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2011-2012 OFFICIAL NBA LOCKOUT thread

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QUOTE (JorgeFabregas @ Aug 7, 2011 -> 08:54 AM)
I'm not sure that makes any sense at all. So if he's sitting around at home, then he has his fellow union members' backs? It's not as if he's skipping out on a picket line.





The point is to show solidarity among the players/union. When you have a small group just caring about themselves( the superstars who get European offers) then the other union members will start to split themselves.



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QUOTE (zenryan @ Aug 7, 2011 -> 05:22 PM)
The point is to show solidarity among the players/union. When you have a small group just caring about themselves( the superstars who get European offers) then the other union members will start to split themselves.

Does the union split when some guys sign shoe contracts and others don't?

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Williams, Beasley are dumb and dumber

Planning to play in Turkey, pot charge do players no favors at NBA's bargaining table




The only thing worse than unmitigated selfishness is a selfish fool too preoccupied to notice the collateral damage caused from his actions, and too distracted to care.


Forgive New Jersey Nets star guard, Deron Williams, and his ignorance. The man just doesn't know any better. We can't say the same about Michael Beasley, but that's primarily because his ignorance appears beyond repair. The former has decided he wants to play in Turkey if the NBA lockout continues; the latter simply was ticketed for alleged misdemeanor possession of marijuana. But the fact that the two have decided to commit their respective acts in the midst of a contentious collective bargaining negotiation dismantles any notion of togetherness on the part of NBA players.


Since that's the likely perception of league owners right now, a show of hands to those who believe this will actually help negotiations in the coming weeks?


Thought so!


Billy Hunter, the executive director of the NBA Players Association, and Derek Fisher, union president, have stated on more than one occasion that the players "are together." But when a player such as Williams, who made $14.9 million last season, literally runs for the border to collect more cash, and one of the pieces left behind to represent the NBA product is allegedly caught with weed in his car after being stopped for speeding, how can anyone expect Hunter and Fisher to do an effective job?


These latest occurrences are not about Hunter and Fisher. It's not about their capabilities as union leaders. It's about players who talk a whole lot but don't know the difference between talking smack on the court and having to walk it in the boardroom. It's about players who don't have a clue about what togetherness is -- outside of blaming the media for everything.


It's about players who clearly have not grasped the magnitude of these CBA talks, and the potential ramifications for anyone outside of themselves.


"It's not good," one player told me on Thursday, demanding anonymity before saying a word. "Williams' move makes sense if you're about getting that cash. Nobody can blame him for that. But when you're talking about these negotiations, it's suppose to be about unity."


Exactly. A union -- any union -- is supposed to personify that. They're supposed to exude togetherness as opposed to coming across as a filthy-rich scab looking to do nothing else aside from bloating his bank account.


What's lost in all of this, as a result of Williams' selfishness and Beasley's stupidity, is how the owners must be feeling right now. Sure, NBA commissioner David Stern may not like the idea of Europe benefitting from the NBA brand without the NBA benefitting themselves. And he's probably keenly aware that if more stars consider the option of playing overseas (i.e. Kobe Bryant), that it could ultimately prolong a lockout that already appears on the verge of skipping the entire 2011-12 season.


But if Stern were to do the obvious and look deeper, the actions of both Williams and Beasley are far more detrimental to the players than it could ever be for the owners. Particularly when taking into account hard-line owners such as Dan Gilbert (Cleveland), Robert Sarver (Phoenix) -- who are actually leading the league in these negotiations, sources say -- hell-bent on getting that $800 million rollback in salaries, a hard salary cap and maximum years on guaranteed deals reduced to three years.


The owners never gave two cents about the court of public opinion when they thought they would be perceived as the bad guys for locking players out. So what doesn't anyone believe they'll feel now?


"Here's the bottom line," a league executive told me Thursday. "Not only does Williams help the Nets by remaining in basketball shape and helping to globalize the brand, but he divides the players in a way without even knowing it.


