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Embarrassing moments


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Was just wondering if any of you guys and gals have ever had anything embarrassing happen to you in front of people or did something embarrassing in front of people like vomit in class, trip and fall on your face in gym class or something like that and have people laughing at you?


The reason I bring this up is cause I went to Best Buy today to buy some CD-Rs and other things and while walking along the by the computer stuff there was this little shelf thingy which had headphones and cassettes, and stuff like that on it..well, there was this little metal thingy sticking out from the bottom(don't know what it was) of it and I didn't see it and I stumbled on it and to brace my fall I put my arms out and just completely knocked over half of all the stuff on the shelves


And of course I fell on the floor along with the stuff..and in front of people...hot chicks(well, one hot chick) nearby...Sigh...I felt soooooo f***ing stupid :lol: That s*** is embarrassing as hell, man...

I was kinda in that thinking of, "should I just leave and pretend this never happened..or just play it cool and help one of the employees...I just tried the latter...


Trying to play it cool, which is impossible..ugh..They were nice(the employees) probably cause I could have sued their asses :o :fyou


Any of you guys have any embarrassing moments that have happed to you???

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Just this past weekend something quite embarassing happened to me.


First off, let me start my story by letting everyone know that I hate to dance. You'd probably have to get 4 or 5 beers in me to get me doing more then slow dancing. And I also hate country music, with the exception of a few songs.


Anyways, we went to a wedding this weekend, and that was all fun and what not, and then we went to the party afterwards, had supper, had dessert, listened to the bride and groom speak, and just kind of mingled a little after that. Then they started playing music. So, I just kind of thought, I'll hang in the restaurant area of this place, maybe watch some kids play pool, and watch the Sox a little(because they were on WGN). Well, the Sox got down big time, and some kids that had no idea how to play pool at all were playing, and it was just boring as hell. So I decided to go out and watch people dance. So, after watching like 2 or 3 songs of people dancing, some cousins of mine started trying to drag me in. I figured if they want me in so much, I'll do it. So I did, for like 2 dances(and it was this real twangy ass country s***). Then I did the dollar dance and everything that followed, and then they started dancing again. I just said I'll just watch again. So that's exactly what I did(though that was hard enough as there was more twangy ass country s***). And they tried dragging me in again....and I got stubborn, and I wouldn't go in. I ran to a chair, grabbed on for dear life, and they couldn't get me out. So my sister, who is drunk as hell, decides to try and drag me out by my shirt. That was a real nice move. Within 10 seconds of pulling on it, it tears, and half of my back is showing. So I kind of play it cool, walk out, go to the hotel, change, and come back. Let's just say many people realized that my shirt ripped, and it wasn't fun the rest of the night.


If anything else comes to me, I'll post that too.

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I've had so many of those things happen to me (not 'cause I'm clumsy, cause I have bad luck :lol: ), I've begun to expect them. One specific incident happened a few months ago. I was at a food court-type deal at school, and I was paying for my meal, which included a plate with a burrito and a soda sitting on one of those flimsy recycled paper trays, and the tray was just sitting on the runner for trays, which was three parallel metal bars.


Anyway, I let go of the soda to give the guy the money and it tipped the tray, which caused a seesaw type outcome with the opposite side of the tray going up. I quickly grabbed the tray and pushed it back down, but the soda still had momentum and fell backwards, spilling all over the floor. It was loud, it was messy, and everyone turned to look. I just laughed, my friends shook their heads. :lol:

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Guest wsc425

Lets see.

I was going to watch the ppl break dance and there was a clown at our graduation dance for 8th grade. I peeked up and the clown wanted me to dance. I looked horrible!

Also my mom walked in when I was face down on my bed with a 1.99 warm apple pie. Stupid American Pie.

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the room was silent and i shifted in my chair, and one slipped.


My reaction was "Oh Jesus".


So for the next few days people in that class would come up to me and say "oh jesus"...over time it became less embarrassing and more funny.


One girl told me it was the funniest moment of her life. The teacher hated it because she couldn't control the laughter in the room. As you can imagine i was very red.

