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Teahen Vs. Oney on Twitter


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 2, 2011 -> 07:32 PM)
Your last sentence is just ignorant IMO.

Give me a break.

You don't know squat about Ozzie's intelligence or anything like that and it is stupid to rail against him like that.

He IS a major league manager, one of thoe most desired jobs in the world as baseball still is our pastime even though football is bigger now.

How the f*** do you know Ozzie would be broke if he wasn't a big league manager? That's ignorant IMO. Some people act like Ozzie is this big clown who knows nothing about baseball. Hate to break it to you, but he does know a lot about baseball. It has been his life.

And do you want to bet me he'll be in baseball as long as he wants to? Florida next several years, then who knows where else. And everybody should be happy cause our next manager will not be outspoken and will be closer to Bev in that regard than Ozzie. You can hate Ozzie for his candor. Some of us appreciate his candor.


All I have to do is listen to the guy talk... The choice of vocabulary, the lack of understanding for the English language, his ignorance towards fans and media. The guy is a total douche bag. I guess nobody remembers the derogatory comments he made towards Mariotti. The anger-management classes. The sensitivity training. Ozzie wouldn't be able to last a week in ANY other job in this country with the way he conducts himself. There's being outspoken, and then there's being Ozzie. Professionalism and respect are two words that are definitely not in Ozzie's vocab.


He's done a really good job managing the team this year, huh? There are people on this board that could manage the team better than he has. Leaving Peavy in too long, going to the wrong pitcher in relief, not moving Dunn down in the lineup, continuing to play Rios, his double-standards towards players, his refusal to acknowledge stats/numbers for certain situations. He is absolute clown shoes at this point, and I'm surprised anyone is defending him.

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QUOTE (Paulie4Pres @ Aug 2, 2011 -> 07:48 PM)
All I have to do is listen to the guy talk... The choice of vocabulary, the lack of understanding for the English language, his ignorance towards fans and media. The guy is a total douche bag. I guess nobody remembers the derogatory comments he made towards Mariotti. The anger-management classes. The sensitivity training. Ozzie wouldn't be able to last a week in ANY other job in this country with the way he conducts himself. There's being outspoken, and then there's being Ozzie. Professionalism and respect are two words that are definitely not in Ozzie's vocab.


The dude didn't even go to high school. He doesn't seem like the book worm type that studies all sorts of subjects to expand his horizons to learn. And just look how immature he acts in public. It's not an act. He truly has the personality development of a 15 year old.

Edited by BigSqwert
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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 3, 2011 -> 01:53 AM)
The dude didn't even go to high school. He doesn't seem like the book worm type that studies all sorts of subjects to expand his horizons to learn. And just look how immature he acts in public. It's not an act. He truly has the personality development of a 15 year old.


I think you guys have leapt over the deep end with personal attacks on Ozzie.

He's not a dumb buffoon, folks.

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I always promised myself I would NEVER read, write or respond to one of these forums...but here I am. A Chicago friend informed me of this thread and suggested I read it. There truthfully is no story here. Many of you follow Mark on Twitter & know he is the type to throw out humor before nonsense. Why some of you chose to assume his tweet was about Oney is beyond me. We don't use twitter to take shots at people. I personally have never spoken a word to him and I can assure you my husband has had minimal contact. Once Oney opted to respond, it was made clear he assumed the tweet in question was about him.


It hurts my heart to think he assumes that is how he is viewed around the Chicago White Sox clubhouse. I really have no idea or concern for Oney's occupation. What I'm most curious of is why he would be so quick to think it's him? Regardless, just as I'm sure Oney wouldn't want to be looked at as lazy person, I don't want to be looked at as the "unhealthy", "man like", "hideous" wife of Mark Teahen.


It pains me that I even feel the need to defend myself. However, I'm a woman and I think it's fair to say no woman likes to be PUBLICLY criticized on their appearance. I'm 6', and played Division 1 volleyball. Do I have a petite build...no. Am I massive and man-like....umm, hardly. Did I ask to be born with an athletic build...no. Is it something I'm ashamed of...absolutely not. As far as being hideous...well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm perfectly content with the face God gave me and I certainly don't go around criticizing the face of others.


Again, I'm bothered by the fact that I couldn't be the better person and just walk away, but at the end of the day I am all woman, regardless of what Oney Guillen thinks. His words, while false, brought pain to my heart. I dare ask any of you how a woman in your life would respond put in this same terrible situation. I have never asked, nor do I ever want to be in the public eye....that's Mark's job. I didn't deserve to be publicly scrutinized and embarrassed by an individual I don't even know & who certainly doesn't know me.


I'm sure a few of you will have some choice words for my response but I hope there are some of you that appreciate my coming forward and setting the record straight. The tweet was never directed at Oney nor have anything to do with Chicago, and I'm saddened assumptions, and unwarranted retaliation have occurred. I look forward to this non story being a distant memory.


