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Jack the Ripper


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I may have posted this before (sorry if thats the case) but I just dont understand what all the hype is about Jack the Ripper. I know theyre the most famous unsolved murders but were wasting our time trying to identify him. First, Jack the Ripper killed five hookers. John Gacy killed like 33 teenage boys. Both are evil, but if I could erase one from the history books, Id erase Gacy. Second, theyre never gonna find out who the Ripper was. Hes been dead for a long, long time. So even if by a miracle they find out who he was, what are they gonna do? Dig up the guys body and burn it? Gimme a break. Theyre never gonna find him and if they do theyre not gonna do anything. And like I said earlier, trying to find out who he was is a waste of time and money.


"Hey boss! I found Jack the Ripper!"

"Great. Just great. Someones heart got eaten yesterday. Could you spend your time doing something more meaningful?"


Id love to know who Jack the Ripper was. But were never gonna find out so it really doesnt matter...

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Jack the Ripper murders are historically important in the sense that it really is the first serial killer. Most people delve into research to figure out the whodunnit because it is pure hobby for them. So please tell me, where is the massive police manhunt into who Jack the Ripper is? :huh:


Attempting to solve the mystery is some peoples' hobby, just like some peoples' hobby is watching the White Sox and discussing what they can do to be better [by the way, seeing Frank's 2000th hit live and in person at the Cell kicked ass :headbang ] and other people read.


It's just something that some people find interesting. To you, trying to have fun figuring out the whodunnit with a person's personal time is a waste of time and money. Then again I'd say that having a military industrial complex and wanting to be involved with that while millions starve, can't get health care, etc. is a waste of money and time. It's all a matter of opinion.

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Jack the Ripper murders are historically important in the sense that it really is the first serial killer. Most people delve into research to figure out the whodunnit because it is pure hobby for them.  So please tell me, where is the massive police manhunt into who Jack the Ripper is?  :huh:


Attempting to solve the mystery is some peoples' hobby, just like some peoples' hobby is watching the White Sox and discussing what they can do to be better [by the way, seeing Frank's 2000th hit live and in person at the Cell kicked ass  :headbang ] and other people read.


It's just something that some people find interesting.  To you, trying to have fun figuring out the whodunnit with a person's personal time is a waste of time and money.  Then again I'd say that having a military industrial complex and wanting to be involved with that while millions starve, can't get health care, etc. is a waste of money and time.  It's all a matter of opinion.

Yet klling hundreds in a video game is cool!!!



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