the MVP of that team?

Damn.  There so balanced I can't even think of a guy.  Maybe Beltran.

Yeah Beltran.  He can fall over the wall & come close to drowning himself

in the fountains.  Make him so afraid of water, he needs to be institutionalize.


You know something?  That kind of wishful thinking sounds like Denial.

Perhaps I'm still in Denial after all.


Good night all, & as always thanks for listening.

three game lead in the first week of august is f***in' nothing. you've seen the kind of streak this team can go on. if anyone wants to pack it in in this situation, fine, but it is nowhere near over. so many things can happen in 7 or so weeks.

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