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Some truth to unpatriotic liberals?

The Sir

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Don't want your kids to vote Republican? Don't celebrate the 4th.


Interesting study.


Along with most people, I've always held that the GOP is the party of patriotism. It shows in the ideology of 95% of the military, it shows in our belief in American exceptionalism, and personally I think our belief in small government and free market enterprise is more in line with the beliefs of our Founding Fathers. But it's still interesting to see a study that backs it up empirically.


Although I'd hate to think that leftist parents will see this and stop celebrating what little they do of the 4th in order to drive their children closer towards a lifetime of Democratic votes. You know, lunatic parents like Kathy Witterick and David Stocker. (I know they're Canadian, but it's still loony liberal parenting.)


All that said, I should probably stop talking since I've spent my fourth almost entirely on my couch. :headbang

Edited by FlySox87
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Along with most people, I've always held that the GOP is the party of patriotism.


And I've always held that this is an empty bulls*** fallacy that is pretty insulting to a lot of people, myself included

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 4, 2011 -> 09:14 PM)
Along with most people, I've always held that the GOP is the party of patriotism.


And I've always held that this is an empty bulls*** fallacy that is pretty insulting to a lot of people, myself included


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QUOTE (FlySox87 @ Jul 4, 2011 -> 09:12 PM)
Don't want your kids to vote Republican? Don't celebrate the 4th.


Interesting study.


Along with most people, I've always held that the GOP is the party of patriotism. It shows in the ideology of 95% of the military, it shows in our belief in American exceptionalism, and personally I think our belief in small government and free market enterprise is more in line with the beliefs of our Founding Fathers. But it's still interesting to see a study that backs it up empirically.


Although I'd hate to think that leftist parents will see this and stop celebrating what little they do of the 4th in order to drive their children closer towards a lifetime of Democratic votes. You know, lunatic parents like Kathy Witterick and David Stocker. (I know they're Canadian, but it's still loony liberal parenting.)


All that said, I should probably stop talking since I've spent my fourth almost entirely on my couch. :headbang

If I could only be as patriotic as the GOP candidate from Texas that wanted to secede. He loves America so much he wanted his entire state to leave it. God bless him. Now that's exceptionalism!

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QUOTE (FlySox87 @ Jul 4, 2011 -> 09:12 PM)
Along with most people, I've always held that the GOP is the party of patriotism. It shows in the ideology of 95% of the military, it shows in our belief in American exceptionalism, and personally I think our belief in small government and free market enterprise is more in line with the beliefs of our Founding Fathers. But it's still interesting to see a study that backs it up empirically.


Apparently we have different definitions of patriotism.


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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 4, 2011 -> 08:38 PM)
This thread is the perfect example of trolling.


Do you ever make actual arguments? All I've seen you do is write conservatives off with weak excuses. You can disagree with my idea of patriotism, but all I did is post a study from Harvard that revealed an interesting point and offered some proof to a commonly held stereotype. And northeast academics aren't the types to have friendly biases towards conservatism. To say this is trolling is unfair.


And can anyone really argue that the military is vastly conservative, and that it is the right that defends American exceptionalism from the left? You can disagree with the idea of exceptionalism, but I wouldn't put you in the category of American patriots if you do. Our beliefs have consequences.

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Any half-assed concept can use empty patriotism as its justification and then you can just chase off anyone who isn't "patriotic." Listening to the right, I don't even want to be "patriotic" any more and it doesn't bother me to be labeled as "unpatriotic" since they get to define what it's supposed to mean. It's just an empty word, and the charge doesn't even really have to be true or accurate. Like "socialist." Yay, Newspeak.

Edited by lostfan
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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 4, 2011 -> 10:24 PM)
Any half-assed concept can use empty patriotism as its justification and then you can just chase off anyone who isn't "patriotic." Listening to the right, I don't even want to be "patriotic" any more and it doesn't bother me to be labeled as "unpatriotic" since they get to define what it's supposed to mean. It's just an empty word, and the charge doesn't even really have to be true or accurate. Like "socialist." Yay, Newspeak.


Or like "racist", "Islamophobic" or "homophobic"? The left does it too, and like you, I don't care if I receive any of those meaningless labels anymore.

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QUOTE (FlySox87 @ Jul 4, 2011 -> 11:45 PM)
Or like "racist", "Islamophobic" or "homophobic"? The left does it too, and like you, I don't care if I receive any of those meaningless labels anymore.



