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Hurray for civility...

The Sir

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Look ya'll, I disagree with Alpha as much as everyone else about why Islam is the worst. But what point is this serving now? Do you think you're going to change his mind? 'Cause it feels like you're just ganging up on him. He's not going to change his mind any more than you are (and by ganging up on him you're making other people more sympathetic to his beliefs because you seem unreasonable).


This ceased being a productive discussion, oh, months ago.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 11:36 AM)
Wait, what does xenophobic Evangelicals harassing Arabs have to do with the validity of making all Muslims responsible for the actions of a few?






That sight couldn't be more one sided it it tried. And as for the signs, they link a yfrog account from someone named Haroonmihtar (sounds Jewish to me), with no caption or anything indicating who it was or where it was at. Those could be athiests at a religious conference for all you can tell.


And I do denounce death threats. They only serve to make whatever side is making them look bad.

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Well the point is the situation is still substantially different from what you presented. A group of assholes were harassing and insulting people. They were arrested for being assholes, as demonstrated by the fact that the same festival had five other Christian groups registered and attending without issue.


And actually the point is that's still completely irrelevant to making all Muslims responsible for the actions of a few.

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QUOTE (Soxy @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 12:24 PM)
Look ya'll, I disagree with Alpha as much as everyone else about why Islam is the worst. But what point is this serving now? Do you think you're going to change his mind? 'Cause it feels like you're just ganging up on him. He's not going to change his mind any more than you are (and by ganging up on him you're making other people more sympathetic to his beliefs because you seem unreasonable).


This ceased being a productive discussion, oh, months ago.


I challenge myself to see how fast I can find how badly he's distorted a story I've never heard of.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 12:31 PM)
Well you're just not doing it enough. When will you take back your religion from these radicals?

First, you assume that is my religion. I just am always amazed at the amount of Christian/Catholic/Jew bashing that goes on in relation to all the Muslim ass-kissing. As for your news story, I did look at the link, clicked on the photo, noticed who posted it, and so on. You had 'reporting' that identified motives without asking them, reported 'observations' without attributing them and generally decided they were gonna be the bad guys from word one. Kinda like when reporters add 'Some say...' to stories, when it is really 'I say...'.

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You missed the second link to the City of Dearborn's website. Some Christian groups go there without issue. Others are arrested for generally being assholes. What's your point?


Look, it's not like I think Islam is a better religion than Christianity, that there aren't extremists, that there aren't social and moral tenets I find abhorrent in many sects and that there aren't assholes. But what you see as "ass-kissing" is just pushback against religious and cultural bigotry.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 11:13 AM)
In other words, why is everyone pounding on Alpha for this, when the same thing happens here every single day and nothing gets said because the left wing agrees with it?

Please, the liberal posters on here have been told countless times that Palin isn't a real option, they get slammed by the conservative posters daily. Both sides need to recognize their faults, and how hypocritical they are in every single topic I see posted here.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 12:25 PM)
a yfrog account from someone named Haroonmihtar (sounds Jewish to me)


That name isn't Jewish sounding in the slightest...?


Quick Google search shows its just a guy's name, he's Arab, goes to Washington Governor's University.

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Aug 13, 2011 -> 02:35 PM)
That name isn't Jewish sounding in the slightest...?


Quick Google search shows its just a guy's name, he's Arab, goes to Washington Governor's University.

UM, OK, perhaps I should have put that in GREEN, but I thought that was pretty obvious. An ARAB guy posts a pic on yfrog of people protesting, with no caption or evidence who is protesting or where they are at, and it gets linked into a story claiming that Christians are being mean at the Arab Fest.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 14, 2011 -> 12:52 AM)
UM, OK, perhaps I should have put that in GREEN, but I thought that was pretty obvious. An ARAB guy posts a pic on yfrog of people protesting, with no caption or evidence who is protesting or where they are at, and it gets linked into a story claiming that Christians are being mean at the Arab Fest.

honestly it wasn't obvious coming from you. you have zero concept of other cultures/religions, so when you discuss them we have to take everything you say at face value.

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