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The Origin of the 9-9-9 Tax Plan


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Link The mainstream press must be sitting on this . . .

Presidential wanna-be HERMAN CAIN has a closetful of secrets including the bombshell that his trademark “9-9-9” tax plan is based on a video game, The ENQUIRER has learned!


Top political strategists also say the former Godfather’s Pizza boss is des­perately trying to cover up his actual wealth and bury the truth about his battle with cancer.


But Cain’s biggest secret is that his “9-9-9” tax plan is a TOTAL sham, insiders say.


“Cain’s advisers scrambled to come up with his ‘9-9-9’ tax plan simply to make him look like he had a strategy for reigniting the failing economy,” a political source close to his campaign told The ENQUIRER.


“Cain claims to have gotten the plan from a bank employee in Ohio, but it’s really from the tax code used in the SimCity video game.”


In the game,players plan and run virtual cities. Its fourth edition, released in 2003, charges players nine percent for industrial taxes, nine percent for residen­tial taxes and nine percent for commercial taxes, ex­plained the source.


Meanwhile, Cain’s spin doctors are trying to put out multiple fires as he comes un­der attack!


The 65-year-old also down­plays his health problems.


He’s called himself a “cancer miracle” after beating stage 4 colon and liver cancer in 2006, when at one point doctors gave him just a 30 percent chance of survival.


“His medical records will become a big issue,” predicted a political insider, adding Cain may not be fit enough to be President.


The ENQUIRER has also learned Cain is also hiding his enormous net worth – rumored to be $18 million – from everyday Americans!


FOR THE FULL STORY WITH ALL THE DETAILS you won’t find anywhere else – it’s ONLY in the newest ENQUIRER hitting newsstands today!



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QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 3, 2011 -> 01:44 PM)
My favorite line is concerning the enormous net worth of $18 mil, I'm guessing he's one of the poorest of the candidates.

He was the CEO of a fast food company and only took home $18 million? That makes him a complete failure as a CEO. A normal CEO should have taken home 20 times that.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 3, 2011 -> 12:54 PM)
He was the CEO of a fast food company and only took home $18 million? That makes him a complete failure as a CEO. A normal CEO should have taken home 20 times that.



He had all those settlements

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