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I always promised myself I would NEVER read, write or respond to one of these forums...but here I am. A Chicago friend informed me of this thread and suggested I read it. There truthfully is no story here. Many of you follow Mark on Twitter & know he is the type to throw out humor before nonsense. Why some of you chose to assume his tweet was about Oney is beyond me. We don't use twitter to take shots at people. I personally have never spoken a word to him and I can assure you my husband has had minimal contact. Once Oney opted to respond, it was made clear he assumed the tweet in question was about him.


It hurts my heart to think he assumes that is how he is viewed around the Chicago White Sox clubhouse. I really have no idea or concern for Oney's occupation. What I'm most curious of is why he would be so quick to think it's him? Regardless, just as I'm sure Oney wouldn't want to be looked at as lazy person, I don't want to be looked at as the "unhealthy", "man like", "hideous" wife of Mark Teahen.


It pains me that I even feel the need to defend myself. However, I'm a woman and I think it's fair to say no woman likes to be PUBLICLY criticized on their appearance. I'm 6', and played Division 1 volleyball. Do I have a petite build...no. Am I massive and man-like....umm, hardly. Did I ask to be born with an athletic build...no. Is it something I'm ashamed of...absolutely not. As far as being hideous...well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm perfectly content with the face God gave me and I certainly don't go around criticizing the face of others.


Again, I'm bothered by the fact that I couldn't be the better person and just walk away, but at the end of the day I am all woman, regardless of what Oney Guillen thinks. His words, while false, brought pain to my heart. I dare ask any of you how a woman in your life would respond put in this same terrible situation. I have never asked, nor do I ever want to be in the public eye....that's Mark's job. I didn't deserve to be publicly scrutinized and embarrassed by an individual I don't even know & who certainly doesn't know me.


I'm sure a few of you will have some choice words for my response but I hope there are some of you that appreciate my coming forward and setting the record straight. The tweet was never directed at Oney nor have anything to do with Chicago, and I'm saddened assumptions, and unwarranted retaliation have occurred. I look forward to this non story being a distant memory.


Mark & I truly enjoyed our time in Chicago. While he wishes things on the field would have worked out differently it just wasn't in the cards. We've moved on to the next adventure in our life and wish nothing but the best to the entire White Sox organization. Mark enjoyed playing for Ozzie and before today has never had an issue of any kind with anyone involved in MLB or their family members. Mark is a class act & perhaps can teach young Oney a thing or two about life. I'm truly blessed to have found such a wonderful man to call my husband.


I'd typically end this note with Go Sox....but since I've officially been named a Lady Jay I just can't do it. ;) Best of luck in life to you all.


Be The Difference,


Lauren Teahen (the hideous, unhealthy, manly wife of Mark Teahen)

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QUOTE (Lauren.Teahen @ Aug 2, 2011 -> 10:15 PM)
I always promised myself I would NEVER read, write or respond to one of these forums...but here I am. A Chicago friend informed me of this thread and suggested I read it. There truthfully is no story here. Many of you follow Mark on Twitter & know he is the type to throw out humor before nonsense. Why some of you chose to assume his tweet was about Oney is beyond me. We don't use twitter to take shots at people. I personally have never spoken a word to him and I can assure you my husband has had minimal contact. Once Oney opted to respond, it was made clear he assumed the tweet in question was about him.


It hurts my heart to think he assumes that is how he is viewed around the Chicago White Sox clubhouse. I really have no idea or concern for Oney's occupation. What I'm most curious of is why he would be so quick to think it's him? Regardless, just as I'm sure Oney wouldn't want to be looked at as lazy person, I don't want to be looked at as the "unhealthy", "man like", "hideous" wife of Mark Teahen.


It pains me that I even feel the need to defend myself. However, I'm a woman and I think it's fair to say no woman likes to be PUBLICLY criticized on their appearance. I'm 6', and played Division 1 volleyball. Do I have a petite build...no. Am I massive and man-like....umm, hardly. Did I ask to be born with an athletic build...no. Is it something I'm ashamed of...absolutely not. As far as being hideous...well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm perfectly content with the face God gave me and I certainly don't go around criticizing the face of others.


Again, I'm bothered by the fact that I couldn't be the better person and just walk away, but at the end of the day I am all woman, regardless of what Oney Guillen thinks. His words, while false, brought pain to my heart. I dare ask any of you how a woman in your life would respond put in this same terrible situation. I have never asked, nor do I ever want to be in the public eye....that's Mark's job. I didn't deserve to be publicly scrutinized and embarrassed by an individual I don't even know & who certainly doesn't know me.


