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I dont agree with the pack attacking thing and I dont care if you ignore my few intelligent posts. But just attacking me and ignoring the little intelligence I have, I have no motivation to shape up. Oh well. Being a dick is easy and quite fun...



You'll be needing these. Call me when you've run out.

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I dont agree with the pack attacking thing and I dont care if you ignore my few intelligent posts. But just attacking me and ignoring the little intelligence I have, I have no motivation to shape up. Oh well. Being a dick is easy and quite fun...

Start making intelligent, well-thought out posts and you will gain you a lot of respect that people have lost for you. Even if I don't agree with people, if they can back what they are saying up, I will give them respect. Unless they are a Cubs fan. You can't respect them for that. :lol:

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No one cares when I do. Ill try to start but itll just suck. I started acting intelligent once at mlb and people for a while started thinking I was "comeback poster of the year" or something dumb like that. Then they no longer cared so I sank back to being a dick. And that can be quite fun. I dont care what you think, but Stiflers frickin awesome! :headbang

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why Im such a Stifler style dick, Ill tell ya why. This post isnt to whine, its actually quite true. Everytime Ive ever posted something that I thought was well thought out and intelligent, it gets ignored. Schedule comparisons etc. Anything intelligent of mine and no one cares. Much more people talk to me when I whine and act pessimistic. Ya see how much you guys posted to me when I acted like a dick? A lot. Ive lost my motivation to post intelligently. Your reactions have made it much funner to act dumb and immature. Whenever I post something long and thought out, its nothing more than a waste of my time...

And you wonder why you get abused. It is the pure ignorance of a statement like this that does it. Essentially you are a dick because it gets you attention, well my answer to that is to quit b****ing when you get abused for acting like an asshole, because it is giving the attention that your pathetic self is looking for.

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OK, I spend 20 minutes posting something worth reading and get one response. I spend one minute posting something dumb and immature and I get like 50 responses. So why waste my time with the former?


So what? Why does it matter how many replies you get? :huh:

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why Im such a Stifler style dick, Ill tell ya why. This post isnt to whine, its actually quite true. Everytime Ive ever posted something that I thought was well thought out and intelligent, it gets ignored. Schedule comparisons etc. Anything intelligent of mine and no one cares. Much more people talk to me when I whine and act pessimistic. Ya see how much you guys posted to me when I acted like a dick? A lot. Ive lost my motivation to post intelligently. Your reactions have made it much funner to act dumb and immature. Whenever I post something long and thought out, its nothing more than a waste of my time...

So you're that desperate to get a reaction from a board full of strangers? That's pretty sad man.

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He's just trying too hard to be liked and stuff, he doesn't need to


Just post what you think, make it intelligent, and not just so and so sucks and this guy sucks, etc, and you'll get along with people fine on here i think.

Yeah, just be yourself, and if people don't like you, who cares? But at least contribute something worthwhile, and you won't get many complaints. As long as your posts have substance, regardless of your point of view, that's all most of us care about.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
wtf it's not ganging up on him. it's called different people having the same, logical reactions.

id have to agree somewhat with ya spiff..... its not ganging up on him... its a reaction that will happen when he says that guys like crede, buehrle, and anyone else that isnt frank .. suck......he does post some good stuff sometimes...but most times its how much everyone sucks and it will always get a negative reaction.........and alot of replies.....

btw im wondering.... whos the blonde football player in your sig??? i dont keep up on that stuff much and was curious.......thanks :D

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The Giants. Among his many accomplishments are flipping off an ump and dumping water on some kids at the football game. I dont like him but spiff does and I respect that. Also, I like Bill Romanowski so I guess if he wanted to spiff could get me on that one... ;)

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