Mark & I truly enjoyed our time in Chicago. While he wishes things on the field would have worked out differently it just wasn't in the cards. We've moved on to the next adventure in our life and wish nothing but the best to the entire White Sox organization. Mark enjoyed playing for Ozzie and before today has never had an issue of any kind with anyone involved in MLB or their family members. Mark is a class act & perhaps can teach young Oney a thing or two about life. I'm truly blessed to have found such a wonderful man to call my husband.


I'd typically end this note with Go Sox....but since I've officially been named a Lady Jay I just can't do it. ;) Best of luck in life to you all.


Be The Difference,


Lauren Teahen (the hideous, unhealthy, manly wife of Mark Teahen)

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QUOTE (Lauren.Teahen @ Aug 2, 2011 -> 10:01 PM)
I always promised myself I would NEVER read, write or respond to one of these forums...but here I am. A Chicago friend informed me of this thread and suggested I read it. There truthfully is no story here. Many of you follow Mark on Twitter & know he is the type to throw out humor before nonsense. Why some of you chose to assume his tweet was about Oney is beyond me. We don't use twitter to take shots at people. I personally have never spoken a word to him and I can assure you my husband has had minimal contact. Once Oney opted to respond, it was made clear he assumed the tweet in question was about him.


It hurts my heart to think he assumes that is how he is viewed around the Chicago White Sox clubhouse. I really have no idea or concern for Oney's occupation. What I'm most curious of is why he would be so quick to think it's him? Regardless, just as I'm sure Oney wouldn't want to be looked at as lazy person, I don't want to be looked at as the "unhealthy", "man like", "hideous" wife of Mark Teahen.


It pains me that I even feel the need to defend myself. However, I'm a woman and I think it's fair to say no woman likes to be PUBLICLY criticized on their appearance. I'm 6', and played Division 1 volleyball. Do I have a petite build...no. Am I massive and man-like....umm, hardly. Did I ask to be born with an athletic build...no. Is it something I'm ashamed of...absolutely not. As far as being hideous...well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm perfectly content with the face God gave me and I certainly don't go around criticizing the face of others.


Again, I'm bothered by the fact that I couldn't be the better person and just walk away, but at the end of the day I am all woman, regardless of what Oney Guillen thinks. His words, while false, brought pain to my heart. I dare ask any of you how a woman in your life would respond put in this same terrible situation. I have never asked, nor do I ever want to be in the public eye....that's Mark's job. I didn't deserve to be publicly scrutinized and embarrassed by an individual I don't even know & who certainly doesn't know me.


I'm sure a few of you will have some choice words for my response but I hope there are some of you that appreciate my coming forward and setting the record straight. The tweet was never directed at Oney nor have anything to do with Chicago, and I'm saddened assumptions, and unwarranted retaliation have occurred. I look forward to this non story being a distant memory.


Mark & I truly enjoyed our time in Chicago. While he wishes things on the field would have worked out differently it just wasn't in the cards. We've moved on to the next adventure in our life and wish nothing but the best to the entire White Sox organization. Mark enjoyed playing for Ozzie and before today has never had an issue of any kind with anyone involved in MLB or their family members. Mark is a class act & perhaps can teach young Oney a thing or two about life. I'm truly blessed to have found such a wonderful man to call my husband.


I'd typically end this note with Go Sox....but since I've officially been named a Lady Jay I just can't do it. ;) Best of luck in life to you all.


Be The Difference,


Lauren Teahen (the hideous, unhealthy, manly wife of Mark Teahen)


Lauren, have you read through the entire thread? It seems to me that you and Mark had nearly unanimous support from our entire community here.


Many of us enjoyed reading Mark's tweets and wish things would have turned out better as well.


I highly doubt anyone here will have any choice words for you.


Best of luck in Toronto and hopefully Mark will get more of an opportunity to succeed.




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QUOTE (Lauren.Teahen @ Aug 3, 2011 -> 04:01 AM)
I always promised myself I would NEVER read, write or respond to one of these forums...but here I am. A Chicago friend informed me of this thread and suggested I read it. There truthfully is no story here. Many of you follow Mark on Twitter & know he is the type to throw out humor before nonsense. Why some of you chose to assume his tweet was about Oney is beyond me. We don't use twitter to take shots at people. I personally have never spoken a word to him and I can assure you my husband has had minimal contact. Once Oney opted to respond, it was made clear he assumed the tweet in question was about him.


It hurts my heart to think he assumes that is how he is viewed around the Chicago White Sox clubhouse. I really have no idea or concern for Oney's occupation. What I'm most curious of is why he would be so quick to think it's him? Regardless, just as I'm sure Oney wouldn't want to be looked at as lazy person, I don't want to be looked at as the "unhealthy", "man like", "hideous" wife of Mark Teahen.


