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Norway Attack


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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 23, 2011 -> 06:05 PM)
Right-wingers have an entire narrative built around being the victim which is hilariously ironic actually. "Liberal bias," "liberal agenda," "government" (even when said government is right-wing), etc. Everyone's always out to get them


You wouldn't say that CNN, CBS and MSNBC have liberal biases? You wouldn't say that academia has a liberal bias? These things aren't out to get me; they're just leftist-leaning entities that I don't really plan on listening to. And government's not out to get me, I just want government, rightwing or leftist, to be smaller.


Liberals, on the other hand, simply pander to various "disenfranchised" groups. The poor, minorities, immigrants, etc. It's a legal, yet entirely dishonorable, way of buying votes. Why is amnesty great? Because it'll get 12 million more Democratic votes. Lame.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 23, 2011 -> 06:10 PM)
The closest I've ever seen anyone (either on this board or really in mainstream channels) saying that radical Islam isn't a problem is people saying "all Muslims aren't terrorists" or not being in support of racial profiling.


...I mean, occasionally you will have a buffoon like Michael Moore saying "there is no terrorist threat" but statements like that aren't really taken seriously.


Then why is Peter King getting so much flak for his radical Islam hearings?


I don't believe all Muslims are terrorists. I don't even believe most Muslims are terrorists. But I do believe that most terrorists in the last 40 years have been Muslims.


I'm honestly a little comforted by you calling Michael Moore a buffoon. Thank God even some liberals realize that.

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QUOTE (FlySox87 @ Jul 23, 2011 -> 06:24 PM)
Not at all. The dude's a murderous whacko and he appears to have held some right wing views. But I just get the feeling that Strange was elated to hear this news that Breivik was a homegrown nutjob, and not a Muslim radical as is to be expected with these sorts of things, and that now he had some more ammunition to argue that rightwingers are the real terrorists.


And yes, rightwingers have done terroristic acts just like leftists have (the Weather Underground). Every side has scumbags, for sure. But the vast majority of terrorist actions in recent memory have been committed by followers of Islam. This doesn't change that fact, as much as some people might wish it did.


for f***s sake, you've been here a month. Stop making all of these dumb assumptions about what people say and believe here.

QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 23, 2011 -> 06:37 PM)
Terrorists keep me employed, perversely

me too!

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 23, 2011 -> 09:03 PM)
for f***s sake, you've been here a month. Stop making all of these dumb assumptions about what people say and believe here.


me too!



It comes across pretty clear.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 23, 2011 -> 08:03 PM)
for f***s sake, you've been here a month. Stop making all of these dumb assumptions about what people say and believe here.


You're not the first leftist I've ever met. And you're not much different from all the others.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 23, 2011 -> 05:59 PM)
Yeah, he should have not included facts to the case. That's something that should be swept under the rug regarding this whacko.


It's pretty insulting to assume this is really about American politics. We need a specific disclaimer to avoid the mysmilie_681.gif reaction I guess.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 23, 2011 -> 09:17 PM)
Anyway there's a lot of this guy's crazy ranting stuff archived already, links available if anyone wants them.


kind of scary stuff to be out there. it's like a guide for others. bomb making, etc.. :( reminds me of mcveigh only with a platform.


5. Hide a knife behind a smile

Charm and ingratiate yourself to your enemy. When you have gained his trust, move against him in secret.


Usage: For assassinations or for intelligence gathering prior to a mission. Infiltration of enemy organisations might prove an easy way to get close to otherwise impossible targets (prime minister or ministers) or to learn their programme. Getting a job at the youth camp connected to the largest political party is one way of doing this. The prime minister usually visits during summer season. Infiltration can take as long as 24 months.

Edited by buhbuhburrrrlz
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You guys all miss the point. When you get to this level of crazy/evil, the politics don't matter. While I assign evil motives to many on the Dem side of the aisle, they don't extend to blowing up buildings and shooting children. This guy was crazy/evil. Nuff said.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jul 24, 2011 -> 12:41 PM)
You guys all miss the point. When you get to this level of crazy/evil, the politics don't matter. While I assign evil motives to many on the Dem side of the aisle, they don't extend to blowing up buildings and shooting children. This guy was crazy/evil. Nuff said.


His motives were caused by his incredibly radical politics as far as I've read.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 24, 2011 -> 12:45 PM)
His motives were caused by his incredibly radical politics as far as I've read.

Then so was the guy that tried to whack the congresswoman in Arizona. Any condemnation you want to heap on one side for this had better be equally sent the other way as well. But I sure saw a rush to non-judgement once it was revealed that THAT guy was a far left loon. Politics don't make you shoot kids. Evil does.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jul 24, 2011 -> 01:00 PM)
Then so was the guy that tried to whack the congresswoman in Arizona. Any condemnation you want to heap on one side for this had better be equally sent the other way as well. But I sure saw a rush to non-judgement once it was revealed that THAT guy was a far left loon. Politics don't make you shoot kids. Evil does.


You do realize that you can point out he was a right-wing nutter in Norway without it being some comment on right-wing politics in Norway in general, much less making it US-centric?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jul 24, 2011 -> 01:03 PM)
And since 80% of the country is Christian, do they have to keep saying Christian as if he was a minority? Are they that relieve=ed that it wasn't a Muslim that they have to repeat it constantly?


From what I'm reading, he was pretty pissed off at christianity as well.


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Lets Play the Partisan Game!


Just like after the Arizona shooting and Osama's Death.


For f***s sake.


Who cares what party, race, religion, etc. the guy was.


He killed 80 people.


That's all that matters. And it's sad.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 25, 2011 -> 08:19 AM)
So what happens to this terrorist? Do they have the death penalty there?

I've read that they do not even have life imprisonment, that the maximum sentence he can receive is just over 20 years.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 25, 2011 -> 06:19 AM)
So what happens to this terrorist? Do they have the death penalty there?


Hell no. I think it's part of the EU membership requirements to prohibit the death penalty.


As for Norway itself, there is no death penalty. They don't even do life imprisonment. The maximum sentence length is 21 years.


Basically, he'll do three months for every person he shot to shreds, and that's assuming he gets the max.


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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 25, 2011 -> 07:03 AM)
I've read that they do not even have life imprisonment, that the maximum sentence he can receive is just over 20 years.


I can't tell you how much that f***ing infuriates me. 80 dead, 20 years. f*** you, Norway.

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QUOTE (FlySox87 @ Jul 25, 2011 -> 08:04 AM)
Hell no. I think it's part of the EU membership requirements to prohibit the death penalty.


As for Norway itself, there is no death penalty. They don't even do life imprisonment. The maximum sentence length is 21 years.


Basically, he'll do three months for every person he shot to shreds, and that's assuming he gets the max.


So he wouldn't even get the max for each happening? Just once you hit the total, that is it?

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 25, 2011 -> 09:12 AM)
So he wouldn't even get the max for each happening? Just once you hit the total, that is it?

"He has been charged in both the explosion in the center of the government area and also the shooting," Roger Andresen, deputy Oslo police chief, told reporters today. The two counts of "dangerous crimes to society" mean he could receive 21 years in prison, Norway's toughest punishment, he said.


Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...L#ixzz1T7eg1r1Y

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