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Sox "trying to get a return on investment"


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QUOTE (Real @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 12:43 AM)
lol, two pages and still nobody has offered their opinion?


Teahen or Pierre in LF? I would MUCH rather have Teahen's poor defense and left handed pop in the lineup than Pierre's poor defense and NOTHING in the lineup


I know Teahen's power is subjective, but put simply, he can hit homers and extra base hits, Pierre can't.


Pierre can't even turn singles into doubles with SB, which makes him USELESS

How about f*** both Teahen and Pierre.

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My argument was the Sox wasted 4 mil on Manny Ramirez last year for a month. Completely threw it away on that piece of s***.


If they can't eat a couple mil due to Pierre the rest of the year, and trade it out for Viciedo, who is making good coin in AAA....


I just don't get it from the "return on investment" front.


Teams dump salary all the time because the player sucks. This wouldn't be any different.




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QUOTE (flavum @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 11:29 AM)
My argument was the Sox wasted 4 mil on Manny Ramirez last year for a month. Completely threw it away on that piece of s***.


If they can't eat a couple mil due to Pierre the rest of the year, and trade it out for Viciedo, who is making good coin in AAA....


I just don't get it from the "return on investment" front.


Teams dump salary all the time because the player sucks. This wouldn't be any different.

It's all about the fact that Ozzie Guillen faps to pictures of Juan Pierre 24/7. He has a love for the man that is unmatched by anyone.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 11:30 AM)
It's all about the fact that Ozzie Guillen faps to pictures of Juan Pierre 24/7. He has a love for the man that is unmatched by anyone.


But that's where Kenny Williams has to put on the big boy pants, and craft this 25-man roster any way he wants to.


It's Kenny's job to make the roster. It's Ozzie's job to manage it. Period.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 08:35 AM)
So I'll take 10-15 Mitchells or Youngs over 50 Kennyn Walkers and play those odds in Vegas that I end up with a couple of All-Stars and one once-in-a-generation superstar.


The f***? What is the difference between Jared Mitchell, Chris Young, and Keenyn Walker?

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 01:53 PM)
If they wait for the deadline, it would make me wonder if they know the real definiton of "All In"


Honestly the obsession with "All in" is scary. It is an advertising campaign for gods sake. Does everyone expect to see the Miller Lite Guards if you pick up a case of bud light with your strawberry body wash too? Let it go people.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 01:58 PM)
Honestly the obsession with "All in" is scary. It is an advertising campaign for gods sake. Does everyone expect to see the Miller Lite Guards if you pick up a case of bud light with your strawberry body wash too? Let it go people.


But I believe everything the TV tells me....

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 01:58 PM)
Honestly the obsession with "All in" is scary. It is an advertising campaign for gods sake. Does everyone expect to see the Miller Lite Guards if you pick up a case of bud light with your strawberry body wash too? Let it go people.


This is the same double-standard you and a few others have for winning in general. When the Sox win (think when they won the World Series), it was a life-changing experience and the greatest thing to happen to the city since the Bears in 1985. But when they lose, it's "you're all overreacting" and "it's just a game."


I can imagine if the Sox were in first by a nice margin right now, we'd be hearing how the team and management have really come through on their "promise" to go all-in. But since they're losing, it's just a marketing scheme.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 02:09 PM)
This is the same double-standard you and a few others have for winning in general. When the Sox win (think when they won the World Series), it was a life-changing experience and the greatest thing to happen to the city since the Bears in 1985. But when they lose, it's "you're all overreacting" and "it's just a game."


I can imagine if the Sox were in first by a nice margin right now, we'd be hearing how the team and management have really come through on their "promise" to go all-in. But since they're losing, it's just a marketing scheme.

Spoken like a true prodigy.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 02:09 PM)
This is the same double-standard you and a few others have for winning in general. When the Sox win (think when they won the World Series), it was a life-changing experience and the greatest thing to happen to the city since the Bears in 1985. But when they lose, it's "you're all overreacting" and "it's just a game."


I can imagine if the Sox were in first by a nice margin right now, we'd be hearing how the team and management have really come through on their "promise" to go all-in. But since they're losing, it's just a marketing scheme.


Right, because everyone is obsessed with the marketing when the team is in first place. Mostly this is just another excuse to b**** about something inane.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 02:15 PM)
Right, because everyone is obsessed with the marketing when the team is in first place. Mostly this is just another excuse to b**** about something inane.


Do you not remember the obsession with the grinder rules in 2005? It was pretty big.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 02:18 PM)
So even though he said a few times that it was of the utmost importance that the team come out of the gate hot, it doesn't count because it didn't involve AJ hitting a ball out of a cannon?


Now you get the difference between running a team and a commercial campaign. He's also repeatedly hinted that if things didn't go well this team wouldn't last until the end of the season either. That doesn't sound very "All-in" does it? That tag line is Brooks Boyer's thing to sell tickets.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 02:19 PM)
Now you get the difference between running a team and a commercial campaign. He's also repeatedly hinted that if things didn't go well this team wouldn't last until the end of the season either. That doesn't sound very "All-in" does it? That tag line is Brooks Boyer's thing to sell tickets.


Yes, it's still all-in. It's just having the ability to realize it's time to walk away from the table when you still have $1.50 for the bus ride home rather than having to walk.


You still realize it's over. You're just not going to ride it out until the very end before admitting it.

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LOL @ ROI being a reason to keep playing Pierre.


For one, its a sunk cost at this point.


But more importantly, let's look at two investment instruments...


1. Juan Pierre

2. Dayan Viciedo


One is an asset that peaked long ago and shows no signs of improvement. In fact is a depreciating asset at this point, given his age. The other has loads of potential, but is somewhat unproven.


You never, ever, make investment decisions today based on currently inaccurate assumptions you made yesterday. You look at the expectations you had when you bought - a Juan Pierre who plays average D, steals a lot of bases at a 75%+ rate, and gets on base around .340 or so - and see if they are still valid TODAY. Evidence says, they are not. Therefore, you look at the NEW landscape. TODAY's Pierre vs TODAY's Viciedo, and you pick the one most likely to make you money from here on out.


ROI my ass. Ranger often provides a much-needed dose of sanity to the panic and extremism we see here, but in this case, this argument has zero logic behind it.


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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 11:28 AM)
How about f*** both Teahen and Pierre.


Lesser of two evils was my point though, ill take Teahens better chance to drive in runs over Pierres whatever it is he supposedly does

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