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Bear Morning Practice


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Decided to go to Bears morning practice 8:30 on the way to Sox game today. Typical offense and defense drills to start Urlacher is awesome, talked to first round pick M. Haynes who sat out practice for a 3rd straight day and he said " I hope to get some reps tommorow ". Today was goal -line day 1st team offense VS first string defense starting at the 3 yard line . Offense scored 3 straight times, once by Stewart, then Pritchard, the a-train defense looked a little lost after Stewart scored on them. Rex Grossman told me he hopes to play a quarter and a half vs Indy and looked sharp in drills as did Stewart. D.Terrell and A.Merrit also looked very good. Defense Urlacher and A. Brown stood out. I had a good time in my only visit to camp this year and SHOOP really acts like a weasel.

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