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Four hours before the White Sox played the Cubs in the rain Tuesday at U.S. Cellular Field, Gordon Beckham stood alone in the batter's box searching for something the entire South Side hopes he finds soon.


Pitch after pitch, Beckham drove the ball into the gaps with the natural compact stroke that has made the game look so easy for so long. In-between swings, Beckham chatted with hitting coach Greg Walker about the type of adjustments struggling .230 hitters need to discuss.


The sun and humidity started to conspire but Beckham came out early to beat a different kind of heat surrounding him.


Ozzie Guillen gave the Sox starting second baseman a third straight day off. No matter how Guillen spun it, when someone sits out three games in a row the manager isn't giving a player a break from playing as much as giving the team a break from his play.


"I was just trying to get a better feel,'' Beckham said of his extra batting practice. "I wanted to work on hitting it where I want it, on getting the right trajectory.''


He meant the trajectory of the ball. But the same goes for the unexpected arc of his young career, which hasn't bent like Beckham would have hoped.


"To be honest, I've had three bad games,'' said Beckham, 0-for-11 in that span. "Obviously I'm not playing where I should play. I played OK in May. June hasn't clicked the way I thought it would but I'll have respectable numbers. I'll be fine. It's just another mountain to climb.''


How did Beckham fall so far from the top?


The technical answer comes from Walker.


"Mental things can cause bad mechanics and that's what has happened with Gordon,'' Walker said. "When it gets hot and heavy, he tries to do more. His leg kick gets bigger, his hand move gets bigger. His swing gets loopier. He doesn't get fastballs he normally gets to. He's defensive. He has to find that warm, fuzzy feeling where you're in the right zone.''


Remember when Beckham's biggest worry was what song to play over the PA system before at-bats?


It seems like yesterday when debating whether Beckham or Starlin Castro was the best young Chicago infielder provoked thought, not laughter. Now there's no consensus Beckham is even the top second baseman in the city thanks to Darwin Barney.


The other day I heard a cynic use Joe Borchard and Scott Ruffcorn with Beckham in the same sentence when discussing Sox first-round misses.


Slow down. It's way too early to project Beckham as a miss. He hit .310 after the All-Star break last year after a similarly slow start and expects this July to be just as rejuvenating.


But everybody agrees that playing just 59 minor-league games after an All-American college career didn't prepare Beckham for how to handle adversity. It prepared him to expect a career free of it.


"In a way as a rookie it seemed relatively easy and I think people assumed it would always be that easy,'' Beckham acknowledged.


Sometimes when you're paying so much attention to a player's ceiling the bottom drops out.


"Everybody, including me, got ahead of ourselves,'' Walker said. "Gordon got ahead of himself a bit. They have the minor leagues for a reason. One of the big reasons is to learn to deal with failure. We all thought we had found the exception to the rule.''


Walker won't rest until he helps rediscover what made Beckham so exceptional. For different reasons, this challenge tests Walker more than fixing Adam Dunn or Alex Rios. This feels more personal.


He and Beckham live near each other in Georgia. They hunt together in the offseason. They share a bond beyond the typical coach-player relationship.


"Sometimes I think we might be too close,'' Walker said. "I've asked myself that. It's hard for me to tell him the truth sometimes. But I've been doing this long enough I can do it.''


While Walker nurtures with tough love, Guillen needles the player whose sudden celebrity never seemed to sit right with the manager.


"Don't worry about the marketing, the PR, don't worry about I was good in college or in Little League,'' Guillen said of Beckham. "Just play the game and don't do more than you're supposed to.''


Asked about Guillen's assessment, Beckham just smiled.


"When I was a rookie, it was the best time of my life so you do stuff like that for the organization,'' Beckham said. "You go out of your way to enjoy it. I can't worry about what anybody says, I just have to be me. I've always said if I'm good to people I'll be treated with the same respect. That's how I grew up and was raised.''


Mostly, Beckham was born to hit. Hard work and history suggest he will.


Guillen says he better, and soon.



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QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 11:48 PM)
Walker tallks just too talk, he has not helped GB much at all. GB needs a new approach from someone new.

it's a major flaw of this org... they don't expect Walker to drastically help hitters and then they get upset, see Nick Swisher's stint, if guys go to outside help.

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That part at the end of the article about being "too close" to Beckham, seems to be spot on.


Maybe they could try to bring someone like Ventura in to work with him individually...of course, that could backfire and things could go from bad to worse, but I'm not sure where rock bottom is at this point.


But the longer he sits, the more it's going to play mind games with him...causing more doubts and "overanalyzing/overthinking" to enter into his head.


You wonder what the relationship is with Konerko and Quentin. Both those guys have had periods where they struggled with adversity and didn't handle it well at all...their maturity and guidance might be what it takes to get through to him.

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QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 11:48 PM)
Walker tallks just too talk, he has not helped GB much at all. GB needs a new approach from someone new.



That's why you can bring in Ventura now without offending Walker.


He's gone through that huge slump at the beginning of his career....he has the right personality to get along with almost anyone. He's a lefty, of course...and had a really unorthodox swing adjustment from Hrniak, but he might be the guy. As long as it stays "within the White Sox family," Walker might actually appreciate someone else coming in and taking some of the pressure off both of them.


He's already got his hands full with Pierre, Teahen, Morel, Rios and Dunn anyway.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 11:57 PM)
That's why you can bring in Ventura now without offending Walker.


He's gone through that huge slump at the beginning of his career....he has the right personality to get along with almost anyone. He's a lefty, of course...and had a really unorthodox swing adjustment from Hrniak, but he might be the guy. As long as it stays "within the White Sox family," Walker might actually appreciate someone else coming in and taking some of the pressure off both of them.