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One time, I was walking thru the local grocery store with my friends and we were punching rolls of paper towels towards the back of the shelf. We punched em straight on so they flew back and just lied down. No biggie. Then I threw a roundhouse on one and knocked like ten of em off. One of the employees was standing there just looking at me, this dirty look. Me and my friends backpedaled out of the store, and then turned and ran to his car and sped away.


I had another one but I forgot...

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Lets see.

I was going to watch the ppl break dance and there was a clown at our graduation dance for 8th grade. I peeked up and the clown wanted me to dance. I looked horrible!

Also my mom walked in when I was face down on my bed with a 1.99 warm apple pie. Stupid American Pie.

I never thought anyone would actually do that champ. :lol:


And I got embarassed in Spanish class a lot of times. I was the class clown so it didnt really matter but still. Id fall asleep and my teacher would wake me up and make fun of me, while I sat there and muttered obscenities at him under my breath...

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Oh heres one. Once, I was in AP Euro (so this is like the class with all the goody two shoes preppy kids, with me being a smart clown who found his way in). Our teacher was giving a lesson and I ripped one. A LOUD one. Everybody looked at me and I apologized by saying "Sorry, I didnt expect that too be so loud..." :o

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Wow, I am not the only one! You are my long lost brother.


Together we braved new territory by farting in class. We have given many stories to tell there kids.


You farted in APEuro, I cut the cheese in chemistry.


Damn, it is good to know i am not alone

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Once upon a time in English, the exact same thing happened to me. I can't remember what I was doing at the time, but I just remember that I just farted and it was loud as hell, and everyone started laughing. The bad thing was that the hottest girl in class sat right in front of me.


That won't get you closer to getting in her pants, I guaran-f***ing-tee you that.

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Once upon a time in English, the exact same thing happened to me.  I can't remember what I was doing at the time, but I just remember that I just farted and it was loud as hell, and everyone started laughing.  The bad thing was that the hottest girl in class sat right in front of me.


That won't get you closer to getting in her pants, I guaran-f***ing-tee you that.

a hot girl was sitting next to me when I did it...she laughed hysterically.


She said it was the funniest moment of her life.


If i could do it over again, I still would have farted

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Once upon a time in English, the exact same thing happened to me.  I can't remember what I was doing at the time, but I just remember that I just farted and it was loud as hell, and everyone started laughing.  The bad thing was that the hottest girl in class sat right in front of me.


That won't get you closer to getting in her pants, I guaran-f***ing-tee you that.

a hot girl was sitting next to me when I did it...she laughed hysterically.


She said it was the funniest moment of her life.


If i could do it over again, I still would have farted

Oh don't get me wrong, everyone laughed their asses off, as did she.


You just won't get a girl by farting. Well, I don't think you would here atleast. I mean, how does that sound?


"Yeah, we started going out after he farted really loud in class."



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Was just wondering if any of you guys and gals have ever had anything embarrassing happen to you in front of people or did something embarrassing in front of people like vomit in class, trip and fall on your face in gym class or something like that and have people laughing at you?


The reason I bring this up is cause I went to Best Buy today to buy some CD-Rs and other things and while walking along the by the computer stuff there was this little shelf thingy which had headphones and cassettes, and stuff like that on it..well, there was this little metal thingy sticking out from the bottom(don't know what it was) of it and I didn't see it and I stumbled on it and to brace my fall I put my arms out and just completely knocked over half of all the stuff on the shelves


And of course I fell on the floor along with the stuff..and in front of people...hot chicks(well, one hot chick) nearby...Sigh...I felt soooooo f***ing stupid :lol: That s*** is embarrassing as hell, man...

I was kinda in that thinking of, "should I just leave and pretend this never happened..or just play it cool and help one of the employees...I just tried the latter...


Trying to play it cool, which is impossible..ugh..They were nice(the employees) probably cause I could have sued their asses :o  :fyou


Any of you guys have any embarrassing moments that have happed to you???

Or you could have faked an injury,and become rich. :bang

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Once upon a time in English, the exact same thing happened to me.  I can't remember what I was doing at the time, but I just remember that I just farted and it was loud as hell, and everyone started laughing.  The bad thing was that the hottest girl in class sat right in front of me.


