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Profit motive for illegals


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We can't really make any changes, there is too much profit involved in keeping the messed up system. This county got lucky and picked up minimum security prisoners. But for cash strapped counties hoping to fill their cells, tougher illegal immigration enforcement, and keeping the current laws may be their only hope.


Before Sept. 10, the tent city, or “dome structures” housed illegal immigrants and, under an agreement with Management and Training Corp. of Utah, the income the county had hoped to gain from the facility fell far short of expectations, Gonzales said.


The county built the facility, but it is operated by MTC under a contract with the county, Gonzales said.


But a new agreement with MTC to hold U.S. Bureau of Prisons minimum-security inmates, rather than illegal immigrants, includes guarantees for the county that will provide much-needed income to supplement the county budget, Gonzales said.








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