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Strained right groin for Jake Peavy


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QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 5, 2011 -> 08:02 PM)
So Peavy tried to pitch through the pain after the botched double play, and the result was he gave us no chance to win the game....AWESOME! That's not called being a grinder, that's called being stupid.



What an asshole.

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He felt a "grabbing sensation" at first. He didn't try to pitch through something, he just didn't know if he was hurt. This is the type of thing where you're not sure what's wrong until it actually tightens up. Pitching through an injury would have been going back out there after that inning.

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QUOTE (Jake @ Jun 6, 2011 -> 03:01 AM)
He felt a "grabbing sensation" at first. He didn't try to pitch through something, he just didn't know if he was hurt. This is the type of thing where you're not sure what's wrong until it actually tightens up. Pitching through an injury would have been going back out there after that inning.


He said he was trying to get out of the inning without using his leg. With all of the injuries he's had lately, he should have been smarter than trying to pitch with an ailment that could impact his mechanics.

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Went to the game today and sat in a variety of places during the game. First inning, we sat in the fan deck, dead center. Got to watch Peavy pretty closely (rhetorical comment there...) and where AJ put the glove is where the ball went. Everything had vast amounts of movement and he was hitting his spots with ease. Too bad he hit the wall when he re-aggrevated his groin, because he was dealing today. he was 0-2, 1-2 on almost every hitter until he went 3-2 on Brendan Bousch (or however it is spelled).


Watched the 5,6,7 innings from right behind home plate and the Sox offense is just a sack of crap. Konerko and Beckham were the only two guys to hit the ball hard all day. Not even hard hit foul balls... these guys are just all off balance and not tuned in. Blame Walker, or whomever, but the offense is bad right now.


Missed Adam Dunn's K, but saw the replay. Man it must suck for that guy. He got a standing ovation (at least in our section) when he singled today.

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QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Jun 5, 2011 -> 08:11 PM)
He's a f***ing idiot, there is no way to possibly defend him at this point re: continued fighting through injury, but I will love to watch people continue to try.


so you prefer the type of athlete that, at the slightest pain just gives up and says I'm done? That's fine if you prefer an athlete with that type of attitude. I prefer the type that doesn't give in and continues to work at it. Pitching is a violent motion and pitchers always hurt to some extent. You get guys like Prior who can't deal with it and guys like Peavy who try to work through it. You can have Prior, I'll take Peavy.


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QUOTE (ptatc @ Jun 5, 2011 -> 11:14 PM)
so you prefer the type of athlete that, at the slightest pain just gives up and says I'm done? That's fine if you prefer an athlete with that type of attitude. I prefer the type that doesn't give in and continues to work at it. Pitching is a violent motion and pitchers always hurt to some extent. You get guys like Prior who can't deal with it and guys like Peavy who try to work through it. You can have Prior, I'll take Peavy.

I hate the fact that I'm about to have to type this, but I'm going to need you to explain the difference if both of them never pitch.

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QUOTE (ptatc @ Jun 6, 2011 -> 04:14 AM)
so you prefer the type of athlete that, at the slightest pain just gives up and says I'm done? That's fine if you prefer an athlete with that type of attitude. I prefer the type that doesn't give in and continues to work at it. Pitching is a violent motion and pitchers always hurt to some extent. You get guys like Prior who can't deal with it and guys like Peavy who try to work through it. You can have Prior, I'll take Peavy.


That's fine if he wants to pitch through the pain, but don't use it as an excuse if you start getting rocked. Plain and simple, he cost us the game today because he tried to be a warrior. That's pretty inexcusable after everything that's gone on with him the last year.

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QUOTE (ptatc @ Jun 5, 2011 -> 10:14 PM)
so you prefer the type of athlete that, at the slightest pain just gives up and says I'm done? That's fine if you prefer an athlete with that type of attitude. I prefer the type that doesn't give in and continues to work at it. Pitching is a violent motion and pitchers always hurt to some extent. You get guys like Prior who can't deal with it and guys like Peavy who try to work through it. You can have Prior, I'll take Peavy.


I prefer the type of athlete you do, but when the athlete in question has had a problem of pitching through pain and then missing an extended period of time due to said time frame, he needs to be much more cautious when he actually plays.


For 24 guys on the White Sox roster, I want them to try to pitch through the pain, even if it's just to gut it out for an inning. For Jake Peavy, I want him to signal to the training staff the second something doesn't feel right.

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I had a bad groin strain my freshman year of high school that was never really treated beyond icing and a few days off because of the nature of the beast in high school, trying not to miss any games as a three sport athlete.


