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DSK Rape Case A Big Lie

The Sir

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Accuser's phone call to imprisoned boyfriend: "This guy has a lot of money. I know what I'm doing."


Dominique Strauss Kahn is a cheese-eating socialist as far as I'm concerned. I am the last person to have even the slightest bit of sympathy for the man. And to be totally honest, the idea that he could go to prison for life based on veritable charges was just an awesome idea.


That being said, it appears these accusations were blatantly false, and nothing more than the vain attempts of a money grubbing whore to enrich herself. No one, not even someone like DSK, deserves to have their life ruined by this sort of crap.


We need to continue the investigation. And if it does indeed turn out that the accuser was just making this all up to get money from the man, as it appears she was, she needs to be put on trial and then sent to prison for at least the better part of a decade. And then deport her back to Guinea upon her release.


One other thing...how stupid is this woman? She really thought that her jailhouse phone call wouldn't be recorded? And did she think that, being involved in such a high profile case, the investigators wouldn't go to the ends of the Earth to find someone to translate that unique dialect?

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Some completely random ass woman can tell a blatant lie that everyone assumes is credible at face value and get the head of the f***ing IMF (and possible future president of another country) arrested and detained, and when it's all exposed as bulls*** there's no consequences for her? For f***'s sake. I'm all about punishing these kinds of people... false rape accusations can ruin someone's life.

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Also, once these claims are proven to be false, her name needs to be revealed and her face should be plastered on the news. She wants to ruin someone else? Ruin her. Not that she's amounted to much so far anyway.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 5, 2011 -> 08:02 AM)
It is people like this that end up putting victims everywhere on trial when they report an incident. It is also the reason that we can't convict someone instantly off of an accusation.

That first sentence is key here. The great majority of the time, someone bringing an accusation of criminal conduct is not making it up. But because a small percentage do, it makes life hell for real victims. I agree that this woman, if this story was made up (which it appears is the case), needs to be heavily prosecuted. Get her with everything they can. You ruin someone's life, you get the same treatment.


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The case with the reporter is actually very interesting, and seems much more plausible. It will be interesting to see what happens there.


The crappy thing is even with the maid acting like a total idiot, it doesn't mean a crime didn't happen. It just made it easier to try her instead of him.

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