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What drives me nuts about cops is how they never want to admit when they were wrong, or got the wrong guy, or whatever, and just double down on whatever they were doing (cuz I guess it feels like all their work gets wasted). Or when they compound it and start covering each other (people will do things as part of a group that they wouldn't do on their own account).

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 23, 2011 -> 07:47 PM)
What drives me nuts about cops is how they never want to admit when they were wrong, or got the wrong guy, or whatever, and just double down on whatever they were doing (cuz I guess it feels like all their work gets wasted). Or when they compound it and start covering each other (people will do things as part of a group that they wouldn't do on their own account).


There are some undoubtedly stupid/bad cops out there.


But applying that to all cops is like any other stereotype...

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 23, 2011 -> 07:47 PM)
What drives me nuts about cops is how they never want to admit when they were wrong, or got the wrong guy, or whatever, and just double down on whatever they were doing (cuz I guess it feels like all their work gets wasted). Or when they compound it and start covering each other (people will do things as part of a group that they wouldn't do on their own account).


So you are saying if Ozzie loses his job, he should put in an app for the CPD?

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 09:20 AM)
That's what I thought, because no one else said anything, but I sure don't remember the latest in radars taking anyone down.

I bet I can google this and find a military project to do just that.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jun 23, 2011 -> 06:59 PM)
The s*** they deal with everyday compared to what we deal with are apples an oranges. Let's not pretend we know. Hell, my brothers a cop so I *DO* know...but I still don't know. 99% of the people I deal with at my job on a daily basis are educated upstanding citizens. The opposite holds true for police...and it's very easy and convenient to forget that.


Granted, the buddies of mine work in drug/gang units, so the worst of the worst areas of the city. But the stories they tell me are just completely unbelievable. These are guys that did 1-2 tours in Iraq. They tell me these areas are worse. The people they deal with are completely disconnected from the "real" world we all take for granted. They wouldn't hesitate to kill a cop if they knew they could get away with it.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 09:47 PM)
Well I was thinking he would billy club guys, but most likely he would try bunting and fail.

I was about to open a beer right before reading this... glad I didn't. This monitor is brand new, and it hasn't been baptized yet.

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I have a Georgia concealed carry permit, and on July 9th, I'll be taking the class and marksmanship qualifications to get my Texas permit. I own three pistols (Glock 19, Springfield 1911 and Beretta 92FS), a shotgun (Mossberg 590 with pistol grip) and a military style assault rifle (SIG 556). And there's a dozen more that I covet, and plan to own soon, just off the top of my head.


As you might have guessed, I'm not a big fan of gun laws. Banning concealed carry would stop me from carrying, but it's not going to stop a gangster from carrying, since he was likely planning to do far worse with his weapon anyway. And laws telling me not to own guns at all would probably work because I'm a law abiding citizen, but it wouldn't stop the home invader from owning them. And it would simply leave me defenseless when such a person shows up to my door. These people are criminals. They get their very label by not obeying the law; yet somehow people expect laws to stop them? It's a bogus thought process.


My ownership and purchase of guns have not allowed any criminals to obtain guns. My weapons are in a thick-as-hell safe bolted down in my closet. Unless I'm going to the range or cleaning them or something, the only one that comes out is the one I wear on my hip at all times and then stash under my pillow at night. I practice gun safety as taught to me by the US Army without exception. I go to the range obsessively to ensure that what I'm aiming at is what I hit. I'm not some hothead who's going to shoot crappy drivers who cut me off or people at WalMart who look at me funny. I wouldn't even draw on them, and no legitimate gun owner would. But you break into my casa, or you directly threaten me or my family, and you're going home in a box. And that's all there is to it.


When I got that permit from Georgia, and subsequently bought my first gun, I took up a huge responsibility. It's not something I take lightly, and I don't carry a firearm because I want to be cool or tough. It's because I refuse to ever be a victim. I am very serious about gun safety. For that reason, it bugs me that some people think I'm a danger or a threat for owning and carrying guns. I'm not part of the problem; I'm part of the solution.


Long live the Second Amendment. :headbang :headbang

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QUOTE (FlySox87 @ Jun 26, 2011 -> 05:28 PM)
When I got that permit from Georgia, and subsequently bought my first gun, I took up a huge responsibility. It's not something I take lightly, and I don't carry a firearm because I want to be cool or tough. It's because I refuse to ever be a victim. I am very serious about gun safety. For that reason, it bugs me that some people think I'm a danger or a threat for owning and carrying guns. I'm not part of the problem; I'm part of the solution.


I have thoughts on gun safety, mostly because this has always made sense to me, and I'm curious what people think (particularly Infantry) -


I start with the assumption that Guns are dangerous tools. That means that, in trained, competent hands, they are far less dangerous than they are in, for instance, my hands (did not grow up around guns, have never fired a gun). I'm neither anti-gun, nor anti-the 2nd Amendment, but I think firearm ownership is a huge resposibility because they are dangerous in the wrong hands.


With that in mind, would you be against a training class in firearm use being a prerequisite to gun ownership? Makes sense to me, and I don't think it would really be an inconvenience to someone that already knew the basics of firearm safety, but I'm curious about what others think.

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QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ Oct 4, 2011 -> 03:25 PM)
With that in mind, would you be against a training class in firearm use being a prerequisite to gun ownership? Makes sense to me, and I don't think it would really be an inconvenience to someone that already knew the basics of firearm safety, but I'm curious about what others think.


Should probably be more than just "a" class.


Look how much training is required to drive a car. I bet I could potentially kill just as many people with that as I could with a gun.

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