I'm sure a few of you will have some choice words for my response but I hope there are some of you that appreciate my coming forward and setting the record straight. The tweet was never directed at Oney nor have anything to do with Chicago, and I'm saddened assumptions, and unwarranted retaliation have occurred. I look forward to this non story being a distant memory.


Mark & I truly enjoyed our time in Chicago. While he wishes things on the field would have worked out differently it just wasn't in the cards. We've moved on to the next adventure in our life and wish nothing but the best to the entire White Sox organization. Mark enjoyed playing for Ozzie and before today has never had an issue of any kind with anyone involved in MLB or their family members. Mark is a class act & perhaps can teach young Oney a thing or two about life. I'm truly blessed to have found such a wonderful man to call my husband.


I'd typically end this note with Go Sox....but since I've officially been named a Lady Jay I just can't do it. ;) Best of luck in life to you all.


Be The Difference,


Lauren Teahen (the hideous, unhealthy, manly wife of Mark Teahen)





I hope you are who you say you are so I don't look like an idiot.


Most fans have no problem wiht your husband. It's a shame things didn't work out better on the field, but that's the way ball bounces.


Also, most Sox fans know what a clown Oney is. Whether Mark's tweet was directed at him or not I don't know. I don't even know exactly what Oney said about you. I'm surprised (though I guess I shouldn't be) that he would stoop as low as making fun of your looks.


I can assure you, that whether the tweet was directed at Oney or not, that I would love to see Oney get his comeuppance. He has no business being around this team and commenting on trivial matters as people's looks or juding people's private lives (like he did with Jenks.)


So without seeing Oney's tweet (I feel like I jumped in the middle of something here) was Mark just making a general statement?




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QUOTE (Lauren.Teahen @ Aug 2, 2011 -> 10:15 PM)
I'm sure a few of you will have some choice words for my response but I hope there are some of you that appreciate my coming forward and setting the record straight.

I'm curious as to why you included this in the post. No one here would have any right to say anything to you. In fact, I think I can safely say most people enjoyed Mark while he was here, at least, off the field. I've followed him on Twitter since the day we got him, and he's always been funny as hell.

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This feels completely legit.


Nobody has the time to write a disengenuous post of that length...


Mark Teahen has struggled to fulfill the expectations placed on him in Oakland and then with the Royals....no doubt. He had one really great 3-4 month stretch when I lived in Kansas City where I (and the entire city) thought he was going to just take off and be close to an All-Star caliber player at a position once occupied by George Brett (lots of pressure!). It just hasn't happened.


With all that said, from listening to Mark dealing with the media in Kansas City, he was always one of the best personalities on that team. KC is a great place to live and raise a family, and Mark's sense of humor worked perfectly in a market where people needed to have a sense of humor about an abysmal, but once proud franchise. He was always a breath of fresh air in a sea of Zack Greinke's to me.


From reading in the past couple of days, I've been even more impressed by a lot of the off-field/charitable work he has been involved with. When your husband has the salary he does, it makes it possible to do a world of good, and I'm sure that makes you feel grateful....to be in that position to help so many others, especially kids who just glow at the chance to meet any major league player (like Make A Wish Foundation).


You are better than any member of the Guillen family. It's incredibly unfortunate that you were bothered to the degree that you felt you had to respond. It's sad that many more posts the last 2-3 days have been devoted to childish sniping back and forth on the internet INSTEAD OF what looked like when the season began to be one of the most important series of the season, with the Red Sox/Yankees at USCF.


You have no reason to apologize for your appearance or height or skin complexion. I'm sure Mark loves you for all the right reasons, and nothing a little punk like Oney Guillen can ever say should cause you to question yourself like that (assuming it really is you).


It was a classy move to at least try to clarify your own side (and Mark's) of the whole situation, but it's really none of our business. But that's the nature of the media/social network world we live in today that these things end up happening over and over again with an organization I was once proud to support.


There are many many great White Sox fans out there (you would have seen that if you were in Chicago in 2005-2006), and don't let the pathetic acts of an immature, spoiled brat who's never been held accountable by anyone with the Sox to throw you off your game.

Edited by caulfield12
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Great stuff, Mrs. T. High class all the way and deserving of loud cheers from us White Sox fans. I have hated the Blue Jays going back to the days of Dave Stieb, and losing to them in 1993 did not help matters much. However, after reading your heartfelt words and knowing your husband now plays north of the border, I will have to soften my stance against the Blue Jays. Best of luck to you and your family.

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I will re-post what I did in the Twitter thread:


Thank you for the words Lauren. That takes a strong person to say what you did.


We wish you and Mark all the best in Toronto. As the person who started the thread by posting Mark's tweet, I apologize profusely for insinuating what I did.


I hope you and Mark enjoy Toronto, and that Mark has great success (except against the Sox). You guys seem like two genuinely nice people with all the charity work you two do.


