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You wanna talk about going deaf, try seeing Strapping Young Lad at the Whisky, and being right up against the stage. Ouch!


Hmm "'Tallica", you know what that convienently leaves out? "Metal" :P

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Hmm "'Tallica", you know what that convienently leaves out? "Metal"  :P

Oh, there's plenty of metal left in them. Rob has given the band a new burst of life, and they're back to doing what they do best -- kicking their fans' asses.



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Oh, there's plenty of metal left in them.  Rob has given the band a new burst of life, and they're back to doing what they do best -- kicking their fans' asses.



The Old Stuff Yes, But St. Anger is freaking joke. s***ty Production does NOT equal Heavy. Sorry Guys.

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Oh, there's plenty of metal left in them.  Rob has given the band a new burst of life, and they're back to doing what they do best -- kicking their fans' asses.



The Old Stuff Yes, But St. Anger is freaking joke. s***ty Production does NOT equal Heavy. Sorry Guys.

Seriously, have you listened to the entire album? Or did you listen to a few songs and give up on it? I can see why you might feel that way if you had pre-conceived notions going into it and didn't give it a chance.


I had to listen to it (it being the whole album, all 11 songs, nearly 75 minutes worth) a few times before I got over the "shock", as it was a very different sound. Metallica has changed styles quite a few times in their 20 years, but that's what all great bands do. If a band doesn't change and evolve, they will not survive very long, and will not be as successful as Metallica has been.


When I first heard St. Anger, I had a grade of about a C in my head. Maybe a C-. But now, I'd give it a B. That's coming from a big Metallica fan, so granted it's a biased rating, but it really does get better every time you hear it. And if you were expecting something like Master of Puppets or The Black Album, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

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Oh, there's plenty of metal left in them.  Rob has given the band a new burst of life, and they're back to doing what they do best -- kicking their fans' asses.



The Old Stuff Yes, But St. Anger is freaking joke. s***ty Production does NOT equal Heavy. Sorry Guys.

Seriously, have you listened to the entire album? Or did you listen to a few songs and give up on it? I can see why you might feel that way if you had pre-conceived notions going into it and didn't give it a chance.


I had to listen to it (it being the whole album, all 11 songs, nearly 75 minutes worth) a few times before I got over the "shock", as it was a very different sound. Metallica has changed styles quite a few times in their 20 years, but that's what all great bands do. If a band doesn't change and evolve, they will not survive very long, and will not be as successful as Metallica has been.


When I first heard St. Anger, I had a grade of about a C in my head. Maybe a C-. But now, I'd give it a B. That's coming from a big Metallica fan, so granted it's a biased rating, but it really does get better every time you hear it. And if you were expecting something like Master of Puppets or The Black Album, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

I'm am definately a less than casual Metallica fan, but i physically could not get through St. Anger, it just sounds like s***. The snare drum ringing endlessly, the cracking vocals, the guitars that fade in and out. I really can't figure out what they we're thinking. That album was them jamming in a room, and they recorded it. Than cut an paste some other guitar parts, vocals, drums etc.


I know that all these Garage Rock s***ty production bands are popular, but they don't have to pretend they are the White Stripes, Strokes, Vines, Hives etc.

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I will be in that sea of humanity yelling my lungs out for the Tallica boys.  They're probably the greatest live band ever, and tonight I'm gonna find out first-hand. 


:headbang  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang

Have fun!


I noticed though, that the sea of humanity in the picture is a Southern Cal football game...you can't get anything past me :D


Anyway, as I was saying, enjoy yourself, your ears will be ringing for at least 24 hours

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Oh, there's plenty of metal left in them.  Rob has given the band a new burst of life, and they're back to doing what they do best -- kicking their fans' asses.

Oh, there's plenty of metal left in them. Rob has given the band a new burst of life, and they're back to doing what they do best -- kicking their fans' asses...in court when they sue them over mp3s. :finger


Metallica is great...if you like aging atonal metal bands that no longer have a soul and can't create anything original anymore if they f***ing tried.


