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Kass rips wimpy Ligue judge


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a judge follows the pre-sentence report, prepared by the prosecution/parole probation, 99% of the time and there are strict guiudelines for scoring the variables which a judge can rarely deviate from


Gamboa blew this all off in the beginning as being nothing - and he certainly could have filed a victim's impact statement and appeared at the court to make a statement had he wished - too late to b**** after the fact when you didn't participate in the process when you should/could have -


I have no idea what the pre-sentence report said but the prosecutiuon would have strenuoulsy objected if the judge went lower than their recommendations, so the place to look is at the prosecutors office and what sentence they determined was appropriate based on the facts of this case - which would include any (unknown to us) rehabilitation and whatever -


and as jails and prisons are filled to overcrowding and Illinois has a budget crisis - I never expected him to get any jail time -


but probation can be a rough period if the parole officer makes it so, or lax, depending again on the p.o.


all of the above is not saying whether I agree or disagree with the sentence - I am just saying how it works - the sentence was very non surprizing from that standpoint -

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and by the way, through the years, I put very little faith in Kass - he is king of picking and choosing what he wants - he is not a quality journalist - that he is supposedly replacing Mike Royko is an insult to Royko and all fans of good journalism

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and by the way, through the years, I put very little faith in Kass - he is king of picking and choosing what he wants - he is not a quality journalist - that he is supposedly replacing Mike Royko is an insult to Royko and all fans of good journalism

Are you kidding? I don't know about the picking and choosing part, but the fact that he is about the only writer in town who will tell it like it is when it comes to the Daley Family Mafia makes him a welcome change IMO. This administraition is so crooked and no one saids a damn thing about it, except for Kass.

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In my eyes the judge's comments about violence in sports have nothing to do with Ligue's case. I think if he had simply stated the sentence as time served, and added on the 3 year drug and alcohol monitored probation, people would think it more fair. This is supposed to be about Ligue, not sports or the judge.


Things have happened since the crime, it's not like he was let go with a slap on the wrist the morning after. He sat in the clink for the first 2 or 3 months when he couldn't make bail. He's gone through drug and alcohol rehab. He's joined AA and still attends the meetings. He is working steadily. If the judge had cited Ligue's progress and quoted Reagan's 'trust, but verify' line when imposing the probation, the holier than thou's would have been quiet.


Ligue committed a crime. His choice to do the drugs and beer contributed to it. He is a convicted felon. If, unlike his son, he gets through his 3 year drug monitored probation and continues to live his life soberly and peacefully I say he has paid enough. People who have never been or lived with a drugie/alky don't understand the power of substance abuse. I don't consider them victims, and do feel they are responsible for their actions under the influence. But, I will support anyone who does the time, fesses up to himself, his God and his neighbors and tries to straighten out his life. As far as I can see Ligue has met that criteria (to date, let's keep an eye on him, I agree with old Ronnie on that one).

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Second degree assault is second degree assault. That's what he was prosecuted for. Makes no difference if it was on a baseball field or in a grocery store. The crime does not deserve a life sentence. What the f*** does Gamboa know about the law? Less than Kobe Bryant. Besides, most of the damage done to Gamboa was from 40 rabid players piling on, not from that overly tattoed pipsqueak. Probation and comm. service is not necessarily a cakewalk. I'm a concerned citizen, and I am satisfied.

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Probation usually involves:


regular (weekly or bi weekly or monthly) meetings with the parole office


regular blood and urine screens for alcohol and drugs (scheduled as the po deems necessary)


limitations on being at certain places, almost always any place where liquor is served or liquor and/or drugs are present


attendance at AA or NA or other meetings with signed attendance slips submiited to po based on schedule po sets for attending - can be twice daily to weekly on a case by case basis -


possible atendance at a therapist, counselor, or psychotherapist with attendance reported to po


ban on associating with certain named individuals or class of people


any other conditions deemed necessary


to be violated (to be caught violating) can result in being resentenced without parole to a jail or prison term, if the po deems it willful and continuing or a screen fails - will result in that if brought to judge, as a matter of law


I assume no tether was involved here, electronic monitor, as none was reported, that would enforce a person to going only to work, meetings, and home

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