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Embarrassing moments


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Was just wondering if any of you guys and gals have ever had anything embarrassing happen to you in front of people or did something embarrassing in front of people like vomit in class, trip and fall on your face in gym class or something like that and have people laughing at you?


The reason I bring this up is cause I went to Best Buy today to buy some CD-Rs and other things and while walking along the by the computer stuff there was this little shelf thingy which had headphones and cassettes, and stuff like that on it..well, there was this little metal thingy sticking out from the bottom(don't know what it was) of it and I didn't see it and I stumbled on it and to brace my fall I put my arms out and just completely knocked over half of all the stuff on the shelves


And of course I fell on the floor along with the stuff..and in front of people...hot chicks(well, one hot chick) nearby...Sigh...I felt soooooo f***ing stupid :lol: That s*** is embarrassing as hell, man...

I was kinda in that thinking of, "should I just leave and pretend this never happened..or just play it cool and help one of the employees...I just tried the latter...


Trying to play it cool, which is impossible..ugh..They were nice(the employees) probably cause I could have sued their asses :o  :fyou


Any of you guys have any embarrassing moments that have happed to you???

Or you could have faked an injury,and become rich. :bang

Well, I guess but the fall wasn't that bad..it just seems bad cause I brought all that s*** down with me...and i'm not that good an actor :P

2 or 3 thousand grand were there for ya if ya had a clue. ;) Trust me, been there, had that done. Unless the retail staff does everything to perfection, you are hooked up outta court. Oh well, you should have consulted with me.... :bang

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A woman must pipe in this one now.


Ok, this one is a bit disgusting, but what the hell...


I was in high school at the time wearing a pair of Khakis. After I was done eating lunch, I got up to take my tray to the garbage area, and I begin to feel rather wet. Immediately, I go to the bathroom, and there's this big mirror right as you enter. I see a huge pool of red on the backside of my Khakis. Just half the day was gone, which meant that I'd have to go to the gym to change into my gym shorts for the rest of the day. Problem is, I hadn't shaved for like 3 days, so my legs didn't look too appealing. I returned to my seat only to notice a small puddle of red, and the hottest guy in the class who sat at the table next to us looking at me started teasing me, and I would never live this down for the rest of the school year. He, in fact, wrote something about it in my yearbook that year.


Hey, I told ya it would be a little disgusting!

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A woman must pipe in this one now.


Ok, this one is a bit disgusting, but what the hell...


I was in high school at the time wearing a pair of Khakis.  After I was done eating lunch, I got up to take my tray to the garbage area, and I begin to feel rather wet.  Immediately, I go to the bathroom, and there's this big mirror right as you enter.  I see a huge pool of red on the backside of my Khakis.  Just half the day was gone, which meant that I'd have to go to the gym to change into my gym shorts for the rest of the day.  Problem is, I hadn't shaved for like 3 days, so my legs didn't look too appealing.  I returned to my seat only to notice a small puddle of red, and the hottest guy in the class who sat at the table next to us looking at me started teasing me, and I would never live this down for the rest of the school year.  He, in fact, wrote something about it in my yearbook that year.


Hey, I told ya it would be a little disgusting!





I dont want heather anymore :lol:

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Two bad sports feats off the top of my head:


High school game, pick off a pass, go on a breakway...whiff completely on the shot and then get knocked on my ass trying to regain control and get a shot off


High school summer ball game, hit a leadoff triple, get picked off before the next pitch when i looked down for a second to make sure i was in foul territory.


And heather, that just wasn't right

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Was just wondering if any of you guys and gals have ever had anything embarrassing happen to you in front of people or did something embarrassing in front of people like vomit in class, trip and fall on your face in gym class or something like that and have people laughing at you?


The reason I bring this up is cause I went to Best Buy today to buy some CD-Rs and other things and while walking along the by the computer stuff there was this little shelf thingy which had headphones and cassettes, and stuff like that on it..well, there was this little metal thingy sticking out from the bottom(don't know what it was) of it and I didn't see it and I stumbled on it and to brace my fall I put my arms out and just completely knocked over half of all the stuff on the shelves


And of course I fell on the floor along with the stuff..and in front of people...hot chicks(well, one hot chick) nearby...Sigh...I felt soooooo f***ing stupid :lol: That s*** is embarrassing as hell, man...

I was kinda in that thinking of, "should I just leave and pretend this never happened..or just play it cool and help one of the employees...I just tried the latter...


Trying to play it cool, which is impossible..ugh..They were nice(the employees) probably cause I could have sued their asses :o  :fyou


Any of you guys have any embarrassing moments that have happed to you???

One day about 10 years ago I was coming out of a burrito joint with a couple of my buddies and we were racing to the car to see who'd get "shotgun" when I slipped in a puddle of water and skidded forward on my ass about 30 feet until coming to a stop in front of a fence. Because I was now soaking wet my friends made me walk home instead of riding in the car. I still haven't lived that one down.

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I got two more.