They used to be good but now they are just a shell of their former selves and are alienating a good proportion of their fans.

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Oh, there's plenty of metal left in them.  Rob has given the band a new burst of life, and they're back to doing what they do best -- kicking their fans' asses.

Oh, there's plenty of metal left in them. Rob has given the band a new burst of life, and they're back to doing what they do best -- kicking their fans' asses...in court when they sue them over mp3s. :finger


Metallica is great...if you like aging atonal metal bands that no longer have a soul and can't create anything original anymore if they f***ing tried.


They used to be good but now they are just a shell of their former selves and are alienating a good proportion of their fans.

LOL!!! I got this one, guys. Let me guess, Apu, you read a quote from Metallica that went against your whiny beliefs? :rolleyes:


Most bands arent around for 20 years for us to critique, but being well versed on rock n roll, i can assure you theyre one of the best bands of all time.

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They used to be good but now they are just a shell of their former selves and are alienating a good proportion of their fans.

There was anywhere between 50-70 thousand Chicago-area Metallica fans at Hawthorne two weeks ago that, I think, would tend to disagree with you.


Limp Bizkit on the other hand won't be around in 20 years.


Neither will Linkin Park.


Nor The Deftones.


Not even Mudvayne.


Say what you will about Metallica and the way the band has evolved, but being relevant for 20+ years means that they are doing something right..... whether you like it or not.


And the teenage set and Maury need to get over the whole Napster thing. When any of the posters here work 5 days a week for 40 hours a week and you give just 10% of your take home to anyone that didn't work one second for what you earned, ONLY THEN can you talk s*** about Metallica and the whole download thing.

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And the teenage set and Maury need to get over the whole Napster thing. When any of the posters here work 5 days a week for 40 hours a week and you give just 10% of your take home to anyone that didn't work one second for what you earned, ONLY THEN can you talk s*** about Metallica and the whole download thing.

Sorry, Killa, but I must disagree.


When your beginnings are LARGELY based on giving away tapes of your stuff and almost BEGGING people to make copies and give them to your friends, to turn around later and say it's not cool anymore to give your friends copies of their music is going to piss people off.


What I can't understand is why anyone would even WANT any of the spew from anything from the "black album" on - to my ears, it's inferior, it's only gotten worse and it's anything BUT metal. That clangy disjointed garbage on Stanger is unlistenable. The drums are horrible, the bass is obtrusive, the lyrics are juvenile and whiney, the songs are disjointed and aimless, and the solos are non-existent. That CD is nothing but clangy rattling crap, and it's an embarrassment to the legacy of the band who USED to have no peer, but has LONG since lost their relevance in the metal world. That's NOT to say they're unpopular, which is clearly not the case, but they ARE irrelevant.

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Sorry, Killa, but I must disagree.


When your beginnings are LARGELY based on giving away tapes of your stuff and almost BEGGING people to make copies and give them to your friends, to turn around later and say it's not cool anymore to give your friends copies of their music is going to piss people off.


What I can't understand is why anyone would even WANT any of the spew from anything from the "black album" on - to my ears, it's inferior, it's only gotten worse and it's anything BUT metal. That clangy disjointed garbage on Stanger is unlistenable. The drums are horrible, the bass is obtrusive, the lyrics are juvenile and whiney, the songs are disjointed and aimless, and the solos are non-existent. That CD is nothing but clangy rattling crap, and it's an embarrassment to the legacy of the band who USED to have no peer, but has LONG since lost their relevance in the metal world. That's NOT to say they're unpopular, which is clearly not the case, but they ARE irrelevant.

Yeah im sure that just kills Metallica and their self esteem coming from some guy who probably works at Mcdonalds..... :rolleyes:

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Sorry, Killa, but I must disagree.


When your beginnings are LARGELY based on giving away tapes of your stuff and almost BEGGING people to make copies and give them to your friends, to turn around later and say it's not cool anymore to give your friends copies of their music is going to piss people off.


