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Apps I'd like to see


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I have been dying for a somewhat similar app that allows you to compare prices of booze at package stores. A bottle of rum that one store stocks for $40 can cost $29 somewhere lest than 30 minutes away. And because a bottle on sale on one shelf means a jacked up price on something else a shelf over you can't get the best prices on everything at a single store.


The problem is the army of data loggers and the legwork required to keep up on prices at all of the stores you would want to include. Without having enough of an incentive to have bottle shops opt into a database set and be willing to keep their stock and price database up to date it wouldn't be possible. But, man, it would sure save me some running around.

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QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 11:15 PM)
more apps like plenty of fish. basically get tons of womens in your respective area to send you nudie photos before you even get to date them. Al Bundy's dream.


You're going to Tuscaloosa, you won't need an app, just beer.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Sep 27, 2011 -> 06:54 AM)

Already done... kinda:

CLOO' is a community of registered users who choose to share their bathrooms and make city-living easier, while earning a small profit. Using social media connections, CLOO' shows what friends you have in common with the host, turning a stranger's loo into a friend of a friend's loo.
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QUOTE (Tex @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 05:29 AM)
I like my Gas Buddy ap, but how about Beer Buddy? Users report beer prices around town.

Find Craft Beer is a pretty good app. It doesn't give prices, but it'll find places (bars, restaurants, breweries, stores) that sell craft beer close to you. It gets all its information from users, so it's decent in that respect.

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QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ Sep 30, 2011 -> 06:20 AM)
Find Craft Beer is a pretty good app. It doesn't give prices, but it'll find places (bars, restaurants, breweries, stores) that sell craft beer close to you. It gets all its information from users, so it's decent in that respect.

Cool. I'll download it. Android or iOS?

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QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ Sep 30, 2011 -> 07:20 AM)
Find Craft Beer is a pretty good app. It doesn't give prices, but it'll find places (bars, restaurants, breweries, stores) that sell craft beer close to you. It gets all its information from users, so it's decent in that respect.

I will be testing this app next week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish more apps would make versions available for different devices. I am not talking iOS or Android, but rather make some of these apps still iPod 2nd Gen compatible. I see numerous ones that are iPhone 4G only, and there is really no reason for them to be. I get the ones that have camera use, but the ones that are just stupid programs (like the cool IMDB trailer one) should be open to more devices. I know, they do this to make us upgrade and such, but still, if they can make an app that talking to the aliens in another galaxy, surely an app can be made compatible with all devices. No?

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