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Question for Apu


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I remember back in the day (last winter I believe), you had an avatar that featured some guy with a beret, and long messy hair and a mustache and he was looking up.


Any way, I saw the same picture on two different people's t-shirts today in NY.


Who is this guy?


and why is he on people's avatars and t-shirts?

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I remember back in the day (last winter I believe), you had an avatar that featured some guy with a beret, and long messy hair and a mustache and he was looking up. 


Any way, I saw the same picture on two different people's t-shirts today in NY. 


Who is this guy?


and why is he on people's avatars and t-shirts?

I hope this is a photo of the right guy.




The guy's name was Ernesto 'Che' Guevara. The following is a real quick bio. He was a doctor that got involved in revolutionary ideology and assisted Fidel in his revolution in Cuba. After leaving there, Guevara looked to install peoples' governments throughout Central and South America using guerrilla tactics to gain the peoples' support especially since so many Central and South American governments during the time were having their land centralized in ownership by a few power elite instead of the majority of the population.


Guevara started his liberation movement in Bolivia, but unfortunately due to peasant reforms by the MNR there in the 1950s, the populus was not so inclined to assist him. Guevara wrote the book "Guerrilla Warfare" and there is also a book of his diary in Bolivia writing about how he wanted to assist the people against the corruption of capitalism that has destroyed the peasants because they were not allowed a voice in many of the Central and South American governments. [Not allowed the vote, not able to own land, working in poor labor conditions, etc. etc.] His revolution movement failed in Bolivia but he had a large following that something needed to be done against the ruling oligarchies of power elite and military dictatorships in South America.


A CIA assisted Bolivian military squad finally captured Guevara and although told by the US not to kill him, the Bolivians killed him anyway. [Declassified documents I scrounged up writing a paper on Guevara...the professor I had is an expert in Andean history, especially Bolivia...said that the CIA feared killing Guevara because it would have a martyr effect] And after they cleaned up the body, they showed the world...and a lot of photo-journalists have equivicated this photo to the martyred Christ after the Crucifixion. [That was in a bunch of the books I barrowed from my professor about the topic of Che and Bolivia since I had to write a paper on why his liberation movement in Bolivia failed.]


Che is still popular in many areas because he attempted to give a voice to the people and fought the power elite that harmed the people. He pioneered the idea of armed liberation after all other means have been exhausted to get rid of the evil. Although he used only the facts of what worked in Cuba as a means to plan his future endeavors...and what worked in Cuba didn't work in Bolivia.


And he's on t-shirts and avatars etc. mainly because he is a pop culture icon but also he is an icon of revolution and liberation movements. I think I am going to buy a Che shirt with a photo of him followed by "Not bad...for a f***ing pinko commie" :lol:


Some of his quotes:


"Why does the guerrilla fighter fight? We must come to the inevitable conclusion that the guerrilla fighter is a social reformer, that he takes up arms responding to the angry protest of the people against their oppressors, and that he fights in order to change the social system that keeps all his unarmed brothers in ignominy and misery."


"There are no boundaries in this struggle to the death. We cannot be indifferent to what happens anywhere in the world, for a victory by any country over imperialism is our victory; just as any country's defeat is a defeat for all of us."


"If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine."


"At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality."

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I have learned he was a killer

My guess would be that is something about Bush


brought a terrible oppressor into power.


And my guess on that would be something to do with us voting Bush in as president.


Just a guess, so don't think this is right or anything.

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1549, actually Che and Fidel had a bit of a stormy relationship from time to time and didn't always agree on everything after Fidel gained power. But Che is a revered person in the regime because he was one of the men that put Fidel in power. However, they two did not always get along.


I do not think it was Che's intent to put a man who oppressed people [aka Fidel] into power but a man who was less oppressive than the man before. Che's probably rolling over in his grave about some of the stuff Fidel has done.

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I remember back in the day (last winter I believe), you had an avatar that featured some guy with a beret, and long messy hair and a mustache and he was looking up. 


Any way, I saw the same picture on two different people's t-shirts today in NY. 


Who is this guy?


and why is he on people's avatars and t-shirts?

I hope this is a photo of the right guy.




The guy's name was Ernesto 'Che' Guevara. The following is a real quick bio. He was a doctor that got involved in revolutionary ideology and assisted Fidel in his revolution in Cuba. After leaving there, Guevara looked to install peoples' governments throughout Central and South America using guerrilla tactics to gain the peoples' support especially since so many Central and South American governments during the time were having their land centralized in ownership by a few power elite instead of the majority of the population.


