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Cooper hangs up on show after Dayan question


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I wonder how many major league pitching coaches have a weekly radio segment.


And if the deal is just ask him questions about pitching, that should come from Cooper before they even agree to do the segment.


Otherwise, any question about the team is fair game. He can either answer the question like a professional, or don't do the segment at all.


Bottom line--Don Cooper is a typical asshole New Yorker who just happens to be a good pitching coach for the team I root for.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 21, 2011 -> 11:44 AM)
Yeah guys, but put yourself in Cooper's position...if he says anything of substance really, he is going to get talked to by management.


He should have just said he doesn't comment on the offensive side of things, other than to give them positive reinforcement, and let that be the end of it.


Exactly. But he angrily hung up and I think that shows the overall demeanor of the clubhouse. They're all very angry at the lack of performance and, I'm assuming, not all of them believe in this "stick to the same group of guys" formula.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 21, 2011 -> 11:44 AM)
Yeah guys, but put yourself in Cooper's position...if he says anything of substance really, he is going to get talked to by management.


He should have just said he doesn't comment on the offensive side of things, other than to give them positive reinforcement, and let that be the end of it.


I agree with this. My stance is that he ALWAYS acts like this, and even moreso when you ask him questions about the pitching staff. Buried in that article is a quote about how he reacted when he was asked about Humber, it wasnt much better although he stayed on the phone.


Like i said, if you dont like people asking you a question about your job, then dont agree to the contract that pays you to call in and comment on your job.


He treats the media like s***. He used to really bully Rongey too

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jul 21, 2011 -> 11:45 AM)
Exactly. But he angrily hung up and I think that shows the overall demeanor of the clubhouse. They're all very angry at the lack of performance and, I'm assuming, not all of them believe in this "stick to the same group of guys" formula.

Yeah, I agree...but I think it's pretty clear that Ozzie/Kenny/Coop have been this way for awhile now.


It's news on an off day, not much else.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 21, 2011 -> 11:47 AM)
I agree with this. My stance is that he ALWAYS acts like this, and even moreso when you ask him questions about the pitching staff. Buried in that article is a quote about how he reacted when he was asked about Humber, it wasnt much better although he stayed on the phone.


Like i said, if you dont like people asking you a question about your job, then dont agree to the contract that pays you to call in and comment on your job.


He treats the media like s***. He used to really bully Rongey too

Coop bein' Coop!

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 21, 2011 -> 11:47 AM)
Yeah, I agree...but I think it's pretty clear that Ozzie/Kenny/Coop have been this way for awhile now.


It's news on an off day, not much else.


Timing is everything, though. After a disappointing series with the Royals after a disappointing first half, with a lot of rumors circulating about the future of the management, it all seems a little bigger.


Let me just say that I am thankful for something to talk about, good or bad, with this team.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 21, 2011 -> 11:47 AM)
I agree with this. My stance is that he ALWAYS acts like this, and even moreso when you ask him questions about the pitching staff. Buried in that article is a quote about how he reacted when he was asked about Humber, it wasnt much better although he stayed on the phone.


Like i said, if you dont like people asking you a question about your job, then dont agree to the contract that pays you to call in and comment on your job.


He treats the media like s***. He used to really bully Rongey too

Yeah, he didn't go to the Ozzie Guillen school of how to handle the media brilliantly, that's for sure...;)


I do like him sticking up for his pitchers at times though...because honestly, these sports radio guys, for the most part, are pretty ignorant. They probably didn't watch Humber's outing against Detroit, because they were at a BBQ or something. This has been the state of Chicago sports reporting for the better part of the last 10-15 years now, other than for a very limited few. Humber didn't have a bad outing versus Detroit; he did have a bad inning. If the guy is going to ask the question, he should probably at least check out the box score.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jul 21, 2011 -> 11:49 AM)
Timing is everything, though. After a disappointing series with the Royals after a disappointing first half, with a lot of rumors circulating about the future of the management, it all seems a little bigger.


Let me just say that I am thankful for something to talk about, good or bad, with this team.

Yeah, absolutely zero good (aside from Soxtalk discussion) comes from flipping out on live air with thousands of fans listening, and then hanging up, over a question about your team that was asked that you are being paid to listen to and then answer.


Absolutely nothing about the question was out of line; the offense sucks, and he had to expect a question about Viciedo. He's paid to answer questions about the White Sox, not just the pitching staff (which as Kyle has already pointed out he also gets grumpy answering).


If Coop simply says "aw shucks, that's Kenny's call, I'm just here to make sure our pitchers are ready", no one cares nor talks about the situation.

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If he is so bad, why does the radio station pay him? If he is in breach by hanging up and being a dick, why dont they fire him?


The answer to those questions is, more people listen to a radio show when there is conflict, than when everyone is talking about rainbows and butterflies. The radio hosts asked Don Cooper a stupid question, I dont care how other people in different jobs may answer, most of you dont get interviewed on radio and have every word you say on record. The reason they asked the question was to hopefully trip him up.


They werent asking the question hoping Cooper gave a vanilla answer or said "Im the pitching coach", they were hoping hed go on a tirade about how his staff is dynamite and Ozzie/Kw are screwing things up over a stupid fight on Viciedo.


Cooper realizes "its a trap" goes off and hangs up.


Not sure how this is shocking.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 21, 2011 -> 11:54 AM)
If he is so bad, why does the radio station pay him? If he is in breach by hanging up and being a dick, why dont they fire him?


