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Last comic standing


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I think Cali would be the only one who would care about this cause I'm pretty sure we're the only ones who watch the show :rolleyes:

But they announced the winner and it was Dat Phan...Which I don't think is a bad choice cause he's funny..but Ralphie May should have won this..That guy is too f***in funny...He's gonna be on Kimmel tonight..maybe Jimmy can hire this guy on his show or something...That would be cool

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I thought Ralphie May should have won, but he got enough exposure so he can get heavy work now. I've seen him live before, and he had me in tears. Much funnier when he's uncensored


Dat Phan was okay, not as funny as Ralphie I thought, but he needs to lay off on making fun of his Mom in every joke. His jokes when he doesn't do his Mom impression, had me laughing. It's cool to make fun of your mom, but do it sparatically, it makes him a lot funnier.

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I thought Ralphie May should have won, but he got enough exposure so he can get heavy work now. I've seen him live before, and he had me in tears. Much funnier when he's uncensored


Dat Phan was okay, not as funny as Ralphie I thought, but he needs to lay off on making fun of his Mom in every joke. His jokes when he doesn't do his Mom impression, had me laughing. It's cool to make fun of your mom, but do it sparatically, it makes him a lot funnier.

I say 90% of Dat Phan's material was about is mom and stuff....Which is fine cause alot of it was funny...But it doesn't seem he has to much range...Ralphie seems to be more...how do I put it, off the cuff witty..Like Conan. Dat Phan's is funny when he has everything rehearsed and written down(you saw his book) while Ralphie May seems to be more naturally funny...I'm having a tough time explaining it but I'll put it like this...Ralphie may is like Conan, while Dat Phan is like Leno... :huh:

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I thought Ralphie May should have won, but he got enough exposure so he can get heavy work now. I've seen him live before, and he had me in tears. Much funnier when he's uncensored


Dat Phan was okay, not as funny as Ralphie I thought, but he needs to lay off on making fun of his Mom in every joke. His jokes when he doesn't do his Mom impression, had me laughing. It's cool to make fun of your mom, but do it sparatically, it makes him a lot funnier.

I say 90% of Dat Phan's material was about is mom and stuff....Which is fine cause alot of it was funny...But it doesn't seem he has to much range...Ralphie seems to be more...how do I put it, off the cuff witty..Like Conan. Dat Phan's is funny when he has everything rehearsed and written down(you saw his book) while Ralphie May seems to be more naturally funny...I'm having a tough time explaining it but I'll put it like this...Ralphie may is like Conan, while Dat Phan is like Leno... :huh:

I get what you're trying to say.


If you ever get the chance to see Ralphie May live, do it. He's great, he got a standing ovation from the crowd at The Laugh Factory the night I saw him. He was on the same bill with Dane Cook, it was non-stop funny :headbang

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Rich Vos was the only funny finalist.

It's just too bad that he seemed so nervous last week.

He is genuinely off-the-cuff funny - it's his strongest asset as a comic.


Dave Mordal was the funniest person on that show, but he didn't have a "catchphrase act", so he couldn't win over the audiences.

Rob Cantrell was good, IMO - he had an original, unusual and funny style.

Dat Phan is a one-trick pony. The only time he made me laugh was when he said that he "was trying to break the stereotypes", when his ENTIRE ACT revolves around and depends upon stereotypes.


I really hope they don't do Last Comic Standing 2, because judging by the sad sacks that applied for this one, the well is dry.

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