Along with most people, I've always held that the GOP is the party of patriotism. It shows in the ideology of 95% of the military, it shows in our belief in American exceptionalism, and personally I think our belief in small government and free market enterprise is more in line with the beliefs of our Founding Fathers. But it's still interesting to see a study that backs it up empirically.


These two points don't really jive with eachother. You're picking out the names applied to the right by liberals (and it seems that you disagree with their application), while endorsing the exact label lostfan was talking about.

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QUOTE (farmteam @ Jul 4, 2011 -> 11:18 PM)
These two points don't really jive with eachother. You're picking out the names applied to the right by liberals (and it seems that you disagree with their application), while endorsing the exact label lostfan was talking about.


Has anyone offered any proof of racist activities from Tea Partiers or other conservatives? Andrew Breitbart offered to make any of the TP's many accusers a very rich man, but none of those vocal critics have stepped forward with any sort of proof.


However, when a black man supports conservative ideas, the left, the same group that likes to brand Obama's opponents as racists for no reason at all, castrates them. Congressman Allen West is criticized as an Uncle Tom and a "lawn jockey". I can't find it, but I even remember a commenter at ThinkProgress suggesting that him and his family be lynched.


So, to recap, when a black man steps out of line and comes up with his own ideas, the left goes apes***. They punish black men who have the audacity to think for themselves.


If that isn't racist, I don't know what is. But oddly, the left will continue calling all of its critics racist. It disgusts me.

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However, that isn't to say that the Republicans are shown in an entirely pretty light either. The study states, "To the extent that there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and Republican beliefs, celebrations in Republican dominated counties may be more politically biased occasions that socialize children into Republicans."


This is where things get dicey. This is all based off of several assumptions, and whether or not they are generally regarded as truth is beside the point. Repeated over time, there is no way that the results would read the same or true. This study is a preliminary investigation and while it has its merits in terms of logic and persuasion, it lacks in cold hard irrefutable and repeatable data.

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QUOTE (FlySox87 @ Jul 5, 2011 -> 02:19 AM)
Has anyone offered any proof of racist activities from Tea Partiers or other conservatives? Andrew Breitbart offered to make any of the TP's many accusers a very rich man, but none of those vocal critics have stepped forward with any sort of proof.

all of these


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Breitbart is a fabricator, when he can't find evidence for something that suits him he makes it up and cuts out the relevant parts of videos to make it look the way he wants (ask Shirley Sherrod for starters). I'm surprised you'd accept his word so readily at face value... Breitbart says that nobody could find actual evidence of Tea Partiers being racist so it's true. That depends, are we talking about people in positions of influence or are we lowering the standard to include individual commenters on message boards the way you just did? Cuz if it's the latter... hoooooly s***. Seriously you don't have to look that far.

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QUOTE (FlySox87 @ Jul 4, 2011 -> 11:08 PM)
Do you ever make actual arguments?

What exactly is the purpose of creating a thread like this? What meaningful discussion will come out of it? You're basically labeling all liberals as unAmerican and unpatriotic. Ok. Great. We get it. You despise liberals. You've made that perfectly clear in the very brief time you've spent in this forum.


I have to go now to create a thread about how conservatives are mostly bigots, racists, and homophobes and link one study that was done on the subject. I expect some deep, meaningful discussion to arise from it.


Oh and speaking of factual statements, you've thrown out a lot of 'factual statements' in this forum that seem a heck of a lot like your own opinions when describing liberals. And is 'liberals being unpatriotic' supposed to be a fact? Why because of this one study? What about the countless studies about climate change? Those don't count as facts but this one study proves that liberals are unpatriotic and/or unAmerican. LOL. Keep dishing us the facts! You're like the conservative Colbert.

Edited by BigSqwert
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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 5, 2011 -> 06:59 AM)
What exactly is the purpose of creating a thread like this? What meaningful discussion will come out of it? You're basically labeling all liberals as unAmerican and unpatriotic. Ok. Great. We get it. You despise liberals. You've made that perfectly clear in the very brief time you've spent in this forum.


I have to go now to create a thread about how conservatives are mostly bigots, racists, and homophobes and link one study that was done on the subject. I expect some deep, meaningful discussion to arise from it.