Guevara started his liberation movement in Bolivia, but unfortunately due to peasant reforms by the MNR there in the 1950s, the populus was not so inclined to assist him. Guevara wrote the book "Guerrilla Warfare" and there is also a book of his diary in Bolivia writing about how he wanted to assist the people against the corruption of capitalism that has destroyed the peasants because they were not allowed a voice in many of the Central and South American governments. [Not allowed the vote, not able to own land, working in poor labor conditions, etc. etc.] His revolution movement failed in Bolivia but he had a large following that something needed to be done against the ruling oligarchies of power elite and military dictatorships in South America.


A CIA assisted Bolivian military squad finally captured Guevara and although told by the US not to kill him, the Bolivians killed him anyway. [Declassified documents I scrounged up writing a paper on Guevara...the professor I had is an expert in Andean history, especially Bolivia...said that the CIA feared killing Guevara because it would have a martyr effect] And after they cleaned up the body, they showed the world...and a lot of photo-journalists have equivicated this photo to the martyred Christ after the Crucifixion. [That was in a bunch of the books I barrowed from my professor about the topic of Che and Bolivia since I had to write a paper on why his liberation movement in Bolivia failed.]


Che is still popular in many areas because he attempted to give a voice to the people and fought the power elite that harmed the people. He pioneered the idea of armed liberation after all other means have been exhausted to get rid of the evil. Although he used only the facts of what worked in Cuba as a means to plan his future endeavors...and what worked in Cuba didn't work in Bolivia.


And he's on t-shirts and avatars etc. mainly because he is a pop culture icon but also he is an icon of revolution and liberation movements. I think I am going to buy a Che shirt with a photo of him followed by "Not bad...for a f***ing pinko commie" :lol:


Some of his quotes:


"Why does the guerrilla fighter fight? We must come to the inevitable conclusion that the guerrilla fighter is a social reformer, that he takes up arms responding to the angry protest of the people against their oppressors, and that he fights in order to change the social system that keeps all his unarmed brothers in ignominy and misery."


"There are no boundaries in this struggle to the death. We cannot be indifferent to what happens anywhere in the world, for a victory by any country over imperialism is our victory; just as any country's defeat is a defeat for all of us."


"If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine."


"At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality."

thanks for the summary.


I still don't like that he helped Castro into power. But south/central america has always been known for its corruption, so I respect him for fighting for the people.


As for pinko commie, was he gay?


Anyway, his life is nothing to be proud of, afterall the only thing he accomplished was bringing an evil man to power.

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Pinko is about the whole evil empire Soviet red stuff...so anybody that even sort of agreed with it has been slang termed "pinko".


In his defense, he didn't know how Fidel would act in the future. So can't blame too much on him. There are a few really good books out about his life, I have the titles in my room but I can't get them now since I don't feel like walking downstairs. I can PM them to you if you want or something.

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I don't know much about him but I always though Castro was pretty good for Cuba. I have asked the last two morons wearing that s*** if they knew what if was and neither could tell me crap all. It's a pop icon for most, thankfully I left the bar with the girls that one of the che shirts I've met brought to the bar with him.

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I don't know much about him but I always though Castro was pretty good for Cuba.  I have asked the last two morons wearing that s*** if they knew what if was and neither could tell me crap all.  It's a pop icon for most, thankfully I left the bar with the girls that one of the che shirts I've met brought to the bar with him.

Castro was definately not good for the people of cuba. My mother's best friend defected from that country, as did my spanish teacher.


My spanish teacher lived in the slums of havanna before he defected into Miami 8 years ago.


He told many stories about how Castro is responsible for all the crime in cuba, because it is impossible to make a decent living without making illegal money. Also Castro is responsible for the lack of technology in cuba.


Overall the people in cuba live aweful lives because of the guy. My teacher said that there is only one person in the world he wants to kill, and his name is castro

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Castro was definately not good for the people of cuba.  My mother's best friend defected from that country, as did my spanish teacher. 


My spanish teacher lived in the slums of havanna before he defected into Miami 8 years ago. 


He told many stories about how Castro is responsible for all the crime in cuba, because it is impossible to make a decent living without making illegal money.  Also Castro is responsible for the lack of technology in cuba.


Overall the people in cuba live aweful lives because of the guy.  My teacher said that there is only one person in the world he wants to kill, and his name is castro

They have excellent health care and education from what I've been made to believe which is what I based that on, but I really haven't educated myself on it so I haven't much clue.

I certainly did liberate
I thought I was setting myself up for an easy cock block, but it turned out she didn't want any part of that clown either.
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