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Enough with the hyperbole


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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 07:17 PM)
I'll use an example from your neck of the woods.


Before he won the national championship, "Bill Self is the worst in-game coach in the NCAA. His teams always choke. All he can do is recruit...he's just a snakeoil salesman the boosters, alumni and students love for reasons beyond my comprehension. Why they can't see the real truth is beyond me. The average Hallmark Cards creative director with no basketball experience could stand on the sidelines and win 35+ games with his teams every year."


That's a good example.

I just thought of something, let's say you had that exact post, and put in there a few times the words, "in my opinion" or "I may be mistaken but" then would it not be hyperbolic and more suitable?

I still think a lot of the hyperbolic posts come when somebody responds to another hyperbolic post.


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QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 02:18 PM)
I'll miss your honest posts, but if people here are going to constantly beg you to leave, then leave. Another board will benefit from your knowledge.

That would be a shame.

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QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 02:18 PM)
I'll miss your honest posts, but if people here are going to constantly beg you to leave, then leave. Another board will benefit from your knowledge.

I agree. There's nothing wrong with honest posts, and I think J4L is quite honest. I don't think this whole thing was aimed at him, and it would be a shame for him to leave based on pressure from others (not the mods).


This whole thing has been blown out of proportion. I think many of us are reading too much into it.

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QUOTE (Nokona @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 03:10 PM)
Just ban J4L. He wants to play the martyr, it's plainly obvious. The rule is a death sentence for him.


It's for the better.

I think that's just what the mods don't want.

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QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 01:12 PM)
I'm quite a few pages back, and perhaps it has since been answered, but this portion of NSS's post is golden.


If Jason and company are going to establish new rules concerning posting there should be clear guidelines detailing what's acceptable and what isn't. More than "hyperbole" or outlandish negativity.


Additionally, who exactly is enforcing these rules, just Jason; or all mods? Will each post that is questionable be put up for review?


Also, I'm trying to wrap my mind around this concept -- so there's a collection of 'quality' posters out in the nether regions of the internet lurking, and oh boy do they have some valuable insight to provide for fellow Soxtalk members. Yet, when these member log on all they notice is the negativity; and that just makes them sad. They don't appreciate such injustices. So in a silent protest (well, not really, because they made sure to tell the mods/admins of their intentions so everyone will miss them) they leave and now the world will never know what knowledge could have been shared with Soxtalk.


Am I the only person who finds it ridiculous someone is allowing another person indirectly to influence whether or not they post here?


You're not the only one, but it is ridiculous. As I said earlier, and others have said, it would be easy to be on the extremes. We could just not moderate or admin at all, let everyone post what they want... you'd have more leeway, but you'd also have complete garbage discussions, way worse than here (again, see ESPN or MLB boards). Alternately, we could be really stringent like WSI, and half the posters here would get banned. Don't really want to do that either.


So what does that leave? Something between. And no matter what, that's going to be subjective, and you know that. You're trying for the absolutes here, and those aren't practical. We gave examples, you had a handful of mods and admins describe in detail what we want. If that isn't clear, ask for some specific clarification.


And finally, its never "another person", its the team of mods and admins. People don't get suspended or banned or anything else without discussion among people who've been on here a long time, and who have set out for you and others as clear a set of examples and guidelines as we reasonably can.


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 01:09 PM)
2.) I hate the 'R' word and the other 'R' word. Just seeing them kind of sicken me and make me feel bad about society.


The other 'R' word?? ...Rios?



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QUOTE (Nokona @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 01:14 PM)
It's either that or he plays coy for the next month, constantly flirting with the rules and being an even more pain in the ass than usual.

Aren't we taking things a bit too seriously here? I'm sure if you met J4L in person he's probably a good guy just like the rest of us. And secondly, everyone should understand that you cannot always read into the tone of someone's words when reading them off a monitor.

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QUOTE (JohnCangelosi @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 02:39 PM)
Aren't we taking things a bit too seriously here? I'm sure if you met J4L in person he's probably a good guy just like the rest of us. And secondly, everyone should understand that you cannot always read into the tone of someone's words when reading them off a monitor.


No way. I saw him kick Juan Pierre's poodle.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 02:22 PM)
That's a good example.

I just thought of something, let's say you had that exact post, and put in there a few times the words, "in my opinion" or "I may be mistaken but" then would it not be hyperbolic and more suitable?

I still think a lot of the hyperbolic posts come when somebody responds to another hyperbolic post.



Well, the way I stated it was more concrete or forceful, not brooking debate or the possibility of any other viewpoint having validity.


