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Top 5 Prospects


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1. Reed


2. Borch


3. Anderson


4. Sweeney


5. Bikowski




1. Cottsy


2. Honel


3. Pacheco


4. Winger


5. Me ( HA, just kidding) Seriously it could be any number of guys : Rauch, Adkins, Munoz, An, Diaz, or one of those young kids in Rookie ball I havent met

I find it interesting that you include Bikowski.


He has a sweet swing and walks a good bit, but he just doesn't drive in enough runs or have enough pop for me. For a guy hitting in the middle of the order, I think he should be able to find more ways to get guys home. I know that no one on this year's team is going to drive in 100, but I'd like to think with him batting around .315, he could be around the 60-65 mark.



I think he has a chance to make the Show, but I think he needs to get better in that area. He will need to show next year in AAA that he can do that, since this year he was repeating a level. I think a dropoff next year, will all but kill his chances.

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Rex its tough to drive in runs when there is no one on base in front of you. Gabe and Reed and Carlos knock in the majority of the runs before Biko has a chance to do anything. Also we dont score that many runs as it is. We're last in the league in that category but oddly enough second in team BA. I like Biko as a hitter a lot and if the game is on the line I would want him Reed or Gabe at the plate. Its no accident he's hovering around .320.

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Rex its tough to drive in runs when there is no one on base in front of you.  Gabe and Reed and Carlos knock in the majority of the runs before Biko has a chance to do anything.  Also we dont score that many runs as it is.  We're last in the league in that category but oddly enough second in team BA. I like Biko as a hitter a lot and if the game is on the line I would want him Reed or Gabe at the plate.  Its no accident he's hovering around .320.

based on what you have said, i am going to start following him.


i hope you are right.


what is he a power hitter, line drive, rbi man, what?

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Rex its tough to drive in runs when there is no one on base in front of you.  Gabe and Reed and Carlos knock in the majority of the runs before Biko has a chance to do anything.  Also we dont score that many runs as it is.  We're last in the league in that category but oddly enough second in team BA. I like Biko as a hitter a lot and if the game is on the line I would want him Reed or Gabe at the plate.  Its no accident he's hovering around .320.

I agree on all accounts as I have seen him come through in big situations several times this year. Maybe I am looking at the numbers too much, but surely there have been enough opportunities to drive in more than 40 or so? I just think that a guy who is repeating a level for a full season, should produce more.


I hope he proves me wrong next year.

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based on what you have said, i am going to start following him.


i hope you are right.


what is he a power hitter, line drive, rbi man, what?

Biko is a gap-to-gap doubles type hitter. He has a nice stroke and could possibly be a two-hole hitter down the road. Do you agree Jim?

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isn't it a theory that if a prospect is a gap hitter with a lot of doubles in the minors, he will more often

than not develop some decent power numbers when he gets older and stronger.


btw how old is he?

It does happen from time to time. According to the Barons web site he is 26. Here is some more info....


Scott Bikowski

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I'm just curious


After reading a few lists, I've seen Anderson, Nanita, and Sweeney atleast one or twice, and probably another draftee or two from this year as well. Maybe it's just me, but I personally would like to see how these guys do in a full season of baseball. I really can't consider rookie ball and low-A(and even high A) players as prospects.

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Borchard is still the man... He's had a wrist problem all year (and that makes swinging a bat pretty damn hard), so this year is kind of moot. He'll be fine.


Reed is also a stud. Someone clone him.


I like Nanita, but he's only been playing pro ball for a couple months. We'll see.


I also liked Micah Schurnstein (sp?) a lot, but he's apparently fallen off the face of the Earth.


And hey, we're so thin with hitters, I'll put Casey Rogowski on my list because I know his cousin and he's a good guy. (In reality, I'd have put Yan here... I like him. He's got what this team don't have... Speed).



Rauch is still #1... I've seen him pitch when healthy and he's flat-out dominant. I think he may bounce back next year (hopefully). Man, that would be a nice arm to add to the rotation.


Kris Honel... Ha ha, I got a hit off you! :finger


Neal Cotts... Like him, just walks to many god damn people. And we know how that ends up


Ryan Wing... Sure.

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Gload.....is awesome!! I saw him play Monday....he is an amazing hitter.


One guy who isn't on ur pitching lists is...Todd Deiniger.. I talked to some scouts after his win... and he was hitting 93 on the gun. He dominated a very potent Rome Braves line-up....hes great.

