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UAW and Ford


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As many will remember I'm a Dem who isn't the biggest fans of unions. However, this seems like a decent win for America and the UAW. Link Ford will add 5,750 entry level jobs that pay $19 per hour. I think the per hour is a little high, but I am living in an area with a cheaper cost of living. I like that it calls for entry level positions, not some bloated middle management type at $100k/year. The company will also invest $4.8 billion in US facilities.

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As a Ford worker currently/local, I'm not going to comment on this at all until our contracts are finalized. With that said.. there is alot of B.S. internally (especially with Ford once again with their "promises" which many of the LTS heard back in 07 [luckily I was hired on much later] being thrown around again, especially with more jobs) and alot of split on this from the workers (pros and cons) and I will leave it at that.

Edited by SoxAce
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