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Virginia Earthquake


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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Aug 23, 2011 -> 01:50 PM)
If only Edison didn't use his influence to bury him, who knows how different the world would be right now. Off topic, but still incredibly interesting.


Agreed. Tesla's life story is just amazing. Edison is pretty much the 19th century version of Bill Gates.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 23, 2011 -> 01:52 PM)
Agreed. Tesla's life story is just amazing. Edison is pretty much the 19th century version of Bill Gates.


Know of any good books about him? Because that is definitely something I could fly through. I once heard that Tesla was the closest thing the world has ever known to a true "mad scientist", and it really is about as close as you'll ever get.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Aug 23, 2011 -> 01:55 PM)
Know of any good books about him? Because that is definitely something I could fly through. I once heard that Tesla was the closest thing the world has ever known to a true "mad scientist", and it really is about as close as you'll ever get.


It is hard to find anything "good" on him. Most of the works that get done on him center on the more bizarre occult stuff that is out there.

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Shock waves from an earthquake on the East Coast made the press box sway slightly and sent some fans toward the exits during the first game of a doubleheader between the Indians and Seattle Mariners.


As the Mariners were batting in the fourth inning Tuesday, the press box high above home plate and the third-base line moved left and right and continued for nearly 30 seconds. Fans sitting in the upper deck at Progressive Field noticed the unusual movement, and weren't sure what was happening.


"It went on for at least a minute," said Betsy Hammond, who was attending the game with her husband, Tim, and their three children. "We were looking around and someone stood up and yelled, 'Is that an earthquake?' Then someone who works here came over and said they heard it on the radio."


Play was not interrupted on the field. The Indians reported no structural damage to the 43,000-seat ballpark.


The Hammonds were celebrating their son Liam's 10-year-old birthday with his first game – one he'll never forget.


"My first thought was, 'That's weird, I can't move this seat,'" Tim Hammond said. "I thought it was the wind. I know the stadium is made to move, but I didn't know what was moving it. I was thinking maybe they blew something up on that movie set. A lot of people got up and were like 'We're out of here.'"


Filming for "The Avengers" is taking place on East 9th Street near the ballpark.


The 5.8 magnitude earthquake centered northwest of Richmond, Va., shook much of Washington and was felt as far north as Rhode Island and New York City.


"The odd thing was that it went on for a long time," Betsy Hammond said. "Then, the longer it went on, the more I wondered what was happening."

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 23, 2011 -> 02:19 PM)
I slept through one in SD a few years ago. Everyone was talking about it for days. It sucked.

Same thing for me in 2008 when I lived in Bloomington and that quake hit southern Il. It knocked stuff off my desk and everyone was talking about it but I managed to sleep right through it.

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@pareene: “I think Chris Christie just jumped into the race.”


@ModeledBehavior: “More and more scientists are questioning whether that was a real quake. It is a theory that’s out there.”


@snowed_in: “Breaking: Carole King feels the earth move under her feet.”


@chashomans: “I guess I better get an intern working on a ‘Five Things You Didn’t Know About the Mayan Serpent God’ listicle.”


@MichaelSLinden: “US Geological Survey’s budget was cut by some $20 million this year. #justsaying”


@daveweigel: “DEVELOPING: Earthquake turns Gallup offices upside down. Obama now at 62% approval”


@ezraklein: “The Ocean’s 13 team is presumably stealing something pretty valuable right now.”


@jdickerson: “Everyone calm down. If this is an earthquake on the east coast we’re supposed to react ironically.”


@balycooley: “I don’t want to die at a freelance job, for god’s sake.”


@pattonoswalt: “Not to panic anyone in NYC, but a screaming John Cusack just drove by in a limo that was missing a door.”




@politicoroger: “We wouldn’t be having earthquakes like this if Hillary were president.”




@davidfrum: “DC public schools did not dismiss. The kids are tougher than Politico.”


@bradplumer: “A nuclear reactor near epicenter of VA earthquake is designed to withstand a 5.9-6.1 quake: bit.ly/nVW1Tq We got 5.8”


@dylanmatt: “In retrospect, I resorted to cannibalism rather fast after the earthquake.”

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I was at work and getting ready to have a quick meeting, and right as I stood up the shaking started. It felt odd and I thought I was just woozy, then all of a sudden it started shaking hard and stuff started falling off shelves and whatnot (a couple girls screamed). The people from California got under their desks right away and everybody else flipped out. It was kinda funny.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 23, 2011 -> 03:32 PM)
My personal favorite...


@VictoriaRamon The west coast is thinking, "Shut the f*** up you big babies!", right now.

This is how I as a Chicago resident feel about these whiny East Coast b****es when it snows 2 inches.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 23, 2011 -> 02:27 PM)
By the way, if you actually felt this quake, please take a few minutes and fill out the USGS "Did you feel it" report. It actually helps build up seismic propagation maps when a lot of those reports come in.


Oh I definitely felt it. I am sort of underplaying how apparent the quake was. My blinds were shaking and books shelves were moving. The total even was probably 45 seconds to 1 minute. I would guess the strongest shaking lasted for about 15-20 seconds. That said, everyone around here was laughing about it while it was happening. Round these parts, this is an exciting day. The local news will be very happy.


I filled out the form for ya!

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 23, 2011 -> 02:18 PM)
It is hard to find anything "good" on him. Most of the works that get done on him center on the more bizarre occult stuff that is out there.


I remember you posted something about another book a few months back. It was about obscure history or something along those lines. What was it again?

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