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Osama Bin Laden Dead


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"To put the burden of proof on Muslims to prove their loyalty to America, simply because they are Muslim, is the antithesis of the spirit of the American founding. And to target people simply because of their religious faith – to assume that (in Michael Gerson’s words) every Muslim is a recruit for sedition – is a direct assault on the very Constitution conservatives say we revere," - Pete Wehner, commending Chris Christie for smacking down the far right.


via Sullivan

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I know Afghanistan isn't Arabic. But it's Islamic.


And these people aren't committing terrorism because they're "occupied". Bin Laden's stated goal was the establishment of a worldwide Islamic caliphate. That's why Israel must fall, that's why Sharia zones are being implemented in the UK, and so on and so forth. And that's why the attempts at appeasement are so funny. The left thinks that by kissing up to Islam, they'll be spared. As the pro-Palestine Italian journo learned in Gaza recently when he literally lost his head, it doesn't matter. Infidels must die.


I will absolutely look upon Muslim "Americans" with suspicion. And they should expect that. After all, Islamic terror has been the West's enemy since we brought communism to its knees.

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QUOTE (The Sir @ Aug 5, 2011 -> 09:00 AM)
I know Afghanistan isn't Arabic. But it's Islamic.


And these people aren't committing terrorism because they're "occupied". Bin Laden's stated goal was the establishment of a worldwide Islamic caliphate. That's why Israel must fall, that's why Sharia zones are being implemented in the UK, and so on and so forth. And that's why the attempts at appeasement are so funny. The left thinks that by kissing up to Islam, they'll be spared. As the pro-Palestine Italian journo learned in Gaza recently when he literally lost his head, it doesn't matter. Infidels must die.


I will absolutely look upon Muslim "Americans" with suspicion. And they should expect that. After all, Islamic terror has been the West's enemy since we brought communism to its knees.


Make sure to change out your tinfoil cap every 3 months for maximum effectiveness.

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QUOTE (The Sir @ Aug 5, 2011 -> 09:00 AM)
I know Afghanistan isn't Arabic. But it's Islamic.


And these people aren't committing terrorism because they're "occupied". Bin Laden's stated goal was the establishment of a worldwide Islamic caliphate. That's why Israel must fall, that's why Sharia zones are being implemented in the UK, and so on and so forth. And that's why the attempts at appeasement are so funny. The left thinks that by kissing up to Islam, they'll be spared. As the pro-Palestine Italian journo learned in Gaza recently when he literally lost his head, it doesn't matter. Infidels must die.


I will absolutely look upon Muslim "Americans" with suspicion. And they should expect that. After all, Islamic terror has been the West's enemy since we brought communism to its knees.


This sort of thinking just brings us down to their assbackwards way of looking at the world. We're better than that.

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Most Muslim Americans See No Justification for Violence


ABU DHABI -- Muslim Americans are the staunchest opponents of military attacks on civilians, compared with members of other major religious groups Gallup has studied in the United States. Seventy-eight percent of Muslim Americans say military attacks on civilians are never justified.




These findings are among the many featured in a new report released Tuesday by the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center, Muslim Americans: Faith, Freedom, and the Future, based on Gallup surveys conducted throughout 2010. Building on Gallup's early 2009 report on America's Muslim community, Muslim Americans: A National Portrait, this analysis tracks changes since 2008, delves into current social and political research topics, and provides a series of data-driven policy recommendations.


In sharp contrast with Americans who identify themselves with other faith groups, Muslim Americans are more likely to say military attacks on civilians are never justified (78%) than sometimes justified (21%). Respondents from other faith groups, particularly Mormon Americans, are more likely to say military attacks are sometimes justified than never justified. The opinions of Americans who don't identify themselves with any religion are more in line with those of Muslim Americans, but they are also more divided.


There is wider agreement that attacks on civilians by individuals or small groups are never justified. At least 7 in 10 American adults from all major religious groups agree that these attacks are never justified, but Muslim Americans again are most opposed, with 89% rejecting such attacks.



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No, it's only reasonable to suspect millions of Muslims in America and to insinuate that they're not real Americans based on the political and religious actions of a small number of Muslims halfway around the world. All Muslims follow Bin Laden's stated goal of a caliphate, it's true. And if you don't want to keep bombing and killing hundreds of thousands of them, well, that's just liberal p**** appeasement! After all, infidels must die, lest they kill us!

