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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 02:41 PM)
Eh, it was kind of a personal statement and what he believes. Not sure why it needs to be labeled "outrageous."

Some of it, like the idea that there has been an expansion in the number of Czars or the fact that the Saudi King is our enemy, is patently untrue.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 01:41 PM)
Eh, it was kind of a personal statement and what he believes. Not sure why it needs to be labeled "outrageous."

What Balta said, and the fact that he was labeling his opinions as "America's" etc.

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QUOTE (FlySox87 @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 01:25 PM)
Personally, I love Reagan (surprise!)


If Reagan were running in 2012 using the same stances from his 8 year tenure he'd come in last place in the primaries and labeled a leftist whacko by the base.

Edited by BigSqwert
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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 12:29 PM)
Have fun bro. The left wingers are going to be all over you here.


And? It's a Chicago-centric board, so I expected it to be left wing. I can handle that. We'll probably never agree on anything, but I have my reasons for believing what I believe and they have theirs. I'm convinced that my way is right, and I'm sure they're equally convinced of their way. But if I simply said, "Oh no! My views will be criticized?!" and ran off, well, that'd be a bit cowardly wouldn't it? If your views can't stand a bit of scrutiny, they probably suck.


Besides, if I'm ever in the mood to just be coddled and have people say how totally correct I am, I have plenty of conservative boards and blogs that I can retreat to. This is not one of those places, and that's fine.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 02:05 PM)
Who's going to tolerate insanity?


Ya know, it's this sort of comment that makes this board such a big circle jerk for liberals. It's not really surprising when the few conservative members of the board simply give up and post elsewhere. What does this s*** add to the discussion? If you think he's wrong, then attack him with an argument. Show that he's factually incorrect. Just because he has a different view of the world doesn't mean he's "insane."



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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 01:31 PM)
If memory serves, he was one of the ones who got really angry about this site having rules and decided to depart.

No, that is not me, and I left because I was tired of dealing with single minded idiots who just got more and more 'angry' the more you tried to have conversations, and resorted to increasingly personal attacks and insults. There are a few of those people I am talking about in this thread already. I had been staying out of the politics part of this site as you all frankly piss me off to no end. There are maybe 5 of you on the liberal side who post here that i can even stand to read, the rest of you are as partisan, if not more, than those you try to berate. And yes, there are some on the 'other' side just as bad.


However, on the topic of THIS post, I agree with SS2K earlier on, you take the opportunity and put it in your experience bank. I met Clinton once years ago, shook his hand, he said 'Hi young man, hope you are enjoying your visit to the White House', and I said "Yes, I am, thank you Mr. president". I did not like the guy, but I can see where other would as he came across as a very likable in person. (the father of a friend I was visiting had some 'personal connection' to Clinton, hence the WH visit and quick greeting, as my friend's dad got a 5 minute meeting himself after that. Still to this day have no idea what it was about, friend won't tell me)

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I would be happy and honored to meet and/or talk with any current or past President. I may get pretty pissed at some of the ones we've had or have, but they are still the leader of the greatest country on earth, my country. And I still believe that Bush or Obama or any of the others are not the compelte buffoons they are often characterized as, they're all smart people who decided to take on one of the hardest jobs in this country, knowing what it would do to their lives. So even if I feel they may blunder regularly in trying to do the job, I still respect that they took a shot at it, and I respect what they stand for as President.


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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 02:42 PM)
Ya know, it's this sort of comment that makes this board such a big circle jerk for liberals. It's not really surprising when the few conservative members of the board simply give up and post elsewhere. What does this s*** add to the discussion? If you think he's wrong, then attack him with an argument. Show that he's factually incorrect. Just because he has a different view of the world doesn't mean he's "insane."


What did his spouting of Tea-Party bumper sticker slogans add to the discussion? There was nothing discussed in his post that merited serious rebuttal.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 03:12 PM)
What did his spouting of Tea-Party bumper sticker slogans add to the discussion? There was nothing discussed in his post that merited serious rebuttal.


A different opinion? A different perspective? Can I just respond to you and say you're just spouting a bunch of liberal progressive sticker slogans every time you give your opinion on a topic?



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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 02:01 PM)
That's the party of tolerance at work there!

Just like many here hate when people claim that one tea partier speaks for all, I hate when people clump me into a group when they know nothing about me. I hate how people interpret their views as America's views.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 03:29 PM)
A different opinion? A different perspective? Can I just respond to you and say you're just spouting a bunch of liberal progressive sticker slogans every time you give your opinion on a topic?

There has been a ton of non-value added posts from both sides. And IMO, it just makes whatever person that posted it look like a tool.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 03:29 PM)
A different opinion? A different perspective? Can I just respond to you and say you're just spouting a bunch of liberal progressive sticker slogans every time you give your opinion on a topic?


Sorry but I can't take any of this seriously:


America succumbed to the superficial charm of someone who doesn't represent her values


Someone who has spent most of his reign trying to subvert the Constitution of the United States and rule by executive fiat


Someone who bows to our enemies (the Saudi King, for one) and tries to apologize for our status as the greatest nation on Earth


Someone who insults swaths of the American public

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 03:36 PM)
Sorry but I can't take any of this seriously:


America succumbed to the superficial charm of someone who doesn't represent her values


Someone who has spent most of his reign trying to subvert the Constitution of the United States and rule by executive fiat


Someone who bows to our enemies (the Saudi King, for one) and tries to apologize for our status as the greatest nation on Earth


Someone who insults swaths of the American public

While I don't claim to know how 'America' succumbed, I don't see where the others are that far off. If Bush would have used Executive signings 1/3 as much as Obama has, and bypassed congress with his appointments and had department head make regulations when he couldn't get laws passed, the left side of this board would be going postal. You know this, and to deny that would be a lie. His bowing to foreign heads of state has been well below the angle of respect and to the level of subservience, and he HAS spent a better part of his admin apologizing for America. Obama has also insulted many sectors of the public, although usually the side that didn't vote for him anyway. Bitter clingers, anyone?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 04:56 PM)
If Bush would have used Executive signings 1/3 as much as Obama has,

Again, factually inaccurate. By the current count, this President has issued 18 signing statements, 2.5 years into his first term. The previous president issued 130 signing statements, covering an estimated 1100 elements of the law.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 04:23 PM)
Again, factually inaccurate. By the current count, this President has issued 18 signing statements, 2.5 years into his first term. The previous president issued 130 signing statements, covering an estimated 1100 elements of the law.

Hard to say if AD meant executive signings - which, yeah, it was obvious Bush did that way more often - or executive ORDERS, which is different.


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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 22, 2011 -> 03:44 PM)
truth. A handwritten letter from a president would definitely be something I'd like to keep for my kids and kids kids, but if it meant even a year of tuition i'd probably sell it.

Make a digital copy PDF, print a copy any time you want. Sell the original.


$10,000 is no chump change.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 27, 2011 -> 06:00 PM)
Hard to say if AD meant executive signings - which, yeah, it was obvious Bush did that way more often - or executive ORDERS, which is different.

George W. Bush issued 288 executive orders during his time in office. To this point, 2.45 years in, Barack Obama has issued 54. So, again, just off of numbers of them, Bush issued far more, and did so at a higher pace (although in both cases it's possible that things will accelerate). Full list.

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