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Happy 1st Birthday to HSC


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Guest hotsoxchick1


Denial is a sad human emotion. :D

cluho is there a problem with bmr and i being FRIENDS????? i mean geez us..we met we had a good time and we are FRIENDS.. if that doesnt sit right with you then too f***in bad....everyone who meets up on here doesnt have to be romantically involved.... :rolleyes:

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Denial is a sad human emotion. :D

cluho is there a problem with bmr and i being FRIENDS????? i mean geez us..we met we had a good time and we are FRIENDS.. if that doesnt sit right with you then too f***in bad....everyone who meets up on here doesnt have to be romantically involved.... :rolleyes:

I don't know what bizarro world you live in, but in the world that I live in (reality), friends don't hope for "special packages" from their friends...say they're attractive...nor call their eyes "yummy". All of those comments suggest that you are interested in him.

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Guest hotsoxchick1


Denial is a sad human emotion.   :D

cluho is there a problem with bmr and i being FRIENDS????? i mean geez us..we met we had a good time and we are FRIENDS.. if that doesnt sit right with you then too f***in bad....everyone who meets up on here doesnt have to be romantically involved.... :rolleyes:

I don't know what bizarro world you live in, but in the world that I live in (reality), friends don't hope for "special packages" from their friends...say they're attractive...nor call their eyes "yummy". All of those comments suggest that you are interested in him.

i dont know what little bubble you live in, but geez us theres absoutly nothing wrong with "playing around" amoungst friends.......they are words and nothing more.. little inside jokes which you dont understand obviously, between bmr and i.......you act like you may be jealous cause no one plays around with you like that....... ;) get over it.....theres nothing going on ok.........

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Denial is a sad human emotion.   :D

cluho is there a problem with bmr and i being FRIENDS????? i mean geez us..we met we had a good time and we are FRIENDS.. if that doesnt sit right with you then too f***in bad....everyone who meets up on here doesnt have to be romantically involved.... :rolleyes:

I don't know what bizarro world you live in, but in the world that I live in (reality), friends don't hope for "special packages" from their friends...say they're attractive...nor call their eyes "yummy". All of those comments suggest that you are interested in him.

i dont know what little bubble you live in, but geez us theres absoutly nothing wrong with "playing around" amoungst friends.......they are words and nothing more.. little inside jokes which you dont understand obviously, between bmr and i.......you act like you may be jealous cause no one plays around with you like that....... ;) get over it.....theres nothing going on ok.........

Hmmm...inside jokes? Normally an inside joke is something that both parties are aware of. It's generally not one person "making a joke", and the other one wondering "wtf is she talking about?"


And why would I be jealous? If I was desperate enough, I could get a chick just like you. They're a dime a dozen down at the local saloon. :bringit

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Denial is a sad human emotion.   :D

cluho is there a problem with bmr and i being FRIENDS????? i mean geez us..we met we had a good time and we are FRIENDS.. if that doesnt sit right with you then too f***in bad....everyone who meets up on here doesnt have to be romantically involved.... :rolleyes:

I don't know what bizarro world you live in, but in the world that I live in (reality), friends don't hope for "special packages" from their friends...say they're attractive...nor call their eyes "yummy". All of those comments suggest that you are interested in him.

i dont know what little bubble you live in, but geez us theres absoutly nothing wrong with "playing around" amoungst friends.......they are words and nothing more.. little inside jokes which you dont understand obviously, between bmr and i.......you act like you may be jealous cause no one plays around with you like that....... ;) get over it.....theres nothing going on ok.........

Hmmm...inside jokes? Normally an inside joke is something that both parties are aware of. It's generally not one person "making a joke", and the other one wondering "wtf is she talking about?"