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 5, 2011 -> 09:06 AM)


that, like all of those "reports" that show Islamic terrorism by the liberal think-tanks known as the FBI and Europol is really a minor occurrence in the West, are simply lies. We know the enemy, and the enemy is Allah. All social safety net spending should be diverted from the maggots in the US to a $10T military budget to smash all those who would stand before us.

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I didn't say we should put them in internment camps or something. But I will look at them suspiciously.


And you don't seem to have any idea what's going on in the sand boxes. Do you really think we are just indiscriminately killing and bombing Muslims? That's how your post comes off. Your ignorant disapproval for what our military is doing over there sounds like...blind ideological cheerleading.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 5, 2011 -> 08:12 AM)
that, like all of those "reports" that show Islamic terrorism by the liberal think-tanks known as the FBI and Europol is really a minor occurrence in the West, are simply lies. We know the enemy, and the enemy is Allah. All social safety net spending should be diverted from the maggots in the US to a $10T military budget to smash all those who would stand before us.


Unchecked wealth redistribution that doesn't even require people be tested for drugs = social safety net.


You're a sad little "man".

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  • 6 months later...
QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 29, 2012 -> 05:55 PM)


Wikileaks/Anonymous hacked emails from intelligence company "Stratfor" suggest that up to a dozen Pakistani/ISI officers probably knew Bin Laden's location.

Leaked emails show Stratfor official’s doubts about disposal of Bin Laden’s body


Osama bin Laden’s body may not have been buried at sea after all, according to leaked emails written by a senior official at the intelligence firm Stratfor.


The emails were part of a massive WikiLeaks operation that in February began publishing information from Stratfor Global Intelligence, a U.S.-based firm which describes itself as “a publisher of geopolitical analysis.” It has been likened by some to a “shadow CIA.”


The data was obtained by the hacker group Anonymous. It successfully attacked one of the firm’s servers, allegedly stealing more than 5 million emails.


Fred Burton, vice-president of intelligence at the Stratfor, wrote in a May 2 email sent from his BlackBerry that he believed bin Laden’s “body bound for Dover, DE on CIA plane. Than (sic) onward to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Bethesda.”


In another email Burton wrote: “If body dumped at sea, which I doubt, the touch is very Adolph Eichman (sic) like. The Tribe did the same thing with the Nazi's ashes. We would want to photograph, DNA, fingerprint, etc. His body is a crime scene and I don't see the FBI nor DOJ letting that happen.”


Eichmann was one of the architects of the Holocaust by Nazi Germany during World War II. He was captured by Israel’s secret service in Argentina and put on trial in Israel. He was found guilty and later executed.


Stratfor’s founder and CEO George Friedman replied: “Eichmann was seen alive for many months on trial before being sentenced to death and executed. No one wanted a monument to him so they cremated him. But I don’t know anyone who claimed he wasnt eicjhman (sic). No comparison with suddenly burying him at sea without any chance to view him which I doubt happened.”

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 7, 2012 -> 09:45 AM)
Many believe that Stratfor is the "private" arm of the CIA. They were once called "The Shadow CIA".


It doesn't matter what they were called, or what they do. Unless someone actually saw something, or were told what exactly happened, it doesn't matter. This is pure speculation. Get back to me if they have an eyewitness or evidence.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 7, 2012 -> 10:58 AM)
It doesn't matter what they were called, or what they do. Unless someone actually saw something, or were told what exactly happened, it doesn't matter. This is pure speculation. Get back to me if they have an eyewitness or evidence.

If the US government is seeing similar intel though, then these sorts of emails are context for where the relations between the 2 countries are.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 7, 2012 -> 10:29 AM)
If the US government is seeing similar intel though, then these sorts of emails are context for where the relations between the 2 countries are.


That isn't in there at all. If it were, then it would be a relevant story. I can sit here and speculate on a lot of things in the government that I understand the procedure and background on because of the position I am in. Without any evidence, it is worthless.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 7, 2012 -> 10:43 AM)
I can't believe I am going to defend this, but that email is worthless. It is pure speculation.


Agreed, this guy is just spitting in the wind. If what he is saying WAS true, I seriously doubt he would know anything about it, and if he did he certainly wouldn't be stupid enough to be writing about it on his f***ing blackberry.

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