The answer to those questions is, more people listen to a radio show when there is conflict, than when everyone is talking about rainbows and butterflies. The radio hosts asked Don Cooper a stupid question, I dont care how other people in different jobs may answer, most of you dont get interviewed on radio and have every word you say on record. The reason they asked the question was to hopefully trip him up.


They werent asking the question hoping Cooper gave a vanilla answer or said "Im the pitching coach", they were hoping hed go on a tirade about how his staff is dynamite and Ozzie/Kw are screwing things up over a stupid fight on Viciedo.


Cooper realizes "its a trap" goes off and hangs up.


Not sure how this is shocking.


We all understand this. What don't you understand about our point?

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 21, 2011 -> 11:54 AM)
If he is so bad, why does the radio station pay him? If he is in breach by hanging up and being a dick, why dont they fire him?


The answer to those questions is, more people listen to a radio show when there is conflict, than when everyone is talking about rainbows and butterflies. The radio hosts asked Don Cooper a stupid question, I dont care how other people in different jobs may answer, most of you dont get interviewed on radio and have every word you say on record. The reason they asked the question was to hopefully trip him up.


They werent asking the question hoping Cooper gave a vanilla answer or said "Im the pitching coach", they were hoping hed go on a tirade about how his staff is dynamite and Ozzie/Kw are screwing things up over a stupid fight on Viciedo.


Cooper realizes "its a trap" goes off and hangs up.


Not sure how this is shocking.

Agreed, but he has to be able to navigate those waters a little better if he is going to put himself in that position.

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Look, Coop doesn't strike anyone as media-savvy and now we know why. Blame the guys who decided to hire him for comment, not him for being him.


It was a stupid question because these two were asking him to second-guess his bosses on the air. It would have been worse had he answered that question.


I DO like the fact that he clearly hates the losing, and he's emotional about it. Unlike, say, KW, who does his whole annoying Morpheus schtick when questioned, lulling us into stupor with his Wannestadt-like assurances that yes, all the pieces are in place for greatness.


Personally I'm kind of enjoying the verbal chair-throwing. Is that wrong?

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 21, 2011 -> 11:58 AM)
No a stupid move would have been answering the question and having 10+ pages on "Coop thinks Viciedo should be called up".


All this movie did was create some "drama" over nothing.


There is more than one stupid way to answer a question.


And it's not nothing. It is showing even more cracks in this team's collective psyche.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 21, 2011 -> 11:41 AM)
Asking any employee about their company's product is not an asinine thing.


If you ask about the development of my company's product, I will either seek out the needed answer or refer you to our development team. All he had to do was say "that's Kenny's decision, I worry about pitchers" (which he sort of did). However, following it up with hanging up while swearing? Bad idea.


That'd get me fired.

Just like asking a Defensive Coordinator what is wrong with the offense right? Totally makes sense.

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I understand your point, I just disagree.


What do you want me to say:


Oh you have such a great point, Cooper is an idiot for getting mad over a question that he should have truthfully and fully answered.


Or is it, Cooper should have been more polite in not answering the question.


Because if its the latter, I really dont care how he acts. If the radio station doesnt like it, they can fire him, but my guess is the contract is far more complicated than that.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 21, 2011 -> 12:00 PM)
I understand your point, I just disagree.


What do you want me to say:


Oh you have such a great point, Cooper is an idiot for getting mad over a question that he should have truthfully and fully answered.


Or is it, Cooper should have been more polite in not answering the question.


Because if its the latter, I really dont care how he acts. If the radio station doesnt like it, they can fire him, but my guess is the contract is far more complicated than that.


The latter is closer, yes. The reason that I do care is that it comes on the heels of Ozzie having a little blowup about playing badly in 90 games, or whatever he said, and soon after a disappointing series after a disappointing first half when people are already beginning to question the morale and fight in the team.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 21, 2011 -> 11:58 AM)
No a stupid move would have been answering the question and having 10+ pages on "Coop thinks Viciedo should be called up".


All this movie did was create some "drama" over nothing.

You're right, there were multiple stupid moves to be made, and he chose one of them. However, his move was stupid as well. It's not too hard to say "oh that's not a decision that's up to me, I don't evaluate the hitters, Kenny's in charge of those types of decisions, etc etc" and it's over.


I don't get why you persist to point out that Coop could have made a worse move... we all know this, but that doesn't make the move he did go with any less dumb.

Edited by Steve9347
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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 21, 2011 -> 11:59 AM)
Just like asking a Defensive Coordinator what is wrong with the offense right? Totally makes sense.

And his answer is very simple, "I don't deal with the offense, but feel free to talk to _________". There's no need to flip your lid and hang up.

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but that doesn't make the move he did go with any less dumb.


Because I dont hold people to higher standards than I think they are capable of. Cooper clearly can have a temper, that is his personality. If you are going to hire him as an on air radio personality, his temper is part of the package.


Could Cooper answered better?


Of course, but hes a human. And quite frankly if I was the pitching coach of the Sox, Id be pissed too. And if someone asked me a stupid question about the offense, theyd be lucky if I just hung up, instead of making them look stupid and then asking if they have any other stupid questions.





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There are a million other "tough" questions they could have asked that fit his job description. Why didn't they ask about what they are going to do with Jake Peavy? Or if Peavy is healthy? Or if one of the starters needs to be traded? Or who is going to go the pen if they keep six starters? Or what will they do with the pen when Tony Pena comes back?


The fact that they asked about Viciedo shows me they were just trolling for controversy. Unfortunately Cooper's dumbass gave it to them, and now they have their clip they can play ad nasuem to get people to listen them.

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