One time, I was walking thru a department store playing with the switchblade keys to my car. I was opening and shutting the key mindlessly. I needed some help so I walked up to the counter and just before I got there I raised my key up to chest level and flipped it open, pointing it right at the lady like I was about to mug her. We looked oddly at eachother for a sec before I hightailed it outta the store.


Another time I was fighting with my brother and my friend was over. Our kitchen has an island so my brother was running around that so I couldnt catch him. The floor was wet and slippery. My brother fell so I dashed around the table to get him. I went around the side and just slid right into my friend. It was like an unintentional slide tackle...

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In my 5th grade play, I was laying down on a bench as part of the play and as the curtains were opening, I realized I fogot the pillow (prop) and I was screaming to the people backstage to throw me the pillow. When the curtains where half open, the prop person (Veronica) whipped the pillow at me and knocked me right off the bench when the curtains wer fully open. The worst part, It was in front of all the 8th graders. I felt like an ass!

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The worst sports emberrasment of rme was:


I was playing basesball for the East Side Little Lague and my team was in layoff contention. We were down by 1 with a runner on 1st and 2 outs. I come up to bat and a smash one in the gap in left-center. The fat-ass CF let the ball roll to the wall and I was thinking Inside the Parker the whole time. The guy in front of me had already scored and he's cheering me on. If is score we win and go to the playoffs. Im rounding third and the relay is coming in when 10 feet from home I slide and stop 3 feet short of home. (Think Major Leagues when Willi Mayes Hayes tries to steal 2nd in the preseason game) The throw comes in, the catcher scoop it up and tagged me (laying on the ground) out. We went to extra inning and lost and missed the playoffs. But I did get the game ball since I went 6 for 6.

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A woman must pipe in this one now.


Ok, this one is a bit disgusting, but what the hell...


I was in high school at the time wearing a pair of Khakis.  After I was done eating lunch, I got up to take my tray to the garbage area, and I begin to feel rather wet.  Immediately, I go to the bathroom, and there's this big mirror right as you enter.  I see a huge pool of red on the backside of my Khakis.  Just half the day was gone, which meant that I'd have to go to the gym to change into my gym shorts for the rest of the day.  Problem is, I hadn't shaved for like 3 days, so my legs didn't look too appealing.  I returned to my seat only to notice a small puddle of red, and the hottest guy in the class who sat at the table next to us looking at me started teasing me, and I would never live this down for the rest of the school year.  He, in fact, wrote something about it in my yearbook that year.


Hey, I told ya it would be a little disgusting!


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Guest hotsoxchick1
Heather, after that one, you're banned. :lol:

id have to agree with ya heads on that one... that was just beyond the gross limit... that was down right disgusting.............heather never tell about female problems in public......geez us..........thats for coffee clutches and locker room chat only.... not exactly something you want to talk about with a bunch of guys........ :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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A woman must pipe in this one now.


Ok, this one is a bit disgusting, but what the hell...


I was in high school at the time wearing a pair of Khakis.  After I was done eating lunch, I got up to take my tray to the garbage area, and I begin to feel rather wet.  Immediately, I go to the bathroom, and there's this big mirror right as you enter.  I see a huge pool of red on the backside of my Khakis.  Just half the day was gone, which meant that I'd have to go to the gym to change into my gym shorts for the rest of the day.  Problem is, I hadn't shaved for like 3 days, so my legs didn't look too appealing.  I returned to my seat only to notice a small puddle of red, and the hottest guy in the class who sat at the table next to us looking at me started teasing me, and I would never live this down for the rest of the school year.  He, in fact, wrote something about it in my yearbook that year.


Hey, I told ya it would be a little disgusting!

Uhh, that's gross :puke

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id have to agree with ya heads on that one... that was just beyond the gross limit... that was down right disgusting.............heather never tell about female problems in public......geez us..........thats for coffee clutches and locker room chat only.... not exactly something you want to talk about with a bunch of guys........ :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:

So we won't be getting any stories like that from you... :huh:

Oh Darn.. <_>

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A woman must pipe in this one now.


Ok, this one is a bit disgusting, but what the hell...


I was in high school at the time wearing a pair of Khakis.  After I was done eating lunch, I got up to take my tray to the garbage area, and I begin to feel rather wet.  Immediately, I go to the bathroom, and there's this big mirror right as you enter.  I see a huge pool of red on the backside of my Khakis.  Just half the day was gone, which meant that I'd have to go to the gym to change into my gym shorts for the rest of the day.  Problem is, I hadn't shaved for like 3 days, so my legs didn't look too appealing.  I returned to my seat only to notice a small puddle of red, and the hottest guy in the class who sat at the table next to us looking at me started teasing me, and I would never live this down for the rest of the school year.  He, in fact, wrote something about it in my yearbook that year.


Hey, I told ya it would be a little disgusting!

I find it kind of sexy! ;)















Not really!

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Guest hotsoxchick1
So we won't be getting any stories like that from you... :huh:

Oh Darn.. <_<

umm hell no besides im smart enough to know when that is going to happen and im well prepared....... ;)

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