"With the money he made last year, with him in position to collect on the $16.3 million for next season, assuming the lockout ends, if he's going to go and collect more cash in Turkey while mid-level, relatively unknown players remain here waiting for a deal -- because Turkey ain't inviting them overseas -- how is the union going to stand up and tell players they need to stand together? It ain't happening."


It's not happening because those mid-level players are the ones who'll need the money the most. They're the ones who'll complain the loudest. And the one argument the stars normally would have on their side, about sticking together and standing unified like Peyton Manning, Drew Brees, Tom Brady and others have done in the NFL, fly right out the window with any credibility they once had.


All because of acts of selfishness, as usual, committed by the players. Of their own volition, no less.


Don't blame Billy Hunter and Derek Fisher for this. Just blame the body they represent.


If some would disagree that these selfish acts started in July 2010 with LeBron James, there's no arguing that Williams and Beasley provided further evidence.


To quote Hunter when he's angry and off-camera: Damn!





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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 7, 2011 -> 05:25 PM)
Does the union split when some guys sign shoe contracts and others don't?





Is there a players union for personal endorsement deals?

Edited by zenryan
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QUOTE (zenryan @ Aug 7, 2011 -> 05:34 PM)
Is there a players union for personal endorsement deals?

Is there a players union for people playing in Europe?


In either case, they're using the skills and abilities from the NBA to set themselves up with another income.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 7, 2011 -> 05:41 PM)
Is there a players union for people playing in Europe?


In either case, they're using the skills and abilities from the NBA to set themselves up with another income.





So a group that consists of a 10-15 players going to Europe because their skill set allows them that opportunity is best for the union?








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QUOTE (zenryan @ Aug 7, 2011 -> 06:33 PM)
So a group that consists of a 10-15 players going to Europe because their skill set allows them that opportunity is best for the union?

So a group of 10-15 players signing big shoe contracts because their skill set allows them that opportunity is best for the union?

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QUOTE (zenryan @ Aug 7, 2011 -> 06:40 PM)
But in the end, I'm willing to bet this was just a ploy by the union in hopes that the owners get worried. And from the way Stern is talking, he and the owners are seeing through it.

Of course the Owners are going to push them. It worked last time, it's up to the PLayers to prove something is different this time.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 7, 2011 -> 06:34 PM)
So a group of 10-15 players signing big shoe contracts because their skill set allows them that opportunity is best for the union?





What union is this that youre talking about? The Endorsement Union or the NBA Players Union?



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QUOTE (zenryan @ Aug 7, 2011 -> 06:47 PM)
What union is this that youre talking about? The Endorsement Union or the NBA Players Union?

Clearly the players Union. The players union isn't harmed by actions outside of the Players union. In fact, it is strengthened by it.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Aug 9, 2011 -> 12:59 PM)
Maybe Richmond's "advisors" told him that an arrest record makes you more attractive to NBA teams?


Well according to Richmond logic, beating a woman and threatening her with a gun (allegedly) is greater than any of our greatest successes.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 9, 2011 -> 02:05 PM)
Well according to Richmond logic, beating a woman and threatening her with a gun (allegedly) is greater than any of our greatest successes.

Clearly better than me getting married and having 2 kids. Yes, me getting married is absolutely an amazing success. lol

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Well according to Richmond logic, beating a woman and threatening her with a gun (allegedly) is greater than any of our greatest successes.


Putting a woman in check is a great success. All the men today have turned into softies. I blame hollywood.


Giving a girl flowers= breakups


giving a girl black eyes = love you long time




I wish the reverse were true. But I don't write the rules of life.





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QUOTE (jenksfart @ Aug 9, 2011 -> 12:18 PM)
Putting a woman in check is a great success. All the men today have turned into softies. I blame hollywood.


Giving a girl flowers= breakups


giving a girl black eyes = love you long time




I wish the reverse were true. But I don't write the rules of life.



If you are being serious, well, than I feel bad for you.

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