Now as a sophomore in college, it still bothers me. I still pitch and deal with some pain and inflexibility, but I'd venture to guess that I would have a hard time discerning whether I had reinjured it or not unless I did so on a large scale. Sometimes it's hard to discern whether a small pain/sensation is just one of those momentary things or not.

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QUOTE (ptatc @ Jun 5, 2011 -> 10:14 PM)
so you prefer the type of athlete that, at the slightest pain just gives up and says I'm done? That's fine if you prefer an athlete with that type of attitude. I prefer the type that doesn't give in and continues to work at it. Pitching is a violent motion and pitchers always hurt to some extent. You get guys like Prior who can't deal with it and guys like Peavy who try to work through it. You can have Prior, I'll take Peavy.

Slightest pain? Seriously? Did you even read the article? Unbelievable. I assume you didn't, so I'll quote him:

"(After that) I couldn't throw one ball where it was supposed be thrown," Peavy said.


I prefer the type of athlete that puts the team before himself.


He said he couldn't f***ing throw a pitch anywhere he wanted. Get the f*** out of the game.


I'll take a wild guess which side of the Cutler equation you were on.

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QUOTE (Jake @ Jun 5, 2011 -> 10:39 PM)
I had a bad groin strain my freshman year of high school that was never really treated beyond icing and a few days off because of the nature of the beast in high school, trying not to miss any games as a three sport athlete.


Now as a sophomore in college, it still bothers me. I still pitch and deal with some pain and inflexibility, but I'd venture to guess that I would have a hard time discerning whether I had reinjured it or not unless I did so on a large scale. Sometimes it's hard to discern whether a small pain/sensation is just one of those momentary things or not.


The same thing happens to me when I bowl, actually. I'll tweak it just the wrong way, and sometimes it's like "OK, try and be easy with the next one to make sure it isn't in too much pain" and it's usually fine. There are times when I actually do tweak it and doing anything can become a burden from there.

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I think most of us do not consider Jake Peavy a viable member of the team and haven't for some time now.

He may go 3-4 starts max without getting hurt, but that will be it.

Let's face facts. He's a huge huge bust and will not pitch much for us.

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Okay, this has gone past the point of being "injury prone;" this has just become pure lunacy and bad luck. So now Peavy has had THREE (correct me if my numbers are off) different injuries all unrelated to each other in about a year and a half? I guess we can blame a strained groin on his mechanics, too??? This is just f***ing mindblowing.

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I've spent hours on video analysis of Peavy's motion and what I've found is startling and explains this issue completely. I won't bore you with the medical jargon, so I'll try to put this in layman's terms: Peavy has a really unusual pitching motion, and you may see this when you look at it from the right angles, but he actually uses his legs as part of the pitching motion. This can pull on the groin, which is very problematic. The worst part is the guy has been ignoring Coop's constant requests to remove his legs from the motion. Ideally, Jake would be kneeling the entire time. Sure he may lose that strikeout pitch, but he can do without it. It is more important that he's out there. I have my reservations about this new motion though, it may cause undue stress on his back.

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QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Jun 5, 2011 -> 10:48 PM)
Slightest pain? Seriously? Did you even read the article? Unbelievable. I assume you didn't, so I'll quote him:

"(After that) I couldn't throw one ball where it was supposed be thrown," Peavy said.


I prefer the type of athlete that puts the team before himself.


He said he couldn't f***ing throw a pitch anywhere he wanted. Get the f*** out of the game.


I'll take a wild guess which side of the Cutler equation you were on.


Well said. That inning when Jake toughed it out cost them the entire game. They outscored DET 3-1 in the other 8 innings, but the 6-spot when Jake couldn't locate anything was the difference. But at least he's tough and he plays injured.

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‘‘I’ll probably miss more time now,’’ a glum Peavy said. ‘‘We’ll evaluate it and see some doctors, but it’d be hard for this thing to just go away. We have a lot of equipment [for treatment], but the way I feel when I walk, [the disabled list] is a pretty safe bet.’’


But he's a warrior!



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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 6, 2011 -> 08:05 AM)
So, he pitches through it and we insult him for costing us a game, he goes on the DL and we insult him for not being a warrior.


No, I was mocking those that act like Peavy is some kinda inspirational hero because he pitches in pain. Yet if you blow on him wrong he gets hurt.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 6, 2011 -> 09:07 AM)
No, I was mocking those that act like Peavy is some kinda inspirational hero because he pitches in pain. Yet if you blow on him wrong he gets hurt.

Basically, we must mock for everything. Makes us feel like big men ourselves!



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