That won't get you closer to getting in her pants, I guaran-f***ing-tee you that.

a hot girl was sitting next to me when I did it...she laughed hysterically.


She said it was the funniest moment of her life.


If i could do it over again, I still would have farted

Oh don't get me wrong, everyone laughed their asses off, as did she.


You just won't get a girl by farting. Well, I don't think you would here atleast. I mean, how does that sound?


"Yeah, we started going out after he farted really loud in class."



"I knew the first time I looked into his eye..."

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When I was still playing baseball, I was in center field and there was a fair crowd (for our games... Means maybe 50 people). Anyway, some guy hit one to deep centerfield, and I got on my horse and started running and I snagged the ball at the wall. Problem was, the wall at this park was only waist high and it was just a regular chain-link fence. Well, to make a long story short, I didn't see the wall and ran full speed into it, flipped over it and had one of the chains snag my pants... Ripping them off as I fell over. So I wound up, on my back, with my legs straight up and my pants around my ankles.


At least I hung on to the ball. :)

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Holy s*** doublem23, the same thing happen to me when I was playing summer ball for my school last year in left field (except my pants didnt fall off). It was in left field and I caught the ball at the warning track, and fell right over the low fence. I dropped the baseball after I fell over but its still an out.


Dont know if you were hurt, but I bruised my ribs and sat out the rest of the game. My girlfriend was there and said even the umpire was laughing It was embarrassing as hell

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Wow, I am not the only one!  You are my long lost brother.


Together we braved new territory by farting in class.  We have given many stories to tell there kids. 


You farted in APEuro, I cut the cheese in chemistry. 


Damn, it is good to know i am not alone

But have you ever farted and burped simultaneously??? :lol:


When I was in 7th grade some kid in class did that..He didn't actually do it at the same time...He let out a small burp and not even a second later he farted...The whole class started laughing :lol:

I don't think that kid was ever the same :bang

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Oh heres one. Once, I was in AP Euro (so this is like the class with all the goody two shoes preppy kids, with me being a smart clown who found his way in). Our teacher was giving a lesson and I ripped one. A LOUD one. Everybody looked at me and I apologized by saying "Sorry, I didnt expect that too be so loud..." :o

AP Euro??? What in the hell is that? :lol:

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Once upon a time in English, the exact same thing happened to me.  I can't remember what I was doing at the time, but I just remember that I just farted and it was loud as hell, and everyone started laughing.  The bad thing was that the hottest girl in class sat right in front of me.


That won't get you closer to getting in her pants, I guaran-f***ing-tee you that.

The bad thing was that the hottest girl in class sat right in front of me.


Isn't that always the case.. :lol:

I'd be like......OF......COURSE :D

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Was just wondering if any of you guys and gals have ever had anything embarrassing happen to you in front of people or did something embarrassing in front of people like vomit in class, trip and fall on your face in gym class or something like that and have people laughing at you?


The reason I bring this up is cause I went to Best Buy today to buy some CD-Rs and other things and while walking along the by the computer stuff there was this little shelf thingy which had headphones and cassettes, and stuff like that on it..well, there was this little metal thingy sticking out from the bottom(don't know what it was) of it and I didn't see it and I stumbled on it and to brace my fall I put my arms out and just completely knocked over half of all the stuff on the shelves


And of course I fell on the floor along with the stuff..and in front of people...hot chicks(well, one hot chick) nearby...Sigh...I felt soooooo f***ing stupid :lol: That s*** is embarrassing as hell, man...

I was kinda in that thinking of, "should I just leave and pretend this never happened..or just play it cool and help one of the employees...I just tried the latter...


Trying to play it cool, which is impossible..ugh..They were nice(the employees) probably cause I could have sued their asses :o  :fyou


Any of you guys have any embarrassing moments that have happed to you???

Or you could have faked an injury,and become rich. :bang

Well, I guess but the fall wasn't that bad..it just seems bad cause I brought all that s*** down with me...and i'm not that good an actor :P

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