What I can't understand is why anyone would even WANT any of the spew from anything from the "black album" on - to my ears, it's inferior, it's only gotten worse and it's anything BUT metal. That clangy disjointed garbage on Stanger is unlistenable. The drums are horrible, the bass is obtrusive, the lyrics are juvenile and whiney, the songs are disjointed and aimless, and the solos are non-existent. That CD is nothing but clangy rattling crap, and it's an embarrassment to the legacy of the band who USED to have no peer, but has LONG since lost their relevance in the metal world. That's NOT to say they're unpopular, which is clearly not the case, but they ARE irrelevant.

Yeah im sure that just kills Metallica and their self esteem coming from some guy who probably works at Mcdonalds..... :rolleyes:

I'm sure that will kill Critic's self-esteem, coming from someone who doesn't work at all.

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Sorry, Killa, but I must disagree.


When your beginnings are LARGELY based on giving away tapes of your stuff and almost BEGGING people to make copies and give them to your friends, to turn around later and say it's not cool anymore to give your friends copies of their music is going to piss people off.


What I can't understand is why anyone would even WANT any of the spew from anything from the "black album" on - to my ears, it's inferior, it's only gotten worse and it's anything BUT metal. That clangy disjointed garbage on Stanger is unlistenable. The drums are horrible, the bass is obtrusive, the lyrics are juvenile and whiney, the songs are disjointed and aimless, and the solos are non-existent. That CD is nothing but clangy rattling crap, and it's an embarrassment to the legacy of the band who USED to have no peer, but has LONG since lost their relevance in the metal world. That's NOT to say they're unpopular, which is clearly not the case, but they ARE irrelevant.

Yeah im sure that just kills Metallica and their self esteem coming from some guy who probably works at Mcdonalds..... :rolleyes:

I'm sure that will kill Critic's self-esteem, coming from someone who doesn't work at all.

Yeah that hurt lol. :rolleyes: Last time i checked, i had two job offers, making more money than youll make in 10 years. Anyhow, i dont called people "irrelevant" who are way more successful than ill ever dream to be. Its ignorant, as was your post. ;)

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Sorry, Killa, but I must disagree.


When your beginnings are LARGELY based on giving away tapes of your stuff and almost BEGGING people to make copies and give them to your friends, to turn around later and say it's not cool anymore to give your friends copies of their music is going to piss people off.


What I can't understand is why anyone would even WANT any of the spew from anything from the "black album" on - to my ears, it's inferior, it's only gotten worse and it's anything BUT metal. That clangy disjointed garbage on Stanger is unlistenable. The drums are horrible, the bass is obtrusive, the lyrics are juvenile and whiney, the songs are disjointed and aimless, and the solos are non-existent. That CD is nothing but clangy rattling crap, and it's an embarrassment to the legacy of the band who USED to have no peer, but has LONG since lost their relevance in the metal world. That's NOT to say they're unpopular, which is clearly not the case, but they ARE irrelevant.

Yeah im sure that just kills Metallica and their self esteem coming from some guy who probably works at Mcdonalds..... :rolleyes:

I'm sure that will kill Critic's self-esteem, coming from someone who doesn't work at all.

Yeah that hurt lol. :rolleyes: Last time i checked, i had two job offers, making more money than youll make in 10 years. Anyhow, i dont called people "irrelevant" who are way more successful than ill ever dream to be. Its ignorant, as was your post. ;)

You don't know how much money I'll make in ten years, and I don't care how many job offers you have.


Bottom line is this; quit attacking people personally, and stick to debating ideas.

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Sorry, Killa, but I must disagree.


When your beginnings are LARGELY based on giving away tapes of your stuff and almost BEGGING people to make copies and give them to your friends, to turn around later and say it's not cool anymore to give your friends copies of their music is going to piss people off.