It pains me that I even feel the need to defend myself. However, I'm a woman and I think it's fair to say no woman likes to be PUBLICLY criticized on their appearance. I'm 6', and played Division 1 volleyball. Do I have a petite build...no. Am I massive and man-like....umm, hardly. Did I ask to be born with an athletic build...no. Is it something I'm ashamed of...absolutely not. As far as being hideous...well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm perfectly content with the face God gave me and I certainly don't go around criticizing the face of others.


Again, I'm bothered by the fact that I couldn't be the better person and just walk away, but at the end of the day I am all woman, regardless of what Oney Guillen thinks. His words, while false, brought pain to my heart. I dare ask any of you how a woman in your life would respond put in this same terrible situation. I have never asked, nor do I ever want to be in the public eye....that's Mark's job. I didn't deserve to be publicly scrutinized and embarrassed by an individual I don't even know & who certainly doesn't know me.


I'm sure a few of you will have some choice words for my response but I hope there are some of you that appreciate my coming forward and setting the record straight. The tweet was never directed at Oney nor have anything to do with Chicago, and I'm saddened assumptions, and unwarranted retaliation have occurred. I look forward to this non story being a distant memory.


Mark & I truly enjoyed our time in Chicago. While he wishes things on the field would have worked out differently it just wasn't in the cards. We've moved on to the next adventure in our life and wish nothing but the best to the entire White Sox organization. Mark enjoyed playing for Ozzie and before today has never had an issue of any kind with anyone involved in MLB or their family members. Mark is a class act & perhaps can teach young Oney a thing or two about life. I'm truly blessed to have found such a wonderful man to call my husband.


I'd typically end this note with Go Sox....but since I've officially been named a Lady Jay I just can't do it. ;) Best of luck in life to you all.


Be The Difference,


Lauren Teahen (the hideous, unhealthy, manly wife of Mark Teahen)


If this is really you, thank you for posting.

Nobody on this board thinks you are unattractive.

Your husband was a very likeable person, unfortunately it didn't work out for him in Chicago and he seemed for whatever reason to lose his hitting ability on the South Side.

You are a class act. Mark is a class act.

If this isn't really you, then shame on me for being fooled.

If it is you, you are one class person. Good luck to you and your husband in Canada. I think most fans could tell from interviews, etc., he is a good man. Just couldn't hit the ball in Chicago.

Hopefully he will hit liners that find gaps in Toronto. You 2 are CLASS.


p.s. don't worry what Oney Guillen thinks of your looks. Who cares what he thinks? Nobody on here even comes close to suggesting you are anything but an attractive lady. And as a former volleyball player, that's cool as well. You know how to take care of your body obviously. Screw Oney. If it has truly pained you, just try to remember his opinion about your looks means squat. From what we can tell you look good on the outside and obviously are special on the inside to respond here.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (Lauren.Teahen @ Aug 3, 2011 -> 04:18 AM)
Yes, this is really Marks wife. Guess that you will just have to trust me. I read through the majority of the thread and figured you all deserved to know the truth. I appreciate the kind words.


Thanks Mrs. Teahen.

Screw Oney Guillen. Who gives a flip what he thinks? The pix I've seen you are pretty. Hang in there and kick butt in Toronto.

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QUOTE (Lauren.Teahen @ Aug 2, 2011 -> 10:18 PM)
Yes, this is really Marks wife. Guess that you will just have to trust me. I read through the majority of the thread and figured you all deserved to know the truth. I appreciate the kind words.


Lauren, I hope you and Mark (and Espy and Ribi) have a wonderful time in Toronto. As a Sox fan, I'm saddened that it didn't work out for Mark here and things didn't bounce in his favor. We all know that Mark is a class act, and I hope you and Mark don't let Oney's tweets leave a bad impression of your time in Chicago. I'm shocked that Ozzie's kid would behave in such a manner, but it's happened, and all we can do is shake our heads. I hope he gets some help and turns his life around. Anyway, I always enjoy reading Mark's tweet, and I'll continue to read them and be a big fan of his. Hope the dogs are enjoying their move to Canada too. :-) Good luck with your move and hope Toronto turns out to be a good fit for Mark.

Edited by SouthSidePride05
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QUOTE (Lauren.Teahen @ Aug 2, 2011 -> 10:01 PM)
I always promised myself I would NEVER read, write or respond to one of these forums...but here I am. A Chicago friend informed me of this thread and suggested I read it. There truthfully is no story here. Many of you follow Mark on Twitter & know he is the type to throw out humor before nonsense. Why some of you chose to assume his tweet was about Oney is beyond me. We don't use twitter to take shots at people. I personally have never spoken a word to him and I can assure you my husband has had minimal contact. Once Oney opted to respond, it was made clear he assumed the tweet in question was about him.


