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I just visited the Royal and Twin boards and am embarrased to be a Sox fan. One guy (sox1sox1) trolled through the KC site with such thought provoking topics as Royals stink like poo from my Crack. I am so glad we don't get that sort of trolling here.

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I just visited the Royal and Twin boards and am embarrased to be a Sox fan. One guy (sox1sox1) trolled through the KC site with such thought provoking topics as Royals stink like poo from my Crack. I am so glad we don't get that sort of trolling here.

LMAO. I wonder who sox1sox1 is? :rolleyes:

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Clujer, what is your weight? what are you trying to get down to? How have you lost the initial 12.5?


I was 160, in 2 days I have gone down to 156, I hope to get down to 140. It may sound ridiculous to be trying to lose 20 pounds at 16, but I need to do it for cross country.


So far my strategy is

A) Avoid sugary foods (soda, desserts, etc.)

B: No food between meals (except water and carrots)

C) Run

D) Avoid breakfast (this is easy because I usually wake up betwee 11-12 so I just go straight to lunch)

Do you have any suggestions for me

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Clujer, what is your weight? what are you trying to get down to?  How have you lost the initial 12.5?


I was 160, in 2 days I have gone down to 156, I hope to get down to 140.  It may sound ridiculous to be trying to lose 20 pounds at 16, but I need to do it for cross country.


So far my strategy is

A) Avoid sugary foods (soda, desserts, etc.)

B) No food between meals (except water and carrots)

C) Run

D) Avoid breakfast (this is easy because I usually wake up betwee 11-12 so I just go straight to lunch)

Do you have any suggestions for me

Im only 13 and it may sound wierd but I have gone on many diets! Im a tad overweight. (140 at 13 but Im 5'8) I did this diet where you HAVE to eat 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, and grapefruit juice for breakfast. And like you said, no sugar. You only do this Monday through Friday, Saturday and Sunday you can eat whatever you want. But in 1 week, you can lose almost 10 pounds.

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Clujer, what is your weight? what are you trying to get down to?  How have you lost the initial 12.5?


I was 160, in 2 days I have gone down to 156, I hope to get down to 140.  It may sound ridiculous to be trying to lose 20 pounds at 16, but I need to do it for cross country.


So far my strategy is

A) Avoid sugary foods (soda, desserts, etc.)

B) No food between meals (except water and carrots)

C) Run

D) Avoid breakfast (this is easy because I usually wake up betwee 11-12 so I just go straight to lunch)

Do you have any suggestions for me

Im only 13 and it may sound wierd but I have gone on many diets! Im a tad overweight. (140 at 13 but Im 5'8) I did this diet where you HAVE to eat 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, and grapefruit juice for breakfast. And like you said, no sugar. You only do this Monday through Friday, Saturday and Sunday you can eat whatever you want. But in 1 week, you can lose almost 10 pounds.

Hey, just don't starve yourself. I am 18 and I wrestle, so I deal with weight alot. Most people who go on diets starve themselves. When they eat, the portions are so big, that the weight they have lost comes back on. If you need to lose weight fast, just drink water and eat salads and fruits. It's all about if you are dedicated or not.


I don't know why you'd need to lose weight for cross-country. Wouldn't you lose it through the course of the season.

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Clujer, what is your weight? what are you trying to get down to?  How have you lost the initial 12.5?


Do you have any suggestions for me

When I started, I was 229. I'm 6'1", so 229 isn't completely obese, but I was very unhappy, so I decided to finally get my fat ass into gear and lose around 40 pounds. I started in mid-July, and I've lost 12.5 pounds so far. I've altered my diet a lot. I work nights, so I eat out almost every night. Also, I was eating a ton of candy and drinking a lot of soda throughout my shift. So I've cut out the burgers and fries, along with the soda and candy. All of the carbs were killing me. In addition, I'm exercising as much as I can. It's hard to do it on days that I have to work, but I play basketball and walk when I get a chance. Also, I'm drinking (water) like a fish. I used to drink all soda, but now I drink about a gallon a day. Arrowhead rules! Oh yeah, and chips are out too.


So far, it's working great. :D

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I'm 5'11" and set my max weight limit at 200 lbs. I try to stay at about 195 though. I once got up to 211, so I took these simple steps to lose weight. I drank lots of water... before, during and after meals. And, I stopped eating whenever I felt full. I didn't eat everything just for the sake of cleaning my plate. That did it for me. I lost 23 pounds in 6 weeks.

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I am 6'0 185


I am about to start football at Midwestern State University and I have played football all through high school so I know about weight loss and weight management and I can tell you that the main thing you need to know is just try to stay away from a lot of sugars and fats. Dont eat before you go to sleep because thats when fat can add up quickly. Also, drinking water will help you drop some weight as well because its basically nothing at all. When you drink soda that crap just settles right there into you.


