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A second Iraq War Vet has been put in intensive care this week by Oakland police.




Kayvan Sabehgi, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, is in intensive care with a lacerated spleen. He says he was beaten by police close to the Occupy Oakland camp, but despite suffering agonising pain, did not reach hospital until 18 hours later.


Sabehgi, 32, is the second Iraq war veteran to be hospitalised following involvement in Oakland protests. Another protester, Scott Olsen, suffered a fractured skull on 25 October.


On Wednesday night, police used teargas and non-lethal projectiles to drive back protesters following an attempt by the Occupy supporters to shut down the city of Oakland.


Sabehgi told the Guardian from hospital he was walking alone along 14th Street in central Oakland – away from the main area of clashes – when he was injured.

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Bummer. Maybe this doucher won't go to violent, crime-ridden protests in the future.


And Scott Olsen, the "Marine" who founded the now defunct IhatetheMarineCorps.com and (as annotated on the same site) had drug-related disciplinary issues in the military, was actually injured by projectiles thrown by protesters. Having worn the uniform doesn't make this dickhead a Marine. He was just some punk who caused problems, acted like a brat and got filtered out like the trash he is. Likewise, I wouldn't be calling myself a Soldier if I was some fatass, drug-using dips*** who copped an attitude with every one of my superiors. My ACUs don't make me a Soldier; my attitude and my behavior do.


I don't give a f*** about the Occupiers. I do think they're so incredibly stupid that they make good comic relief. I like watching them riot, and use/sell drugs, and generally misbehave, since it totally discredits their already stupid ideas. Oh and then there's the rapes and death. But that part's not so funny.


They can go out there and protest all they want. But they can't demand any of my hard earned wealth while not contributing on their own. I've seen enough of this protest to know a large majority of them are just the "have nots" being pissy at the "haves". If they left it at simply ending corporate welfare, I'm game. After all, that's true capitalism! Let the good businesses win and the bad ones fail. I'm down with that. But they are carrying a lot of baggage, ranging from ideas that I will never agree with to actions that I despise. And for those reasons, I will never join them.

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So a few misbehaving occupiers allows you to reject all of them, but we're suppose to look past that marine?


People are unemployed, some for a very long time. Yes, they are not paying taxes now, they lost their jobs. Some very good people were out of work for months, even years. They see billions get tossed at corporations who then use predatory practices against them. As Americans they utilize their rights of free speech to protest. Yes, some are really wacked, just like your fellow marine. But there are some with some very valid points, even if I disagree with them. Using the logic I hear from a lot of people, only employed people can protest against unemployment :wacko:


As far as the drug use from this marine, any organization that needs to test 100% of their employee on a monthly basis has a huge problem. He can't be the only one.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 04:28 AM)
So a few misbehaving occupiers allows you to reject all of them, but we're suppose to look past that marine?


People are unemployed, some for a very long time. Yes, they are not paying taxes now, they lost their jobs. Some very good people were out of work for months, even years. They see billions get tossed at corporations who then use predatory practices against them. As Americans they utilize their rights of free speech to protest. Yes, some are really wacked, just like your fellow marine. But there are some with some very valid points, even if I disagree with them. Using the logic I hear from a lot of people, only employed people can protest against unemployment :wacko:


As far as the drug use from this marine, any organization that needs to test 100% of their employee on a monthly basis has a huge problem. He can't be the only one.


Again, I get their base complaints. The economy sucks, unemployment is out the wazoo, banks got bailed out etc. But I fail to see how the answer to high unemployment is to sit in a park for six weeks. And I definitely know that the answer to bank bailouts (which is socialism) is not more socialism. Or communism. And smashing store front windows and fighting the cops and spitting on service members and demanding free college and student loan debt forgiveness and showing other signs of horrible entitlement attitudes isn't going to win respect from me and many other Americans. I've seen too many videos and pictures of these guys to feel like I'm cherrypicking, I've read numerous articles describing the heavy influence of communism at these events, I've even been sent videos of supposedly reasonable protesters who say that we need to focus on the bankers and forget about this "Solyndra nonsense". If these guys were able to concentrate on ending crony capitalism and corruption in government, and not doing it in dirty, absurd ways, I'd possibly be supportive. But alas, that is not the case.


As for drug testing in the Army, we went over this already. And yeah, Olsen isn't the only one. I don't get what your point is there. He's not the only one, and we need to find the others and eliminate them because they don't deserve to be Soldiers. Is it a huge problem? No, because we keep it under control. FYI, there is one guy in my company who is getting chaptered out for drug use. We still need to continue testing to make sure such problems don't arise.

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After the first few weeks, the OWS protests got co-opted by every fringe group out there. You got Commie, Nazis (patrolling the Oakland one with GUNS, but not reported in the MSN) Anarchists, drug dealers, rapists and people just looking for a had out. I think one of the OWS kitchen staff described them as 'Professional bums'. The people who originally had a point are overshadowed by the LARGE amount of crazies that are there now. And how can you take anyone seriously that communicates with 'up twinkles' and 'down twinkles'?

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QUOTE (God Loves The Infantry @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 10:31 AM)
And then there's this. How am I supposed to respect these morons?


You are not suppose to respect that moron. How many of the protesters are also like that moron?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 10:36 AM)
After the first few weeks, the OWS protests got co-opted by every fringe group out there. You got Commie, Nazis (patrolling the Oakland one with GUNS, but not reported in the MSN) Anarchists, drug dealers, rapists and people just looking for a had out. I think one of the OWS kitchen staff described them as 'Professional bums'. The people who originally had a point are overshadowed by the LARGE amount of crazies that are there now. And how can you take anyone seriously that communicates with 'up twinkles' and 'down twinkles'?


