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Haha, whose ass am I kissing exactly?


Whether or not I become a permanent moderator is not in doubt, so what exactly would I be trying for?


And what happened to, "that was the bmr of two years ago, I am totally different now"?

Exactly. I am totally different now. And yet, one or two years ago you had no problem with me, i find that interesting. Dont you?

double talk. the only problem i have with you, like anyone, is when you act like a jackass. done with this thread.

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Haha, whose ass am I kissing exactly?


Whether or not I become a permanent moderator is not in doubt, so what exactly would I be trying for?


And what happened to, "that was the bmr of two years ago, I am totally different now"?

Exactly. I am totally different now. And yet, one or two years ago you had no problem with me, i find that interesting. Dont you?

double talk. the only problem i have with you, like anyone, is when you act like a jackass. done with this thread.

You ought to be done with this thread because as usual, you dont see the jackass in yourself. :rolleyes:

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Back to the topic at hand, I just found a streaming pro-shot concert video from the guys I mentioned earlier in the thread


:headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang


Anybody interested go here. It's all in swedish, just click on "Strapping Young Lad" that's in English

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Apu is once again wrong, as there were about 70,000 INSANE fans last night at the LA Memorial Coliseum (all of whom, surprisingly, stayed to see Metallica, despite their irrelevance). Everybody was there for one reason, and Metallica did not disappoint. They were simply incredible, and they put on a tremendous show. They sounded great, and the crowd was great. We knew all the words, and we sang in unison on several occasions. It was a rare moment when everyone ranging from drug addicts to law abiding citizens share a common bond, and during "Nothing Else Matters", it was a very spiritual feeling to have that many people experiencing the same joy of singing as one. I know, that sounds like hippy crap, but that's the way it was.


Overall, the other bands sucked ass, and they sounded awful. Metallica's sound was off for the first 2 songs, but they tweeked it and it sounded very good after that. The stage was awesome, and our new bass player Rob did a fantastic job. James was very charming and funny on the mic, and the pyro/lights made it even more of an event.


It was the best $75 I've ever spent, and I can't wait until their next tour that starts in the US in February -- I'll be right back to see them wherever they are, as will THOUSANDS of other fans. Metallica pride themselves on delivering live, and I've seen many of their concerts on DVD -- the one last night is the best one to date. :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang

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Yeah im sure that  just kills Metallica and their self esteem coming from some guy who probably works at Mcdonalds..... :rolleyes:

Since Pathetica doesn't care about the people who hate them OR the people who like them, I'm sure they're blissfully ignorant of any criticism. They just keep mailing it in for the sheep like you who buy their inferior trash and rush to their defense like some obsessed girlfriend.


And the super-clever McDonald's comment just shows your complete and total lack of originality and thought. Hope whatever imaginary job offer you have doesn't involve creative thought, or that company would be in trouble ( if it actually ever existed, that is... )

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When you've seen them live in concert, you can talk.  Until then, your words mean nothing.

Saw them in 83 at the Metro

In 86 at the Aragon

In 89 at the UIC pavilion

In 91 0r 92 ( whenever that Black album tour was ) at the Horizon - not yet the Allstate Arena


So NOW you will listen to EVERY WORD I HAVE TO SAY!!!!


If YOU enjoy the s*** they've put out since then, good for you.

It sounds like s*** to me, which is ALL I originally said.


Oh, I gotta go - the FRIES are done!!!

:finger :bang

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Since Pathetica doesn't care about the people who hate them OR the people who like them, I'm sure they're blissfully ignorant of any criticism. They just keep mailing it in for the sheep like you who buy their inferior trash and rush to their defense like some obsessed girlfriend.


And the super-clever McDonald's comment just shows your complete and total lack of originality and thought. Hope whatever imaginary job offer you have doesn't involve creative thought, or that company would be in trouble ( if it actually ever existed, that is... )

LOL!!!!! Yeah good one bro, LMFAO. :rolleyes: By the way, i dont buy their albums. Im neutral on metallica, since the black album. However, i find it quite pathetic that a cook at mcdonalds, or whatever you do, has the nerve to call multi millionaires, who are one of the best rock bands of all time, irrelevant. Those comments are independent on my views of that band, or any band. You or i may or may not enjoy their music, but my point is, theyre a hell of a lot more relevant than you............ :rolleyes:


Speaking for Metallica here...........try to critique yourself more often, and maybe one day youll have 1 % of their success. :nono

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Saw them in 83 at the Metro

In 86 at the Aragon

In 89 at the UIC pavilion

In 91 0r 92 ( whenever that Black album tour was ) at the Horizon - not yet the Allstate Arena


So NOW you will listen to EVERY WORD I HAVE TO SAY!!!!


If YOU enjoy the s*** they've put out since then, good for you.

