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JR and KW need to clarify the direction of the "All In"


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What to do? They went on this spending spree when in hindsight they probably knew or could at least fathom that we would be mired in this continuous OPS "Purgatory or Hell", whicever you want to call it. The other facets of the team have seemingly done well up until now with occasional streaks of bad performance. I mean Starting Pitching, Long/Middle/Short relief, closing, and defense. But the lack of plain hitting and then hitting with RISP has really cost us in several games which could leterally mean a 8-10 game difference in the standings.


My point is now the collective managment need to grow a pair and tell us fans collectively what strategy is now on the roadmap because whatever they are peddling we ain´t buying anymore as evidenced by lower attendance numbers. What can we do to replace "All In" with something believeable and digestable if we are in fact staying with this lame "Status Quo" set of coaches, GM, and players and doing nothing? I mean obviously this marketing surelt doesn´t fit the product on the field, does it? I am trying to look at from the marketing aspect and what we have been sold. Comments?

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You want a marketing plan? Wait until the offseason for that. The sox are going to try to win the mediocre AL Central, based on the strength of their pitching and defense. There's nothing out there this year that can change the sox hitting problems--guys not named PK need to step up and hit their career norms.


The hitting will have to wait until the offseason, when you can expect to have Quentin traded for depth, Rios exiled/ paid to go away, and Viciedo find a home in RF. It was damn naive to expect the Dunn addition, by itself, to help solve the problems of the streakiness and low OBP of Alexei, Gordon, AJ, Pierre and Rios, and make Quentin hit like he did in 2008. The offense needed help prior to 2011 that adding Dunn didn't solve, even if he had hit like he had in the past. That needs to be worked on this offseason.


The Sox have been "all in" payroll wise. Just not "all in" talent wise. Esp. on the offensive side.

Edited by beck72
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They really should announce a new hitting coach...simply in the hopes of turning Gordon Beckham and Adam Dunn around.


But that's never going to happen as long as Ozzie's still the manager.


The White Sox have this week against the Yankees and Twins to prove they're serious about being in this race all the way until the end of the season. Wins and Losses always are more compelling to the fans than anything JR or especially KW say for the media.

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QUOTE (knightni @ Jul 31, 2011 -> 08:29 AM)
Reassign Walker to another job in the organization.


Promote the AAA hitting coach.

Agreed. A change needs to be made in this area whether or not Walk is the problem, this is LONG overdue. A new approach, a new thought process, a new something, to try and wake this offense up. We have too many guys struggling with talent to just pin it on them and wash our hands clean of the responsibility of their ineptitude. But that's what the Ozzie Guillen organization is all about- blaming everyone else but himself and his staff (with the exception of worthless platitudes/sound bites in the media of him "taking responsibility" which we all know is just lip service)

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QUOTE (JohnCangelosi @ Jul 31, 2011 -> 03:25 PM)
Agreed. A change needs to be made in this area whether or not Walk is the problem, this is LONG overdue. A new approach, a new thought process, a new something, to try and wake this offense up. We have too many guys struggling with talent to just pin it on them and wash our hands clean of the responsibility of their ineptitude. But that's what the Ozzie Guillen organization is all about- blaming everyone else but himself and his staff (with the exception of worthless platitudes/sound bites in the media of him "taking responsibility" which we all know is just lip service)


:notworthy :notworthy

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Boston scored ten runs yesterday. We haven't scored more than 6 for quite awhile. Usually it's 2-3 or 4 runs a game. If this offense can ever start producing more thn 4 or 5 hits agame and the solo homer we will be on arun. Maybe that's too big of an "if"? Winning changes everyones mindset and we are making some headway and have about 55 or so games left. Come away wih winning series against the Bosox and Yanks and we will be sitting pretty good I think.

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There's nothing to clarify.


It's like when bad college football teams state in the preseason they are shooting for a bowl game and all season long they keep saying their goal is that bowl game, even if they are 1-4. When they are finally mercifully eliminated for bowl consideration they say nothing. They play out the string and come up with something for the following season.


What can KW say except. "Uh we were all in and we failed. As far as the future, we'll be all in again. Fellas, we are all-in every year. Every team in baseball is all-in. Our goals are to win another world championship. Blah blah."

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I wonder if maybe they'll produce some different ads now with maybe a somewhat altered message....


"ALL IN is not folding when you watched idle as your division opponents all added to their rosters"


"ALL IN is not being able to trade for a difference maker because your farm system sucks"


"ALL IN is not knowing when to close up shop for the year"

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I believe that at this point, the campaign refers to All In, to:


-the toilet

-the Titanic

-The barrel over the falls

-The Hindenburg

-Bus over the cliff

-Cellar of the Comedy Central

-Clubhouse, to watch real baseball teams play on TV


Take your pick.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Aug 1, 2011 -> 04:09 PM)
What was our team ERA during that time?




We had to outscore our opponents this month, didn't we? Except for Peavy and Humber, the bullpen and starters have been pretty darned dominant.

We were outscored 84 to 79 which is 3.5 a game allowed compared to 3.29 scored. The 10 runs on Saturday didn't help matters, that and the Minnesota series where we allowed 23 runs in 4 games. Overall we had 9 games allowing 2 runs or less with 3 shoutouts.

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Like it or not folks, it now looks like we are stuck with Labatomy Larry's managerial decisions no matter how much the evidence says otherwise. Terrible hitting and nothing with RISP. And I expect something balistic from KW any day since his son isn't starting at AA.

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Thought Chipper Jones had been named Sox manager and I missed a headline...


At least if his son didn't play, he SHOULD be mad at the AA manager or Buddy Bell, and not any member of the Guillen family this time around. They're actually not the culprits for once. But it's probably worse his other son is playing and taking playing time from SOMEONE who is more deserving, no matter how bad our system is at the moment.

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