When you add "I think/it appears/maybe/it seems/perhaps/isn't it possible?" that does take a little of the starch out of it.


That last comment...is part of this whole general discussion. When someone posts in this manner (and certainly J4L isn't the only one, we all do it from time to time)...then human nature is to respond to someone with equal force.


Maybe you wake up in the morning, see that Daniel Hudson now has 9 wins and you say "too bad KW isn't being eviscerated in the new Moneyball movie, he's made the worst trades/acquisitions of any major league GM over the last 2-3 seasons. Surely, half the knowledgeable posters at WSI or SoxTalk could do a better job than he has done with half the ego...if I was the GM, I would have kept Thome and Daniel Hudson and we'd have at least 2-3 more AL Central titles, etc."


Anytime you use those phrases like "best/worst," you're always going to get into trouble because they're so overused. Literally, if you search "Juan Pierre" and worst in the same sentence, you'll probably get 20,000 responses from various message boards. Is he the worst LF in baseball? Well, that's very subjective, and certainly many people believe he is. That Ozzie DOESN'T is the only thing that counts, but that's where the hyperbole also comes in. If Ozzie is playing someone who many believe to be the worst LFer in the game, especially in a park known for homers and offense....then maybe Ozzie's also the worst manager in baseball, etc.


Gordon Beckham's the biggest bust....Alex Rios or Jake Peavy is the biggest waste of money....Mark Teahen is the biggest waste of a roster spot, etc.

Edited by caulfield12
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Theres a problem when there is a White Sox Winner thread and you've got everyone happy over the win and then 5 posts down there is someone who is like "Yeah the Sox won, but Dunn is still a fat piece of s***"


When you have good posters, and even people with post counts in the 100-300 range coming in here and saying they stay away because of the way the threads turn or the type of "discussion" that's going on in them.. geez.. that's not good for the board..


This is a place for White Sox DISCUSSION, not anyone's personal forum.. trashing Juan Pierre in 6 different threads, multiple times in each, adds absolutely nothing.. we all know that he needs to go


Even another example, in the Jackson/Hudson game.. J4L said something along the lines of if Hudson dominates my wrath will be unbearable.. Or something to that effect.. its like you are trying to paint a target on yourself..

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QUOTE (JohnCangelosi @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 07:52 PM)
Cmon guys we're all a family here. A dysfunctional one, for sure, but still a family. And yes, we have a few black sheep as well (J4L, Milkman, Greg, etc) but can't we all just get along?


I feel pretty strongly in favor of that kind of :lol:

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Good lord...so much angst and drama. This is why I don't engage very often...nothing changes. Like Rock said...if you don't care for it...don't engage in it or ignore. Personally I enjoy J4Ls posts... It bores me to tears to see people comparing UZR, WHIPS, etc...zzzzzzzzzzz. J4 ads a little spice sometimes...no biggie. People take things so personally anymore.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 03:54 PM)
Every time we do that, someone decides that there aren't enough threads to state how bad player x is.



This is very true. Just look at some of the threads on a subject that all of sudden gets hijacked by "I hate this guy and this guy, etc." and then a pretty good exchange goes haywire

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QUOTE (Wanne @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 02:57 PM)
Good lord...so much angst and drama. This is why I don't engage very often...nothing changes. Like Rock said...if you don't care for it...don't engage in it or ignore. Personally I enjoy J4Ls posts... It bores me to tears to see people comparing UZR, WHIPS, etc...zzzzzzzzzzz. J4 ads a little spice sometimes...no biggie. People take things so personally anymore.

I don't get where you guys are getting this from? Angst and drama?


It's just a discussion.

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It's very simple for me in my interpretation of what this thread includes...





I don't agree with what you've said but you're entirely entitled to your point of view.



You're an ass clown who should get smacked sideways until you're bleeding out your ears. Just shut the **** up, you're wrong.



If Ozzie wouldn't have pulled Sale in the 8th for Thornton, we would have won the game. This type of management has cost us at least 6 games so far and I expect upper management to make some changes before 2012 if this continues.



**** you Ozzie, you moron. My little sister would have known not to pull Sale. Ozzie is a buffoon. This organization is done.



Dude! Juan was 0 for 4 again today and got caught stealing 15 times ( even though he didn't get on base ). He's clearly the worst player in history since he got caught stealing 15 times without even getting on base. It's pretty amazing how bad he has been this year.



Jaun needs to be shot. F*cking loser.



