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I think adding the vector of left/right here is silly, I really don't think the police response (on a large level) is different due to that. Might an occasional officer act differently for different protests? Maybe, they are human beings. But honestly, the idea that this happened because they are liberal is unfounded in any sort of evidence.


The protesters at UC Davis defied orders to stop trespassing. The police acted, which they needed to. Some of them apparently acted in too escalated a fashion. Seems pretty simple to me.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 22, 2011 -> 12:39 PM)
I think adding the vector of left/right here is silly, I really don't think the police response (on a large level) is different due to that. Might an occasional officer act differently for different protests? Maybe, they are human beings. But honestly, the idea that this happened because they are liberal is unfounded in any sort of evidence.


This is a general theme of police responses to leftist protests, not specific incidents. Leftist protests are frequently met with use of large numbers of riot police. I do not know if partisan political ideology drove that officer to his actions but I'd more readily attribute it to ol' fashioned authoritarianism.


I drew comparisons to the Penn State riot because that was clearly not a partisan political thing.


The protesters at UC Davis defied orders to stop trespassing.


I'd like to know these details a little more. My understanding is that the students had set up a camp site in public space on the UCD quad. They were told by the President of UCD to vacate because they were violating a campus rule against camping or something like that, and at some point the police moved in and began dismantling the camp site. The students then formed a ring on the quad and sat down in nonviolent protest. I'm not sure if they were actually trespassing. I'm not saying that they shouldn't have been removed, I'm just not exactly sure on what ordinance/rule/law or whatever they were violating.


I'll add that a somewhat recent SCOTUS ruling found that an unlawful order by the police is still not grounds to resist legally, so even if they were within their rights to stay there, once the police told them to leave, that's that. At least that's my vague recollection of that case and the application to the current situation.


The police acted, which they needed to. Some of them apparently acted in too escalated a fashion. Seems pretty simple to me.



Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 22, 2011 -> 01:39 PM)
I think adding the vector of left/right here is silly, I really don't think the police response (on a large level) is different due to that. Might an occasional officer act differently for different protests? Maybe, they are human beings. But honestly, the idea that this happened because they are liberal is unfounded in any sort of evidence.

This wouldn't have happened if we had several 320 lb bald white guys toting Ak-47's around every one of our protests.


I can't tell if I'm joking or not.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 22, 2011 -> 01:56 PM)
This wouldn't have happened if we had several 320 lb bald white guys toting Ak-47's around every one of our protests.


I can't tell if I'm joking or not.

See here's the thing though. Tea Party and Occupy have some similarities, but their tactics are entirely different. Tea Party has stuck more or less to law and order, their protests and get-togethers have been largely law-abiding, and they have chosen to use the political system to their gain (instead of just yelling about it). Not to say I agree with the Tea Party platform at all, just pointing out that civil disboedience has been used much more heavily by Occupy.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 22, 2011 -> 02:26 PM)
See here's the thing though. Tea Party and Occupy have some similarities, but their tactics are entirely different. Tea Party has stuck more or less to law and order, their protests and get-togethers have been largely law-abiding, and they have chosen to use the political system to their gain (instead of just yelling about it). Not to say I agree with the Tea Party platform at all, just pointing out that civil disboedience has been used much more heavily by Occupy.


Sure, their protests and gatherings were generally one-day events. #OWS is decidedly different from typical protest movements, left or right.

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:headbang video at the link


Anonymous Fights Pepper Spray With Personal Information

Politics Buzz In response to Lt. John Pike's pepper spraying of UC Davis protestors, the international hacking group Anonymous has put out this video urging people to flood his home phone, cell, email, office, and mail box with messages condemning his actions. What do you think? Is this a fair response to an officer's use of pepper spray?



2,498 people like this. Be the first of your friends. Greetings police forces of the world. We are Anonymous.


Since the beginning of the Occupy movement we have watched as police violence toward the otherwise peaceful protestors has steadily increased. Your brutalization of our citizens is both unjust and uncalled for. Your raids on our encampments and the illegal actions of corrupt officers within your ranks will no longer go unpunished.


Any officer found to be guilty of these crimes against peaceful protestors will be doxed and have their personal information released to the public. It is time you take a dose of your own medicine and stop hiding behind your badge.


U. C. Davis Campus Police, Lieutenant John Pike.




You pepper sprayed a crowd of peaceful students sitting on the ground. You are a coward, and a bully.


A tool of the corrupt.


A puppet for your masters.


Citizens of the world, *REDACTED*










Flood his phones, email and mailbox to voice your anger.


Flood the campus of U.C. Davis.


Flood the streets of the world and stand up for your rights, and against injustice.


We are Anonymous.


We Are Legion.


We do not forgive.


We do not forget.


Expect us!