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I don't see why this wouldn't be Mrs. Teahen. It makes me kind of sad that things didn't work out ideally for Mark in Chicago, because he was one of the easiest to like players we had on the team between his personality, charity work, and family emphasis. And I think some of us, this season, are beginning to realize such things are actually of importance in most cases. As somebody who has basically dated tall and athletic women exclusively in his life, I would have to say I strongly disagree with Oney's thoughts on Mrs. Teahen's appearance.


Anyways, good luck in Toronto. It's a franchise that is headed in the right direction, and a beautiful city.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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Moving my post here.



Mrs. Teahen, let me preface this by saying while Mark obviously didn't perform how we wished him to here, it was impossible not to root for him. He tried 100%, did what the team asked, and his Twitter was a very nice escape from some...painful to watch baseball from this team. Class act and we liked him.


Now, we assumed the tweet was about Oney because, well, we aren't Oney fans. But even if it wasn't about Oney, he made it about him. And not one of us took the side of Oney (earlier in this thread, it was acknowledged that you we're not hideous, unhealthy, or manly, but indeed pretty).


Regardless of whoever that text was about, if anyone at all, Oney and the Guillen family circus made it about them and it is disgusting and abhorring, especially Oney's unwarranted comments about you.


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Not sure what to make of this...but Mrs T. (if this is you...who knows with how ridiculous people are these days) I think you and your husband are a complete class act and wish you nothing but the best and will always root for you (except against the Sox...he used to kill us before).


And btw...if Oney thinks you're a dog...he has serious eyesight problems!

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If this is the real Mrs. Teahen, that was an incredibly classy post. While most Sox fans were very disappointed in Mark's performance on the field as a White Sox, he was a class act off the field. Too often the casual fan looks merely at the player's statistical performance and judges the man as such. I know I partially fall into this category and I don't want to deny this. But the fact of the matter is that Mark was a great presence off the field and a lot of players could emulate that. Mark seems to be a great human being and that is a lot more important than being a great baseball player.


To Lauren (and Mark and Espy and Ribi), best of luck in the future. I know 99% of Soxtalk members wish you nothing but the best and feel terrible about what Oney the spoiled brat said. Keep doing what you're doing and enjoy Toronto and wherever life may take you.

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As a fan of the Chicago White Sox baseball club, I will be completely honest and say that I wasn't upset to see that Mark had been traded, but that was mostly from a financial point of view - he's owed quite a bit of money over the next season and a half. But from everything I have read about him through articles and of him through his Twitter, I am really a little melancholy about him being traded. I always loved Mark and wish that his time in Chicago could have been better and longer, and I do think that he will perform better in a different situation because he did go out and always do everything he could and did what was asked of him, and I imagine he's going to continue to do the same thing in Toronto and wherever his career takes him after that, and you will be there, by his side, to help him along the way the best that you can.


The fact that Oney jumped to a conclusion about what he said isn't surprising at all. I don't think many people like Oney and, to try to avoid making any unnecessary insults, this episode apparently shows that he is hypocritical, even if it wasn't Mark's intentions at all. The fact that he airs out others' dirty laundry yet can't take a lick of criticism without throwing around insults like they were batting practice pitches seems to speak enough about his character that anything he says really shouldn't be viewed as anything more than meaningless drivel.


You should be proud that you are married to such a genuine, caring individual. I'm sure you are.


I wish you and Mark nothing but the best in Toronto. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.

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The funny thing is, that no matter how Mark did on the field (which unfortunately was not what we all hoped, including Mark), I'm not sure any Sox fan can say he was not a enjoyable person to have on the team. Great person to follow on Twitter, and never gave us any reason to question him as a person. Plus, those dogs you two have are pretty damn cool.

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First if this really was Lauren, I think all of us at Sox Talk wish you and Mark the best and we hope Mark can revive his career in Toronto. I cannot imagine the pain of being a woman and insulted publicly on your looks- that cannot be easy.


Secondly, to say that Mark's tweet WAS NOT about Oney is a bit insulting to our intelligence. It was. 2+2 = 4. I realize it is your job to defend your husband in this matter and stand by him, which is what you should do of course, but I think the majority of us with half a brain can connect the dots.


Personally I think Oney is an idiot and I've grown tired of the Ozzie regime in Chicago. I found Mark's tweet to be funny albeit a bit uncalled for and a cheap shot. Nevertheless, I don't think any of us are going to run and protect the Guillens or Oney on this board. Their actions speak for themselves. As long as Mark keeps his mouth shut from this point forward I can't see how he would ever be considered the "bad guy" in this entire situation. My advice is for him to keep quiet and let the Guillen's bury themselves on their way out the door in Chicago.

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