I'm really hopeful that we're going to see the best of what is to come for this team in 2011. We can win this division and I'm hopeful of that still. We've got about 90 games left - 40 of which are against teams in the Central.



Look, the Sox are the best team in the Central - flat out... end of story. If you think otherwise, then shut your mouth and go post somewhere else.




I think that all of the conversation that was inspired by these recent changes really comes down to people being unable to objectively look at their behavior and take personal responsibility for their actions. There are rules here and it took me a couple of years in my college days to accept that. Recently when things got really heated for me and I got out of line... I was the first to own up and actually call for action to be taken against me.


It comes down to personal responsibility, integrity, and valuing this site enough to conform to the very very little expectations which come as a part of being a member here. If anyone is unable to be considerate and aware of the rules - then it's very simple... this just isn't the right place for you. ( and that is not directed at anyone - it's just a general logical statement. )


In the end - Soxtalk should be a place where everyone is allowed to express their point of view - may it be positive or negative - with some simple consideration of all involved. It's not a one way street and these new rules are just being instituted to support the ability for all to express themselves in a productive way that is amicable to all.


Hopefully these rules can be seen as a new start and we all can stop being so divided and come together without all of the drama that has been rampent here thus far in 2011. That's how I'm seeing it at least and in no way am I claiming innocence. Let's all own up - take responsibility - and move on under a better collective footing.


End of story??? or is there more clarification that is needed??? If I'm unclear or missing something - please, let me know... I'm open ears. :)





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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 09:53 PM)
WTH? Who said Juan needs to be shot? I've never gone that far. Damnit. Now the mods/admins are more justified.

Those where all fictional examples to illustrate a point. Nothing I said was directed at you Jordan but really my post was about the board as a whole and these new changes. On a personal note - I hope that you and I can move on from our past differences and be cool. I know I'm willing to turn the page and that's how I'm seeing these new changes.


But really Jordan - everything I stated was directed at this board and towards this topic... nothing was directed specificly to you other than the statements directly above this run-onathon like sentance. :P

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QUOTE (hi8is @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 05:01 PM)
Those where all fictional examples to illustrate a point. Nothing I said was directed at you Jordan but really my post was about the board as a whole and these new changes. On a personal note - I hope that you and I can move on from our past differences and be cool. I know I'm willing to turn the page and that's how I'm seeing these new changes.


But really Jordan - everything I stated was directed at this board and towards this topic... nothing was directed specificly to you other than the statements directly above this run-onathon like sentance. :P


Ahhh. I see. I thought you were giving examples of posts that actually occurred. Not just giving examples on what's acceptable and not acceptable. As far as us, I've never had a personal issue with you. You're the one that decided to ignore me and let it be known by everybody that you ignored me. I'm cool. I don't get into wars with other posters.

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I can tell the mods post has resulted in much needed discussion and obviosuly reflection by some. I also believe with others it has possibly started love affairs and the such. It is good to see this clearing of the air and building of relationships. :cheers

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Look I'm sorry for saying this but it's true, who ever wants to take action then go ahead it only tells me I'm speaking the truth even more and that the truth hurts. I think Only ONE mod should set the rules, I've been here 8 years and I've always seen Jason as the top mod/board founder so that's who sould have the final word, why? Cause we have some mods that are over there heads and they know it, another thing is I've noticed a lot of suck ups here, agreeing with everything any mod says and the thing is a lit of those suckups are the first to start trouble then hide there tail between there legs. I think it's of no regular poster to say and measure what's right and wrong just rile up another poster, that's ganging up in my eyes, ohh I'm in good with a mod I'll rile you up and if you get mad at me, I'll tell my mod friend, ain't happening so stup sucking up to mods, you all know who you are. That's my honest opinion, like it or not. I come here cause I love baseball and love my sox and maybe a lot of this is just because a lot of people have passion for what they love and that's a good thing, it would be a shame to put a limit on passion cause he or her don't like it. I understand there's rules and I'm cool with that, but one thing is rules and one thing is being overboard and on power trips. Again I agree with rules, like fighting of racial slurs and such things, and it's cool for good discussion, but there had to be some fun, with it's limits but some fun, now a lot postersaybe even won't say anything fearful of being banned and that's the real shame, and actually I think 1 or 2 mods are enough.


Sorry if anyone is hurt or offended, didn't mean to be like that just speaking from the heart. Jason feel free to PM me if you don't comfortable with this post

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QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Jun 24, 2011 -> 06:28 PM)
Upon further consideration, I blame the 11-22 start for this. We're Sox fans, it's unacceptable. We give a s***.


My point exactly

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