It hurts my heart to think he assumes that is how he is viewed around the Chicago White Sox clubhouse. I really have no idea or concern for Oney's occupation. What I'm most curious of is why he would be so quick to think it's him? Regardless, just as I'm sure Oney wouldn't want to be looked at as lazy person, I don't want to be looked at as the "unhealthy", "man like", "hideous" wife of Mark Teahen.


It pains me that I even feel the need to defend myself. However, I'm a woman and I think it's fair to say no woman likes to be PUBLICLY criticized on their appearance. I'm 6', and played Division 1 volleyball. Do I have a petite build...no. Am I massive and man-like....umm, hardly. Did I ask to be born with an athletic build...no. Is it something I'm ashamed of...absolutely not. As far as being hideous...well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm perfectly content with the face God gave me and I certainly don't go around criticizing the face of others.


Again, I'm bothered by the fact that I couldn't be the better person and just walk away, but at the end of the day I am all woman, regardless of what Oney Guillen thinks. His words, while false, brought pain to my heart. I dare ask any of you how a woman in your life would respond put in this same terrible situation. I have never asked, nor do I ever want to be in the public eye....that's Mark's job. I didn't deserve to be publicly scrutinized and embarrassed by an individual I don't even know & who certainly doesn't know me.


I'm sure a few of you will have some choice words for my response but I hope there are some of you that appreciate my coming forward and setting the record straight. The tweet was never directed at Oney nor have anything to do with Chicago, and I'm saddened assumptions, and unwarranted retaliation have occurred. I look forward to this non story being a distant memory.


Mark & I truly enjoyed our time in Chicago. While he wishes things on the field would have worked out differently it just wasn't in the cards. We've moved on to the next adventure in our life and wish nothing but the best to the entire White Sox organization. Mark enjoyed playing for Ozzie and before today has never had an issue of any kind with anyone involved in MLB or their family members. Mark is a class act & perhaps can teach young Oney a thing or two about life. I'm truly blessed to have found such a wonderful man to call my husband.


I'd typically end this note with Go Sox....but since I've officially been named a Lady Jay I just can't do it. ;) Best of luck in life to you all.


Be The Difference,


Lauren Teahen (the hideous, unhealthy, manly wife of Mark Teahen)


Very classy response. Best of luck to you and Mark. I really wish it could have worked out better for him here. The personality was great, even if the results weren't.

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QUOTE (Lauren.Teahen @ Aug 2, 2011 -> 11:18 PM)
Yes, this is really Marks wife. Guess that you will just have to trust me. I read through the majority of the thread and figured you all deserved to know the truth. I appreciate the kind words.

Mrs. Teahen - I read about 95% of the posts in this thread a couple of hours ago - pretty much all of them were supporting you, specifically. If there were any that weren't, I missed them, but said poster probably would've gotten flamed for doing so anyway. Don't let any of this get you down. Best of luck to you and your husband in the future (except against the Sox of course :))

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Thank you for the words Lauren. That takes a strong person to say what you did.


We wish you and Mark all the best in Toronto. As the person who started the thread by posting Mark's tweet, I apologize profusely for insinuating what I did.

Edited by maggsmaggs
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Hmmmm...what it all boils down to is basically an internet cat fight between an obnoxious spoiled brat vs an overpaid classy scrub who whenever he took to the batter's box, a collective groan could be heard at SoxTalk.


And some people are actually getting all worked up about it...weird.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 2, 2011 -> 06:00 PM)
I think you guys have leapt over the deep end with personal attacks on Ozzie.

He's not a dumb buffoon, folks.

Than why does he make dumb buffoon comments. At some point, perception becomes reality.


Oh and how often do you want to hear him talk about how he doesn't know who "so & so" on the Jays is who shut us down. The guy doesn't do any homework as a manager. Compare Ozzie to the top managers in baseball, whether its Joe Madden, Mike Scioscia, Girardi, LaRussa and you'll find out most of those guys watch tons of film and know what is going on.


Is it there job to know all of the inner workings of a players swing, no, but they should be familiar with the scouting reports and know the team. Ozzie isn't familiar with any of it.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Aug 3, 2011 -> 10:19 AM)
Than why does he make dumb buffoon comments. At some point, perception becomes reality.


Oh and how often do you want to hear him talk about how he doesn't know who "so & so" on the Jays is who shut us down. The guy doesn't do any homework as a manager. Compare Ozzie to the top managers in baseball, whether its Joe Madden, Mike Scioscia, Girardi, LaRussa and you'll find out most of those guys watch tons of film and know what is going on.


Is it there job to know all of the inner workings of a players swing, no, but they should be familiar with the scouting reports and know the team. Ozzie isn't familiar with any of it.

Ozzie doesn't believe in scouting and doesn't believe in stats. So what exactly does he believe in?

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