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Winning and Losing Trades


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On this day I don't mind chasing rabbits. What is your definition of winning a trade?


Actually scoring who wins or loses a trade is too subjective to really be debated by discussing actual players and trades. If team A is 50% away from a WS and team B is 5% away and they make a trade where team A improves 35% and team B improves 5% and wins a world series, who won the trade?



Who benefits more? If I improve 20% and you improve 15%, did you really lose the trade? You made your team better. You would have lost if you didn't make the trade. I don't think you can judge how your team does in a trade by judging what you gave away. Did you make your team better with the trade? If you did, then you won the trade. No matter what the piece you gave away does.



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Both sides can win in a trade. if what you get helps you more that what you gave away would, you win. Of course, sometimes hard to tell. Player A might never have actually hit while on your team, but a change of scenery somehow helps them to actually put bat on ball.

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