Edited by NorthSideSox72
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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 23, 2011 -> 09:22 PM)
:headbang video at the link



So this is what happens when the unemployed basement dwellers get angry, they become the virtual jerky boys. I wonder if their mommy's and daddy's would get upset if people cranked their houses and sent pizza's to them. There are ways that this gets dealt with, acting like an ass is not one of them. The occupy movement is so trying to be the 60's protestors. Except they are going through the motions. And this so called internet group is trying to hack the gibson, yet their weapon is a google search and online record repositories.





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Person 1: HEY! Some college students got pepper sprayed when it really wasn't necessary!

Person 2: Those right-wing bastards!

Person 1: Wait, what?

Person 3: Those college kids were standing up for their liberal freedoms!

Person 1: Again, what? Why are we making this about politics?


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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Nov 23, 2011 -> 09:58 PM)
So this is what happens when the unemployed basement dwellers get angry, they become the virtual jerky boys. I wonder if their mommy's and daddy's would get upset if people cranked their houses and sent pizza's to them. There are ways that this gets dealt with, acting like an ass is not one of them. The occupy movement is so trying to be the 60's protestors. Except they are going through the motions. And this so called internet group is trying to hack the gibson, yet their weapon is a google search and online record repositories.



Uh anonymous had done a bit more than google searches

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 23, 2011 -> 11:13 PM)
Uh anonymous had done a bit more than google searches


Anonymous aren't doing much more than using other peoples scripts or code, and DDOS attacks to "hack". That's not hacking. At best, it's script-kiddie cracking.


Also, punish the officer *IF* it's officially determined he did something wrong. In this case, if it's determined he didn't, punish the people who write the laws, which WE elect.


What should you NOT punish?


The officers family.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Nov 24, 2011 -> 08:17 AM)
Anonymous aren't doing much more than using other peoples scripts or code, and DDOS attacks to "hack". That's not hacking. At best, it's script-kiddie cracking.


Also, punish the officer *IF* it's officially determined he did something wrong. In this case, if it's determined he didn't, punish the people who write the laws, which WE elect.


What should you NOT punish?


The officers family.



If he did something wrong, discipline him. If the department refuses to discipline him appropriately, then target the department with protests, calls (reasonable ones with controlled language), votes, etc.


These things don't need to be personal. His address and phone number don't need to be put out there and encouraging harassment or even violence against him or his family by putting his personal info out there is just terrible.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 24, 2011 -> 07:40 PM)
I edited your post, BS. You want to go put this guy's info out there on Facebook or whatever, fine, that is your choice. But don't do it here.


My apologies. In hindsight that was a poor use of judgement.

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QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 28, 2011 -> 11:13 AM)
At this point the movement is costing themselves support for anything and everything they may have been protesting for.

In what regard?


the real problem the movement is facing is the very thing they're protesting against.


people b**** that there's no clear "message" and that it's unorganized, but that's precisely because the only way for the masses to hear anything about the movement is via the main stream media. Now... who runs the MSM? The big corporations that OWS is against! So obviously they're not going to present information that displays OWS in anything close to a positive light.


There's close to zero coverage of it anymore, but not because it's stopped. Did you all know that the protesters from NYC walked to DC to occupy congress? I feel like that's an interesting news story... oh wait - it didn't get covered.


There's plenty going on, but the GOP runs the news networks, (and in the rare case it's not the GOP it IS a rich corporation) so we're not going to hear about it. That's the real problem they're facing. If they can circumvent that - the majority of Americans would rally behind them. After all, that said majority already favors the things OWS is championing.


Just about getting the message out.

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In what regard?


the real problem the movement is facing is the very thing they're protesting against.


people b**** that there's no clear "message" and that it's unorganized, but that's precisely because the only way for the masses to hear anything about the movement is via the main stream media. Now... who runs the MSM? The big corporations that OWS is against! So obviously they're not going to present information that displays OWS in anything close to a positive light.


There's close to zero coverage of it anymore, but not because it's stopped. Did you all know that the protesters from NYC walked to DC to occupy congress? I feel like that's an interesting news story... oh wait - it didn't get covered.


There's plenty going on, but the GOP runs the news networks, (and in the rare case it's not the GOP it IS a rich corporation) so we're not going to hear about it. That's the real problem they're facing. If they can circumvent that - the majority of Americans would rally behind them. After all, that said majority already favors the things OWS is championing.


Just about getting the message out.


10000000% agreed with this. It isn't getting covered because the MSM doesn't want to... You know who is covering it... TYT Nation. it seems the only non-bought off News outlet.

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Not covering it? You guys can't be serious. It was all over the news, and it is still there but to a lesser extent, because it is no longer "new". But it is still being covered by the major outlets.


And as for getting their word out, they are actually better at this than the Tea Party was, because Occupy is much more social media-savvy.


They come off as unclear because they ARE. Its pretty simple. They have a general gripe about bank bailouts and income inequality, and everyone knows that. Beyond that it gets fuzzy, because they are by nature sort of a leaderless movement.


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