Agreed. About the same as the Tea Party.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 09:42 AM)
You are not suppose to respect that moron. How many of the protesters are also like that moron?


In my view, a LOT of them. I'm gonna be here all day if I link every single moron found at these protests.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 12:29 PM)
Im sure that people in England called American revolutionaries morons for protesting taxes from the crown.


If you dont think there is something wrong with our current system, that is fine.


I think there's problems that could be improved upon. I also don't think these idiots have any of the answers. And I absolutely believe that capitalism, while imperfect, is the best system for finding prosperity. Socialism, Marxism and big government are not.


Your analogy is idiotic. In trying to accuse me of being some numbskull who opposes any change whatsoever, you try to guilt trip me by pointing to a group you correctly suspect that I admire. Yet I'm not against change and I'm not against protests. I am, however, against protests launched by morons who have no idea what they're talking about. I don't want the change these assholes want, I don't want the change you want, I don't want the change Obama wants. You guys are clueless. But the American revolutionaries? That's change I could have gotten behind.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 10:43 AM)
Agreed. About the same as the Tea Party.

Tex, the two groups are NOT the same. There is NO equivelency whatsoever. One group respects the law, one breaks it. One worked within the rules, one flaunts them with impunity. One actually has to have permits for security, sanitation and so on, the other gets off scott free. One chases away the fringe LaRouchies when they can and anyone carrying Hitler signs, one encourages it and even has nazis marching with them. One respects commerce one tries to shut it down because to them all capitalism is eeevil. Hate Wall Street and banks all you want. these groups are just a mess.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 02:52 PM)
Tex, the two groups are NOT the same. There is NO equivelency whatsoever. One group respects the law, one breaks it. One worked within the rules, one flaunts them with impunity. One actually has to have permits for security, sanitation and so on, the other gets off scott free. One chases away the fringe LaRouchies when they can and anyone carrying Hitler signs, one encourages it and even has nazis marching with them. One respects commerce one tries to shut it down because to them all capitalism is eeevil. Hate Wall Street and banks all you want. these groups are just a mess.

You realize it'll take me about 13 seconds to fill up a post of tea party Obama=Hitler images, right?







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You love capitalism?


I assume you are for increasing immigration then. Because as Im sure you are aware, capitalism is about the free hand of the market and labor (supply) being regulated by the govt is not capitalism.


Unlike you, Im not just going to throw around insults. You have no idea what I want, you just throw around insults. Im a liberal, like every founding father. You hate liberals, I just assumed that since you hate them, youd hate our founding fathers as well. From your own admission youre a conservative, which at its most basic philosophical level is against change.


I dont support the protests, Im not against the protests. I think people have the right to express themselves, and I think that our system is broken. So if as an unintended consequence change for the better is made due to these protests, that is a good thing.


But through out history, all protestors have been called "morons" (or worse) by the conservatives of the time. English conservatives called American's morons (American revolution was the most liberal movement arguably in the previous thousand years), French aristocrats called the peasants "morons" when they revolted against the inequalities.


So yeah, you can call liberals morons, but your insulting every single American who built this country.



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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 01:40 PM)


You love capitalism?


I assume you are for increasing immigration then. Because as Im sure you are aware, capitalism is about the free hand of the market and labor (supply) being regulated by the govt is not capitalism.


Unlike you, Im not just going to throw around insults. You have no idea what I want, you just throw around insults. Im a liberal, like every founding father. You hate liberals, I just assumed that since you hate them, youd hate our founding fathers as well. From your own admission youre a conservative, which at its most basic philosophical level is against change.


I dont support the protests, Im not against the protests. I think people have the right to express themselves, and I think that our system is broken. So if as an unintended consequence change for the better is made due to these protests, that is a good thing.


But through out history, all protestors have been called "morons" (or worse) by the conservatives of the time. English conservatives called American's morons (American revolution was the most liberal movement arguably in the previous thousand years), French aristocrats called the peasants "morons" when they revolted against the inequalities.


So yeah, you can call liberals morons, but your insulting every single American who built this country.




I'm all for legal immigration. Not illegal immigration. But in your typical fashion, you try to blur that line so you can continue to make your moronic arguments.


You're nothing like the Founding Fathers. Yes, you are a liberal, and in their times, they were liberals too. Like the rest of your ilk, you use word tricks to attach yourself to much better people. The Founding Fathers wanted to change the circumstances in which they found themselves. Yeah, I got that. But that doesn't equate them to you, some big government dirtbag of contemporary times. "Liberal" and "conservative" are relative words that do not stand the test of time in any meaningful manner.


Again, I'm not against change. I think we could change a lot of things. However, I am against change conducted by people such as yourself and the current POTUS. I'm against change for the sake of change, which seems to be what OWS wants. Communism, socialism, anarchy, these things constitute change, but it's not good change.


I support OWS' right to free speech. Even when it's incredibly dumb (and most of it is). That doesn't mean I support the protests. And I certainly don't support the sexual assaults, the violence, the anti-Semitism found there. And I find it impossible to fathom that this movement, without any leaders or organization and no real message, will ever make a positive change in the system. They're just an annoyance, and they'll be gone soon. The last time dirty hippies acted out like this, Republicans held the White House for 20 out of 24 years. So maybe that's positive change after all!


So get the f*** off your high horse. You don't know what you're talking about.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 01:59 PM)
You realize it'll take me about 13 seconds to fill up a post of tea party Obama=Hitler images, right?







Most of them are LaRouchies and they were all asked to LEAVE, not embraced by the rest.

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