What I can't understand is why anyone would even WANT any of the spew from anything from the "black album" on - to my ears, it's inferior, it's only gotten worse and it's anything BUT metal. That clangy disjointed garbage on Stanger is unlistenable. The drums are horrible, the bass is obtrusive, the lyrics are juvenile and whiney, the songs are disjointed and aimless, and the solos are non-existent. That CD is nothing but clangy rattling crap, and it's an embarrassment to the legacy of the band who USED to have no peer, but has LONG since lost their relevance in the metal world. That's NOT to say they're unpopular, which is clearly not the case, but they ARE irrelevant.

Yeah im sure that just kills Metallica and their self esteem coming from some guy who probably works at Mcdonalds..... :rolleyes:

I'm sure that will kill Critic's self-esteem, coming from someone who doesn't work at all.

Yeah that hurt lol. :rolleyes: Last time i checked, i had two job offers, making more money than youll make in 10 years. Anyhow, i dont called people "irrelevant" who are way more successful than ill ever dream to be. Its ignorant, as was your post. ;)

You don't know how much money I'll make in ten years, and I don't care how many job offers you have.


Bottom line is this; quit attacking people personally, and stick to debating ideas.

He attacked Metallica and i did the same. You wont or cant stop me and its not my fault that youve become a daver wannabee. Not sure how u sleep, cuz you know it. :nono

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He attacked Metallica and i did the same.  You wont or cant stop me and its not my fault that youve become a daver wannabee.  Not sure how u sleep, cuz you know it. :nono

So he attacked Metallica, go ahead and defend Metallica. Jumping on him with some dumbass remark about "probably works at McDonald's" doesn't refute his argument.


I would be saying the same things whether I was a moderator or not. I doubt I'll even be one for much longer, I'm just filling in for the people who are on vacation.


And as for being a "daver wannabe", the only people I've even said anything to about being a jackass are you and your wannabe, clujer; which, again, I would have said even if I wasn't a moderator. You two go around looking for fights, it's lame, it's annoying, and it makes you look small.

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So he attacked Metallica, go ahead and defend Metallica. Jumping on him with some dumbass remark about "probably works at McDonald's" doesn't refute his argument.


I would be saying the same things whether I was a moderator or not. I doubt I'll even be one for much longer, I'm just filling in for the people who are on vacation.


And as for being a "daver wannabe", the only people I've even said anything to about being a jackass are you and your wannabe, clujer; which, again, I would have said even if I wasn't a moderator. You two go around looking for fights, it's lame, it's annoying, and it makes you look small.

Whatever dude. You are ass kisssing and selling out in hopes of becoming a permanent "junior moderator and its f***ing pathetic. I have been the same "bmr" for years and you never said s*** before............its pathetic, but so be it.

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Whatever dude.  You are ass kisssing and selling out in hopes of becoming a permanent "junior moderator and its f***ing pathetic.  I have been the same "bmr" for years and you never said s*** before............its pathetic, but so be it.

Haha, whose ass am I kissing exactly?


Whether or not I become a permanent moderator is not in doubt, so what exactly would I be trying for?


And what happened to, "that was the bmr of two years ago, I am totally different now"?

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So he attacked Metallica, go ahead and defend Metallica. Jumping on him with some dumbass remark about "probably works at McDonald's" doesn't refute his argument.


I would be saying the same things whether I was a moderator or not. I doubt I'll even be one for much longer, I'm just filling in for the people who are on vacation.


And as for being a "daver wannabe", the only people I've even said anything to about being a jackass are you and your wannabe, clujer; which, again, I would have said even if I wasn't a moderator. You two go around looking for fights, it's lame, it's annoying, and it makes you look small.

Wannabe? Just because Bmr is one of the very few people around here with common sense and therefore I agree with him most of the time, I'm a wannabe? That's logical.


I think you're gettin a little big for your britches, Spiff. :rolleyes:

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Haha, whose ass am I kissing exactly?


Whether or not I become a permanent moderator is not in doubt, so what exactly would I be trying for?


And what happened to, "that was the bmr of two years ago, I am totally different now"?

Exactly. I am totally different now. And yet, one or two years ago you had no problem with me, i find that interesting. Dont you?

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