And why would I be jealous? If I was desperate enough, I could get a chick just like you. They're a dime a dozen down at the local saloon. :bringit

Inside jokes that i dont get? Im not following either of you here, sorry..... :huh: I dont think they were jokes, i AM all that ........ ;)

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Guest hotsoxchick1


Denial is a sad human emotion.   :D

cluho is there a problem with bmr and i being FRIENDS????? i mean geez us..we met we had a good time and we are FRIENDS.. if that doesnt sit right with you then too f***in bad....everyone who meets up on here doesnt have to be romantically involved.... :rolleyes:

I don't know what bizarro world you live in, but in the world that I live in (reality), friends don't hope for "special packages" from their friends...say they're attractive...nor call their eyes "yummy". All of those comments suggest that you are interested in him.

i dont know what little bubble you live in, but geez us theres absoutly nothing wrong with "playing around" amoungst friends.......they are words and nothing more.. little inside jokes which you dont understand obviously, between bmr and i.......you act like you may be jealous cause no one plays around with you like that....... ;) get over it.....theres nothing going on ok.........

Hmmm...inside jokes? Normally an inside joke is something that both parties are aware of. It's generally not one person "making a joke", and the other one wondering "wtf is she talking about?"


And why would I be jealous? If I was desperate enough, I could get a chick just like you. They're a dime a dozen down at the local saloon. :bringit

well your the only one wondering wtf? because most times i say something on here i happen to be on the im with bmr and he knows whats what........ btw you could never have a chick like me hon.. you dont have enough class or sense of style........you stick to your little kiddie bible thumper veggie tales... or as they say.. sit on the porch.. because you will never be able to run with the pack..........




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well your the only one wondering wtf? because most times i say something on here i happen to be on the im with bmr and he knows whats what


:rolleyes:, whatever you say.


btw you could never have a chick like me hon.. you dont have enough class or sense of style


Are you so delirious that you think a man with any sense of class or style would want to be with a 40 year alcoholic old single mother?


you stick to your little kiddie bible thumper veggie tales


LOL, what does that have to do with this discussion? Oh yeah, nothing, but since you're getting owned, you feel the need to rehash it yet again. Just admit you're getting your wrinkled ass handed to you and save some face (which is equally as wrinkled, I'm sure).


sit on the porch.. because you will never be able to run with the pack


You got me there :lol:

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Guest hotsoxchick1
whatever you say.


oh yeah thats right i suppose your in on our conversations and know exactly what we are talking about at all times.... or maybe you just wish you were in the middle of it cause you have nothing better to do but sit on the boards all freakin day long, and talk smack to kids on here who are younger than you because it makes you feel like more of a man to control a bunch of teenagers..........pathetic.... instead of being insulting all the time maybe you should take a lesson from one of your bible thumpin veggie tales and set GOOD examples for the youth of the boards instead of blasting on them all the time.........


Are you so delirious that you think a man with any sense of class or style would want to be with a 40 year alcoholic old single mother


first of all you dont know s*** about me jack and you never will.. its nice to sit and type s*** when your protected by a computer screen and a few thousand miles, but ill bet if you were face to face you wouldnt have balls enough to say one word... thats how most of you types who run at the mouth and try to dis on others are anyhow..... big talk behind the key board but when it comes to puttin it into action you shrivvel up like the dickless cowards you are......grow a pair and put your money where your mouth is or shut the hell up......and as for the rest of it.. who cares.. your a smug double talking little punk asshole who obviously has no life or you wouldnt be on here tryin to take over kids like spiff and such and blast on guys like cw and matt who have done nothing to you but call you like you are...... the coward behind a key board.........have a nice day cluho.... one day you may arise from your dark dank cellar and realize that there is more to life than being a prick........... :fyou

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oh yeah thats right i suppose your in on our conversations and know exactly what we are talking about at all times.... or maybe you just wish you were in the middle of it cause you have nothing better to do but sit on the boards all freakin day long, and talk smack to kids on here who are younger than you because it makes you feel like more of a man to control a bunch of teenagers..........pathetic.... instead of being insulting all the time maybe you should take a lesson from one of your bible thumpin veggie tales and set GOOD examples for the youth of the boards instead of blasting  on them all the time.........