I dont eat breakfast either, but if i do I have like fruit or a shake. I mean you dont really have to go into dieting, just eat right and youll be set.

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Hey, just don't starve yourself. I am 18 and I wrestle, so I deal with weight alot. Most people who go on diets starve themselves. When they eat, the portions are so big, that the weight they have lost comes back on. If you need to lose weight fast, just drink water and eat salads and fruits. It's all about if you are dedicated or not.


I don't know why you'd need to lose weight for cross-country. Wouldn't you lose it through the course of the season.

At 18 I was wrestling at 127, now at 21 I walk at 190. Not being active sure does suck ass. I sure do love life though, so deserve to be a pig while I can.

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Guest wsc425

Incoming freshman weighing in at 158, and am 6'3'' already. I have the longest arms so I can't show my muscles by standing there, so it is pretty embarassing. At least my equipment is big :lol: but I still would like to do some musclular activity.

I need to:

Get stronger

Get quicker

Any suggestions appreciated, taking into mind that I am a fresh 15 year old man.

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Incoming freshman weighing in at 158, and am 6'3'' already. I have the longest arms so I can't show my muscles by standing there, so it is pretty embarassing. At least my equipment is big :lol: but I still would like to do some musclular activity.

I need to:

Get stronger

Get quicker

Any suggestions appreciated, taking into mind that I am a fresh 15 year old man.

Hit the weight room, run a lot, and drink lots of water


If you have the chance to swim some laps do that too

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I ran cross country in HS and college and weight was never a problem. 75 to 100+ mile weeks keep the weight off. At this point in the cross country season (fall sport in Illinois) you should be building a base with long slow distance. Mix in a little walking to increase the miles and you will be good.

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Guest wsc425
Incoming freshman weighing in at 158, and am 6'3'' already. I have the longest arms so I can't show my muscles by standing there, so it is pretty embarassing. At least my equipment is big :lol: but I still would like to do some musclular activity.

I need to:

Get stronger

Get quicker

Any suggestions appreciated, taking into mind that I am a fresh 15 year old man.

Hit the weight room, run a lot, and drink lots of water


If you have the chance to swim some laps do that too

Any other suggestions?

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I don't know why you'd need to lose weight for cross-country. Wouldn't you lose it through the course of the season.


Yeah it will come off during the season, but I would like to shed a pounds now while I am training so that when practices start I am in good shape. Also running over weight can cause shin splints, or so I have heard.

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Clujer, what is your weight? what are you trying to get down to?  How have you lost the initial 12.5?


I was 160, in 2 days I have gone down to 156, I hope to get down to 140.  It may sound ridiculous to be trying to lose 20 pounds at 16, but I need to do it for cross country.


So far my strategy is

A) Avoid sugary foods (soda, desserts, etc.)

B) No food between meals (except water and carrots)

C) Run

D) Avoid breakfast (this is easy because I usually wake up betwee 11-12 so I just go straight to lunch)

Do you have any suggestions for me

Im only 13 and it may sound wierd but I have gone on many diets! Im a tad overweight. (140 at 13 but Im 5'8) I did this diet where you HAVE to eat 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, and grapefruit juice for breakfast. And like you said, no sugar. You only do this Monday through Friday, Saturday and Sunday you can eat whatever you want. But in 1 week, you can lose almost 10 pounds.

5'8 140 is overweight??????????? You're kidding right?

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I would advise people to stay away from Atkins style diets (low/no carb) unless its something they inted to maintain for the rest of their lives. I went on one of those for six weeks and lost 35 pounds (262-227). After I stopped the diet, and tried to eat sensibly, my weight shot back up because my metabolism had stopped getting used to carbs in my diet. Three months later, I weighed over 270 pounds.


Whats worked best for me is eating less, and better food... and more exercise. It doesn't come super fast, but its better for you. Since May 1, I have dropped 23 pounds by just being careful about the things that i eat and the stress in my life.

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I wonder how a thread about board behavior turned into a thread about dieting and everyone stating their weight :lol:

:lol: Yeah

maybe I should give my height and weight so I won't be left out... :lol: I'm 6'2... 220...but I have HUGE muscles :D


I do have a Gazelle Elite and a weight bench in my living room..but I usually get most of my exercise at work..so don't use it that much..


The last time I was on a diet was last year...I lost 15lbs in 2 months....I just cut the coke out of my diet and drank so much water i was peeing out my ears..and for those hunger pangs you get at night I would just chew on a celery stick...those work for me and it has no calories(well, the calories it does have you burn off on the chewing)


Those kept me at bay...

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