It sounds like s*** to me, which is ALL I originally said.


Oh, I gotta go - the FRIES are done!!!

:finger  :bang

I stand corrected.


But, if you want to let a couple of songs that you find s***ty keep you from experiencing something like I did last night, that's your choice, but at the same time your loss IMO. Metallica was as good as ever last night, and barring something unforseen, they're going to be kicking ass for many years to come.


Bands change man, they have to if they want to survive the cut-throat world of music. They've been kicking ass since 1981, and they're still putting out albums that go multi-platinum in a matter of weeks. I don't think they need advice on how to do things.


And BTW, stop asking me how many ketchups I want. Just give me a handful and be done with it. :P

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Metallicas awesome dude. St Anger and I Disappear are the best songs...

Well, you're right about Metallica being awesome, but I disagree that St. Anger and I Disappear are their best songs. But, unlike The Critic, I am going to allow you to have your own opinion. Everyone has a different taste for music, and I am willing to respect that. Critic, on the other hand, calls someone a "sheep" for liking their current music, and says Metallica is now "irrelevant", simply because he does not prefer their "new" style. :rolleyes:

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Holy f***! I don't think I could ever pay that much for a concert. I try to never spend more than $20 on a concert, unless it's a band I really want to see. I also prefer clubs over anything outdoors, more intimate and up close to the band.

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Well, you're right about Metallica being awesome, but I disagree that St. Anger and I Disappear are their best songs.  But, unlike The Critic, I am going to allow you to have your own opinion.  Everyone has a different taste for music, and I am willing to respect that.  Critic, on the other hand, calls someone a "sheep" for liking their current music, and says Metallica is now "irrelevant", simply because he does not prefer their "new" style. :rolleyes:

And if they stayed as they were in the 80's? He would bash them for not changing with the times. :bang

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Maybe Cali just likes to be up and personal with the girlies in the crowd.... ;)

Not all of the girls. A lot of the ones that go to the kind of concerts I go to, you wouldn't toch with a 10 foot pole. But there are some hot ones

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Well, you're right about Metallica being awesome, but I disagree that St. Anger and I Disappear are their best songs.  But, unlike The Critic, I am going to allow you to have your own opinion.  Everyone has a different taste for music, and I am willing to respect that.  Critic, on the other hand, calls someone a "sheep" for liking their current music, and says Metallica is now "irrelevant", simply because he does not prefer their "new" style. :rolleyes:

yeah, you'll "allow someone to have their own opinion" as long as it falls in lockstep with yours. :rolleyes:


I don't begrudge anyone their opinion - I just happen to disagree.

Maybe my opinion of the band formerly known as Metallica is a little harsher because I remember how great they used to be before they forgot how to write songs. If you disagree, that's fine. If you enjoy them, fantastic.


Until I hear a new crop of bands using trashcan lids for drums and writing "songs" consisting of slapped-together riffs, I will still consider Pathetica irrelevant. They used to be the reason kids formed bands - I just don't think that's the case anymore. I can't imagine anyone listening to Nothing Else Matters or Unforgiven II and thinking, "DUDE! I gotta form a METAL BAND!!" ( I'd hate to hear the band that DID form after listening to either of those songs ).


You can sell a lot of records and still be irrelevant - see Aerosmith, Cher, the Eagles, and too many more to name.


As I said earlier, if YOU like Stanger, good for you.

Sounds like s*** to me.

Bad songs played poorly.


BTW, whoever used the "don't criticize unless you've done more than them" argument - it is also old and tired.

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yeah, you'll "allow someone to have their own opinion" as long as it falls in lockstep with yours.  :rolleyes:

Nope. As long as the opinion is genuine and fair, that's all I really care about. I could care less if you like Metallica -- but to say they are irrelevant is simply not accurate. Tell the 70,000 screaming fans that were in LA last night that they are irrelevant. And your "I don't think they're getting people to form bands" argument is weak. How many 40 year olds have that strong an influence over the youth of America? Not many. And I'm glad Metallica doesn't conform to what their "fans" want -- makes them better people to do it their way, and I respect them more for it. Anyone can be a follower and do what's safe, but it takes someone special to take a chance and try something different.


You're never going to please everybody, but like I said, based on the crowd last night (and everywhere else this tour has been), I'd say Metallica is doing quite well for themselves. A lot better than any of our careers are going, that's for certain.

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Since we have a basic difference in the "popularity = relevance" point, this is going to around in circles.

I don't feel that popular = relevant or good, and you obviously do, and that's fine, but there's no point in belaboring the argument any further.

To save the board from any more boredom, I'm going to halt my end of the debate.

I'm honestly glad that you enjoyed their show, but I personally couldn't sit through their act anymore.

I'm going to leave it at that.

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