Are you so delirious that you think a man with any sense of class or style would want to be with a 40 year alcoholic old single mother


first of all you dont know s*** about me jack and you never will.. its nice to sit and type s*** when your protected by a computer screen and a few thousand miles, but ill bet if you were face to face you wouldnt have balls enough to say one word... thats how most of you types who run at the mouth and try to dis on others are anyhow..... big talk behind the key board but when it comes to puttin it into action you shrivvel up like the dickless cowards you are......grow a pair and put your money where your mouth is or shut the hell up......and as for the rest of it.. who cares.. your a smug double talking little punk asshole who obviously has no life or you wouldnt be on here tryin to take over kids like spiff and such and blast on guys like cw and matt who have done nothing to you but call you like you are...... the coward behind a key board.........have a nice day cluho.... one day you may arise from your dark dank cellar and realize that there is more to life than being a prick........... :fyou

:o :bang

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first of all you dont know s*** about me jack and you never will.. its nice to sit and type s*** when your protected by a computer screen and a few thousand miles, but ill bet if you were face to face you wouldnt have balls enough to say one word... thats how most of you types who run at the mouth and try to dis on others are anyhow..... big talk behind the key board but when it comes to puttin it into action you shrivvel up like the  dickless cowards you are......grow a pair and put your money where your mouth is or shut the hell up......and as for the rest of it.. who cares.. your a smug double talking little punk asshole who obviously has no life or you wouldnt be on here tryin to take over kids like spiff and such and blast on guys like cw and matt who have done nothing to you but call you like you are...... the coward behind a key board.........have a nice day cluho.... one day you may arise from your dark dank cellar and realize that there is more to life than being a prick........... :fyou

I know all I need to know. Divorced, loud, obnoxious, old, alcoholic = no thanks, toots.


And if the unfortunate day comes that I am forced to set eyes on someone as unsightly as you, I would give you the same respect I give every other human being. But as soon as you started spouting off like you do on here, I'd tell you exactly what I thought about you, just like I do on here. I call it like I see it -- regardless of the venue.


The rest of your post is nonsensical, and there's not much point in arguing about it since no matter how true my words are, you refuse to listen, as you are set in your scewed ways, and you know what they say -- you can't teach an old (and I do mean old) dog (and I DO mean dog) new tricks.

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Denial is a sad human emotion. :D

cluho is there a problem with bmr and i being FRIENDS????? i mean geez us..we met we had a good time and we are FRIENDS.. if that doesnt sit right with you then too f***in bad....everyone who meets up on here doesnt have to be romantically involved.... :rolleyes:

:whip why not :huh: :lol: :D :headbang :cheers :bringit

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I know all I need to know.  Divorced, loud, obnoxious, old, alcoholic = no thanks, toots.


And if the unfortunate day comes that I am forced to set eyes on someone as unsightly as you, I would give you the same respect I give every other human being.  But as soon as you started spouting off like you do on here, I'd tell you exactly what I thought about you, just like I do on here.  I call it like I see it -- regardless of the venue.


The rest of your post is nonsensical, and there's not much point in arguing about it since no matter how true my words are,  you refuse to listen, as you are set in your scewed ways, and you know what they say -- you can't teach an old (and I do mean old) dog (and I DO mean dog) new tricks.

oh cluho and we know all we need to know about you..its all very clear now...... the hostility twards women of the boards here..... the personal photo gallery of men.... the hatred for mine and bmr's playing innocently on the boards.. attacking the teenagers on here for no apparent reason... its ok you can come out of the closet ......nothing wrong with being gay.. just dont have to take your frustrations out on the rest of us here alright .. we will support ya ..........and you never know you might make a few of your kind of friends if you behave a little better........... ;)

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After seeing that pic of you that Steff posted, I think I might be gay now.  :puke :puke :puke


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

really f***y classy but hey, we knew that of you anyway. :dips***

HSC lives in a glass house -- she shouldn't throw stones. When she wants to cease the insults and attempted ridicule, I shall do the same. Until then, I care not what you nor anyone else thinks about my level of "class". If you would remove your biases (pipe dream, I know, but hey, here's to hopin'...), you would see that she is just as much to blame for our "arguments" as I am.

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