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This is the first I heard about JoeB's wrist injury. Is it recent?


Re: Bikowski. He's been a consistent .300 hitter all year lonng. I think he gets type cast into a mid level prospect, regardless of what he hits. If a couple of other guys had his stats, he would be the second coming. My question is this: Will he have to be protected on the 40 man roster this winter to avoid exposure to the draft, and is this likely to happen??


If he is NOT protected, I can't imagine him getting through.

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Gload.....is awesome!! I saw him play Monday....he is an amazing hitter.


One guy who isn't on ur pitching lists is...Todd Deiniger.. I talked to some scouts after his win... and he was hitting 93 on the gun. He dominated a very potent Rome Braves line-up....hes great.

He's a Jason Grimsley clone, nice sinker, good off-speed stuff. Walks too many people to be included in the Top 10 for pitchers. Averages 4.88 BB/9, that's pretty bad.

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This is the first I heard about JoeB's wrist injury.  Is it recent?


Re:  Bikowski.  He's been a consistent .300 hitter all year lonng.  I think he gets type cast into a mid level prospect, regardless of what he hits.  If a couple of other guys had his stats, he would be the second coming.  My question is this:  Will he have to be protected on the 40 man roster this winter to avoid exposure to the draft, and is this likely to happen??


If he is NOT protected, I can't imagine him getting through.

I looked deeper into Mr. Bikowski's numbers and found some good and something for concern....


I previously expressed concern for his lack of driving in runs and from what the following numbers tell me, it was more likely a matter of fewer opportunities. In the back of my mind the concern is still there, but I'll let the numbers talk for now....


One thing I found concerning is his home/road splits... He is hitting .407 at home, where typically guys hit worse because the Hoover Met is definitely not a hitters park. To hit well there you have to be able to stay in the gaps, keep it on a lineand not try to hit the ball out of the yard. I can't quite figure why he is only hitting .234 on the road, however. Some I have mixed thoughts on those two numbers.


Finally, the numbers....


TOTALS 99 .319 329 43 105 20 2 2 39 42 55 3 6 7


Home 51 .407 162 27 66 12 2 1 27 24 25 2 3 3

Road 48 .234 167 16 39 8 0 1 12 18 30 1 3 4



as Leadoff .286 84 0 24 2 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0

with Bases Empty .306 180 0 55 10 2 0 0 21 29 0 0 0

Runners on Base .336 149 0 50 10 0 2 39 21 26 0 0 7

Scoring Position .329 79 0 26 5 0 1 35 15 15 0 0 0

Runners with 2 out .328 58 0 19 5 0 1 18 8 10 0 0 0

S/P with 2 outs .366 41 0 15 3 0 1 18 7 7 0 0 0

with Bases Loaded .375 8 0 3 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0

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Jim, I do believe he has to be protected on the 40-man this year, but my guess is he will not. Of course that depends on how many openings they will have.


I don't see Biko as a guy that is susceptible to be picked in the Rule V draft, because I don't think he is ready for the Big Leaugues and it wouldn't help him, at 26 yrs old to spend a year in the Majors on the bench. His age would likely allow the Sox not to protect him.


Like I said before, I think next year is his make or break year.

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I think it's hard to find a real good number five in both categories. Gload's a career triple A and a half guy. Cubs cut him for God's sake. I think Rauch is a real long shot. Eventually you have to say he's had enough time and it just wasn't to be for him. I never bought that line of crap that he's so tall the ball gets on the batter faster. Throw it faster and the ball gets on you faster.

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I think it's hard to find a real good number five in both categories. Gload's a career triple A and a half guy. Cubs cut him for God's sake. I think Rauch is a real long shot. Eventually you have to say he's had enough time and it just wasn't to be for him. I never bought that line of crap that he's so tall the ball gets on the batter faster. Throw it faster and the ball gets on you faster.

If the Cubs cut him, there's hope for him. Remember, they traded Palmeiro because they didn't think he'd have any power.

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You are correct.  Yofu's window of opportunity to make his mark in the Majors is this year and next.  If he doesn't make it by then, then he likely never will.

For what it worth, I read that the Sox may need to call up Yofu in September and get him on the 40 man roster or rixk losing him in the Rule 5 draft. He is 30. Maybe they think he's topped out?

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