Oh and speaking of factual statements, you've thrown out a lot of 'factual statements' in this forum that seem a heck of a lot like your own opinions when describing liberals. And is liberals being unpatriotic supposed to be a fact? Why because of this one study? What about the countless studies about climate change? Those don't count as facts but this one study proves that liberals are unpatriotic and/or unAmerican. LOL. Keep dishing us the facts! You're like the conservative Colbert.



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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 5, 2011 -> 05:59 AM)
What exactly is the purpose of creating a thread like this? What meaningful discussion will come out of it? You're basically labeling all liberals as unAmerican and unpatriotic. Ok. Great. We get it. You despise liberals. You've made that perfectly clear in the very brief time you've spent in this forum.


I have to go now to create a thread about how conservatives are mostly bigots, racists, and homophobes and link one study that was done on the subject. I expect some deep, meaningful discussion to arise from it.


Oh and speaking of factual statements, you've thrown out a lot of 'factual statements' in this forum that seem a heck of a lot like your own opinions when describing liberals. And is liberals being unpatriotic supposed to be a fact? Why because of this one study? What about the countless studies about climate change? Those don't count as facts but this one study proves that liberals are unpatriotic and/or unAmerican. LOL. Keep dishing us the facts! You're like the conservative Colbert.


You want to talk about unpatriotic liberals? Ok, let's talk about...


...Obama's statement that he believes in American exceptionalism just as a Greek believes in Greek exceptionalism or a Turk believes in Turkish exceptionalism. We are the greatest country in human history, the nation that institutionalized democracy and set the example for the world to follow, and we elicit comparisons to Turkey from our own president? Wow.


...leftist groups such as Code Pink. They have tried to shut down the USMC recruiting station in Berkeley (hell, the entire city of Berkeley is a good entry on this list), they have stated that the Marines are war criminals, and co-founder Jodie Evans was so thoughtful that she told a grieving gold-star mother that her son deserved to die in Iraq for being "stupid enough to go over there".


...leftists like Jane Fonda and Sean Penn. Jane Fonda goes and poses in an NVA AA gun and then tells the American people we'd all be communists if we knew what it was (three million Cambodians dumped into early graves apparently unavailable for comment). Sean Penn puts so much slobber on Hugo Chavez' knob that Ozzie Guillen suggests he move down there.


...leftist politicians like Cynthia McKinney and Dennis Kucinich (and the people that vote for them). McKinney goes on Libyan state television and tells the world that Libya's a better place to live than the USA because it has free public education. The dope couldn't even be bothered to get her facts straight. And of course, I'm sure the hundreds of thousands of Libyans who failed to see old age under Gaddafi would beg to differ. And Kucinich goes on Syrian TV and tells everyone that Bashir Assad is loved by his own people, ironically, right as Assad continues to slaughter a popular uprising.


...Obama's flagrant violations of the Constitution and American law, such as his recent appointment of Jesse Lee to censor bad press, or Operation Fast and Furious (at the very least, Holder should fry for this), or forcing the American people to buy healthcare. Oh, and then there's the liberal support for things like the UN's Small Arms Treaty, which would crush the 2nd Amendment and hand our national sovereignty over to the tyrants of the United Nations.


...the composition of the military. No one has addressed it, but clearly the military has done the most for America as an organization, and clearly it is enormously conservative. There are exceptions, but you just don't see liberals rushing to join the ranks. Most liberals shun the military, as I've shown here. Why is that?


The items on this list range from frivolity to bad policy to treason outright. I know you'll disagree and accuse me of spouting bumper slogans or some ridiculous excuse, but if you can't even see why I would question the patriotism of liberals, then I don't know what to tell you.

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From your own article:


"To the extent that there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and Republican beliefs, celebrations in Republican dominated counties may be more politically biased occasions that socialize children into Republicans.


Why not respond to the article with facts? Because the article itself states that it isnt a fact, Repeated over time, there is no way that the results would read the same or true.


Its like flipping a coin and getting heads 10 times and then saying that every time you flip a coin it must come up heads.


But I think its ironic that the party who by force kept the slave states from seceding is now the more patriotic party supported by the slave states.


If they all love America so much, why do they call it the war of Northern Aggression? Why do they fly Confederate Flags? Why do they say "If Lee listened to Longstreet wed pay our taxes to Richmond"?


Fascinating how we try to rewrite history. I dont personally believe that the party you support has anything to do with your patriotism.

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