He's already got his hands full with Pierre, Teahen, Morel, Rios and Dunn anyway.

F*** Walker I could care less about his feelings, Sox do not care about ours with his ass being around after 5 s***ty years...........F*** Walker!

Edited by Soxfest
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QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jun 22, 2011 -> 12:00 AM)
F*** Walker I could care less about his feelings, Sox do not care about ours with his ass being around after 5 s***ty years...........F*** Walker!



Well, we lead the majors with 247 quality starts since the beginning of 2003.


That might tell you that our success (or lack thereof) might be more on the side of the inconsistent/sputtering/erratic offense than any other statistic.

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QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 10:00 PM)
F*** Walker I could care less about his feelings, Sox do not care about ours with his ass being around after 5 s***ty years...........F*** Walker!


Its mind blowing to me that people hate Person A (Walker) because they don't like the trajectory a baseball comes off Person B's (Beckham) bat. And they hate Persons C (Rios) and D (Dunn) because of the trajectory a baseball comes off their bat, pursuant to man created rules of a game.

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I was actually there today watching him take BP, and that leg kick did look bigger than normal. I'm not sure what Haugh was watching, but he seemed to be popping a lot of balls up and dipping his back shoulder, really getting under them. And Walker really was there. Pitch after pitch, he would advise him in different ways. I've been a lot less hard on Walker since last summer since I've actually gotten to see a bunch of things behind the scenes. He works his ass off with those guys. We just have a team of headcases unfortunately.


During the game though, Beckham looked super loose, messing with the guys all night. I don't think he's overanalyzing anything.

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QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jun 22, 2011 -> 02:53 AM)
"In-between swings, Beckham chatted with hitting coach Greg Walker about the type of adjustments struggling .230 hitters need to discuss."


Walker - "Have you tried just closing your eyes and swinging for a home run every pitch?.....Oh you have?.....Well just keep trying that, it will work eventually"

What a unique and original joke. How on Earth did you come up with it so quickly?

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QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jun 22, 2011 -> 01:50 AM)
I was actually there today watching him take BP, and that leg kick did look bigger than normal. I'm not sure what Haugh was watching, but he seemed to be popping a lot of balls up and dipping his back shoulder, really getting under them. And Walker really was there. Pitch after pitch, he would advise him in different ways. I've been a lot less hard on Walker since last summer since I've actually gotten to see a bunch of things behind the scenes. He works his ass off with those guys. We just have a team of headcases unfortunately.


During the game though, Beckham looked super loose, messing with the guys all night. I don't think he's overanalyzing anything.


I forget who I heard say this, but they compared Gordo to a younger Konerko and Quentin for not being able to let go of previous at bats. Sounds like Beckham is that kind of obsessive player. Listening to the Walker quotes, it sounds like is working more on the mental edge of trying to get him to relax, as much as he is doing technical stuff.

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Two seperate notes...


1. Phil Rogers mentioned today in the Trib that before Beckham was in the cage with Walk, he first took a bunch of swings... left-handed. And apparently had a nice stroke, hitting line drives solidly.


2. There is being disappointed and expecting Walker to be fired, which I can see a good argument for... and then there's outright hating the guy and being an asshole. Its really sad to see the pettiness come out here on SoxTalk when people fall into the latter category. The guy does work with his hitters constantly, and does everything he can, so it seems to me he deserves the respect to stick with professional critique, not laughably stupid screaming and swearing at him.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 22, 2011 -> 06:38 PM)
Two seperate notes...


1. Phil Rogers mentioned today in the Trib that before Beckham was in the cage with Walk, he first took a bunch of swings... left-handed. And apparently had a nice stroke, hitting line drives solidly.


2. There is being disappointed and expecting Walker to be fired, which I can see a good argument for... and then there's outright hating the guy and being an asshole. Its really sad to see the pettiness come out here on SoxTalk when people fall into the latter category. The guy does work with his hitters constantly, and does everything he can, so it seems to me he deserves the respect to stick with professional critique, not laughably stupid screaming and swearing at him.


The answer must be to make Gordon a switch hitter or bat lefty? :lolhitting


As far as the number 2 part of the post-I agree with you. Screaming for someones head after every out and trading away half the team today and the other half tomorrow is getting old. Plus I am getting tired of all the curse words, personal attacks, etc. The team is giving it their all and I am sure will continue. Let's see what happens in the second half since we are out only 4 1/2 games right now.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 22, 2011 -> 02:05 PM)
Well...if not that, I wonder if that's an exercise to try to help him keep his eye on the ball a bit better.

Many hitters who are able to swing both ways will switch it up to get that "feel" back. Many times a player had learned how to swing the other way at a later time, and generally were being taught perfect mechanics when learning compared to learning as a youngster. Thus, the hitter can get out of their little habits that they may have had before adjusting their swing correctly.

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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Jun 22, 2011 -> 02:08 PM)
Many hitters who are able to swing both ways will switch it up to get that "feel" back. Many times a player had learned how to swing the other way at a later time, and generally were being taught perfect mechanics when learning compared to learning as a youngster. Thus, the hitter can get out of their little habits that they may have had before adjusting their swing correctly.


I remember hearing earlier in the year that Alexei was taking BP left-handed, and doing quite well.

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Pitch after pitch, Beckham drove the ball into the gaps with the natural compact stroke that has made the game look so easy for so long. In-between swings, Beckham chatted with hitting coach Greg Walker about the type of adjustments struggling .230 hitters need to discuss.


Well, that's not going to do anything clearly.

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